At this moment, Dragon Ant wanted to cry.

The three of them had spent the strength of 9 Bulls and 2 Tigers to catch the Bulls alive and dangerously.

In order to achieve this, Dragon Ant even exhibited two Heaven defying God Level Forbidden Techniques at the same time, and almost let himself fall into the dying Realm!

The reason why Dragon Ant is so is not to want to devour a Half God and make yourself stronger?

But now, after they successfully captured Niu Li, Dragon Ant suddenly realized that because Niu Li ’s cultivation base is too much beyond himself, if it is swallowed, it will most likely cause himself to be blown out by the powerful body , Very dangerous!

In other words, the current Dragon Ant cannot safely devour a Half God!

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is too bad!”

Dragon Ant’s face was so dull that the hysterical roared loudly.

The emotional turmoil once again caused Dragon Ant’s trauma.

As a result, he “pu pu pu” squirted a mouthful of blood, and almost did not vomit himself to death.

After seeing this scene, Niu Li was surprised for a moment, then immediately burst into laughter!

“Hahaha, after all, ants are ants, and they will always be a waste junk! Huh, how can you waste this waste like you? You know, I’m a Half God! A very powerful Half God!”

Niu Liying was crazy loudly said, and seemed to have recovered a small life.

However, after hearing these words from Niu Li, Dragon Ant’s face suddenly became gloomy, and Aura was violently turbulent, as if he had suffered great shame!

A series of obscure and icy killings turned out to be a weird black mist directly from Dragon Ant, revealing the evil aura!

Dragon Ant’s eyes, like a poisonous needle, seemed to be able to stare Niu Li directly!

Dragon Ant gnashing teeth, just stare at Niu Li!

One second, two seconds, five seconds, ten seconds!

There is anger in the eyes, there is a killing intent, there is a determination, there is conceit!


The next moment, Dragon Ant even took a breath! tqr1

Niu Li’s body suddenly turned into a stream of light and was swallowed into the belly by Dragon Ant!

Seeing the scene in front of them, Long Hao and Long Tian’s faces changed at the same time, very surprised.

“En? Did you really devour him? Are you courting death?”

Long Tian asked solemnly, and there was a sense of intolerance in his eyes. He worried that the next one, Dragon Ant’s body would be blasted directly!

Dragon Ant’s face became paler in an instant, and there were fine sweat beads on his face.

I saw his teeth clenched, his body trembling slightly, and he seemed to be suffering great pain!

“Hmph! Trifling a Half God, dare to humiliate me so much? You dare to look down on me can’t swallow him? How can I tolerate such a thing? Otherwise, what is my dignity? My old face Where is it? “

Dragon Ant said hard, saying lowly.

“Oh! Bang! Pu!”

In just a few moments, on Dragon Ant’s body, many terrifying cracks with deep visible bones suddenly burst out!

Scarlet-red’s blood, like a spring water, radiates out, and it seems very bad!

Even his life, aura, was instantly reduced to the weakest state, and it seemed to disappear completely at any time!


Long Hao brows tightly knit, his face was very heavy.

He has seen that the current situation of Dragon Ant is extremely bad.

Anyway, Niu Li is a real Half God.

Even if suppressed by Heavenly Dao from this World, his true strength is very low.

But the energy contained in his within the body is still terrifying, so much!

With Dragon Ant’s current cultivation base and strength, rushing to devour it, without dying immediately, it is already a big miracle!

“Will I help you go back in time and make you choose again?”

Long Hao said earnestly, and was instantly ready to perform “time countercurrent” at any time!

“No need!”

Dragon Ant said hard.

I saw that his eye socket broke, and continued with his strongest will.

“Hmph! I do n’t believe it, I ca n’t even trifling a Half God! If that ’s the case, would n’t I be too wasteful? Also, danger lurks within the riches and honour! Since I want to get more How powerful is it without sacrificing it! “

Dragon Ant is proud!

His belief is also extremely firm!

Otherwise, how could he in the previous life achieve extreme achievements and become the World Lord of Myriad Monster Divine World?

Of course, Dragon Ant’s aptitiude is equally heaven defying and not inferior to Long Hao.

In addition, he has rich experience and means.

“Ultimate Forbidden Technique, Asura Twin!”

At this moment, Dragon Ant has exhausted his last strength and exhibited this Forbidden Technique again!


Behind the human form Dragon Ant, a huge Dragon Ant body appears instantly!

In fact, after the display of the “Asura Double Body” this God Level Forbidden Technique by Dragon Ant, the two bodies appearing are both the real main body of Dragon Ant!

That’s right, this Forbidden Technique can perfectly divide the caster into two and become two identical main bodies!

The same existence, the same Primordial Spirit, the same soul!

Even if you kill any of them, the other one can continue to survive as the main body of the caster, and it will hardly be affected!

This cultivation technique is just heaven defying!

Otherwise, how can it be called God Level Forbidden Technique?

And one of the top four Forbidden Techniques among the four Divine Worlds!

Of course, every Forbidden Technique has some restrictions.

And the limitation of this “Asura twin” is the need to directly burn the source!

That’s why, after applying this Forbidden Technique before Dragon Ant, you will be hurt by such a huge backlash!

At this moment, when Dragon Ant exhibits this Forbidden Technique, it is equivalent to one more person!

In this way, it is equivalent to having two Dragon Ants to “digest” the cow ceremony together!

In this case, the pressure and risk to each Dragon Ant will be reduced by half!

“En? Is it really effective?”

Long Tian flashed his eyes and said with relief.

When Dragon Ant exhibited the “Asura Double Body”, the terrifying cracks on his body really did not increase.

However, Long Hao on the side is still tightly knit, and he is very dignified.

Because he found that although Dragon Ant’s injuries no longer continued to worsen, with Dragon Ant’s current cultivation base and strength, it was impossible to “digest and absorb” the energy of Niu Li within the body!

After all, the gap in the cultivation base between the two is really too big.

Because of the suppression of realm, the current Dragon Ant can’t assimilate the energy released by Niu Li into its own use!

However, next moment, a scene that made Long Hao and Long Tian even more worried, suddenly appeared!

In the abdomen of human form Dragon Ant, a bulge suddenly appeared, bulging from left to right, there seems to be something to break out of the belly!

“Asshole! Mi ants! Do you really dare to devour a Half God? It’s just delusional! Next, see if I don’t blast your belly directly and kill you?”

The voice of Niu Li suddenly spread from the belly of human form Dragon Ant!

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