“Damn! If I can’t run the profound strength, my fleshhy body defense will weaken greatly! In this way, wouldn’t I be more dangerous! No, such things can never happen!”

As soon as Niu Li’s gaze was fixed and his teeth were biting, he had to pull out the black finger nails that had been inserted into his body.

However, at this time, the huge black lance of six paint blacks has also arrived!

“pu pu pu! ”

After ten finger nails sealed Niu Li’s entire founding strength, his fleshhy body defense had weakened greatly.

At this time, the six lacquer black huge lances, with no difficulty breaking through Niu Li’s fleshhy body defense, pierced his body!


A hysterical roar!

Niu Li ’s eye socket is cracked, killing intent is skyrocketing, I hope I can’t swallow the damn ant directly!

But at this moment, Niu Li don’t say to kill Dragon Ant, even his body can’t move!

Because, the six lacquered black lances have pierced his limbs, as well as his heart and brows, and nailed him into the void!

Especially the two lances nailed to his brow and heart, one sealed his spirit strength and one closed his blood essence!

The other four lances sealed his limbs!

In this way, Niu Li ’s profound strength, Divine Ability, spirit strength, blood essence, and even the entire fleshhy body are completely sealed off and cannot move!

However, Half God’s life strength is really tenacious.

Even after being pierced through the heart and brows, they still do not die and are still struggling.

It’s a pity that almost all of his powers have been banned, how can he break free?

It’s just a waste of effort that’s all.

“Did it finally succeed?”

Seeing this scene, Long Tian said slightly in relief.

His face was a little pale, and Aura became much weaker.

Just in order to limit Niu Li with “Ultimate Soul Paralysis”, Long Tian burned too many sources and suffered great backlash.

“It should succeed!”

Long Hao slightly nodded, said quietly.

In this battle, Long Hao not at all exhibited his most extreme trump card, so there was no damage.

As for Dragon Ant, it was laughing out loud, extremely excited and excited.

“Haha haha! Success! We really succeeded! With our current strength, we actually caught a real Half God! We have heaven defying too? With our current cultivation base and strength, we can have this The record is simply a miracle! “

Niu Li’s eye socket cracked, glaring at the three and snarling indignantly: “Dirty! You despicable assholes! How can you succeed if you don’t use such despicable means? Dare you let me be free and fight a fair one? I will definitely swallow you and each and kill them completely! “

“Are you stupid?” Dragon Ant looked at Niu Li with a look of an idiot, and said very disdainfully: “A scheme is also a manifestation of strength! Since we use a scheme to catch you alive, it is enough to explain our Powerful. As for you? There is a powerful strength in the air, but a pig-like brain. The limbs are developed and the mind is simple. Such words are used to describe you! “

“you you!”

Niu shivered in polite manner, and then roared, struggling even harder, and seemed to want to be released from the town of Dragon Ant.

Niu Li’s strength is indeed terrifying.

Even though all the energies of the whole body were blocked, under his strenuous efforts, those black lances and finger nails stabbed on him still buzzed and trembled. It seemed that the next moment would be broken away by him!

But in fact, neither the lance nor the finger nails seemed to be very firm!

“Hahaha, you’re struggling! My method of banning is the highest level of God Level Forbidden Technique, formidable power heaven defying! Even with my current cultivation base strength, once the success is achieved, even the true gods Can’t break free! Not to mention you a little Half God? “

Dragon Ant was so terrified, he said crookedly there.

However, talking about it, Dragon Ant began to spray blood, his face paled, and even Aura was quickly weakening!


Behind the human form Dragon Ant, the giant Dragon Ant body disappears directly.

The human form Dragon Ant itself shakes its body and almost falls to the ground.

“En? How are you doing?”

Long Hao frowned, asked with a little interest.

“Fuck, the backlash is too serious! It almost made me fall into dying Realm! Fortunately, we successfully caught this bastard alive, otherwise, I will lose a lot!” Tqr1

Dragon Ant wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth with his back, said foul-mouthed.

In fact, the two cultivation techniques exhibited by Dragon Ant just now, “Asura Double Body” and “Trapped Dragon Nails” are top God Level Forbidden Techniques!

It belongs to the same level as Long Hao’s Five Great God Level Forbidden Techniques.

Otherwise, how could there be such a formidable power of heaven defying?

Therefore, when Dragon Ant exhibits these two Forbidden Techniques at the same time and urges them to the extreme, the resulting backlash is also extremely terrifying.

Especially “sleepy dragon nails”!

In order to perform successfully, in addition to using Dragon Ant’s own flesh as the price, it also needs to lose a lot of blood essence and a part of Soul Power!

In this way, the origin of itself will be seriously damaged.

“Not worth it! Hehe, as long as I will devour this Half God after a while, all the Origin Injury I have received before will be healed all the more! It will allow my true strength to be greatly improved!”

Dragon Ant looked at Niu Li and said very excitedly. Even drool came out.

When Niu Li saw Dragon Ant’s expression and heard Dragon Ant’s words, her hair instantly became hairy.

“Damn ant, what did you just say? Are you going to devour me?”

Niu Li’s eyes opened instantly, and he asked in a terrified voice.

In his deep in one’s heart, the bad hunch became stronger.

Niu Li knew that the other party was not lying to scare him!

Otherwise, why should the other party take so much trouble to catch himself alive?

You know, no matter what kind of battlefield, catching the enemy alive is always more difficult and dangerous than killing the enemy!

“Hehe! That’s right! Next, I’ll devour you right away! Fear it, hate it! Haha haha!”

Dragon Ant said spitefully, it seemed even more evil than the real demons.

In fact, Dragon Ant of the previous life is itself one of the Biggest Evil Gods in this Universe Space-Time!

However, Long Tian at the side looked at Dragon Ant with a disdainful look, and said quietly, “Have you ever figured out how to devour this guy? Don’t forget, this is a Half God after all, he The cultivation base is too much beyond you. If you rush to swallow it, if the violent energy is accidentally out of control, it is likely to blast your body directly! “


Dragon Ant froze there for a moment, with a miserable look!

“Damn! How can I ignore this most important piece! How can I devour such a fellow?”

“Fuck, am I too mean?”

Dragon Ant mourned, and seemed very upset.

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