Five minutes before the super level explosion erupted.

That’s when Guiming just retreated.

Air Giant City.

On the endless high altitude near the air giant city, not only soaring the five Half Gods like Long Hao and Nangong Huan, Gui Kang, but also staying here.

Seeing Guiming abruptly withdraw, Guikang and others suddenly became complexion ashen, their eyes were extremely gloomy.

They were very angry.

Because, once the ghosts withdraw, and then want to deal with Long Hao and others, it must be one of them.

In this way, the people who are bombarded by the ultimate Heavenly Dao will most likely be one of them.

But now, they don’t want to withdraw so dimly like ghosts.

Because they have long realized that the strength of Long Hao is too terrifying to increase the speed.

If this Human Race boy cannot be killed today, I am afraid that it will not be long before they can directly kill them.

If that happens, it’s too late, even if you regret it!

“Damn! That asshole, usually looks pretty tough. I thought he would be like Hu Sheng, perish with that Human Race asshole. I didn’t expect it to run away in such a shameful way! It was so shameless It’s up! “

The black pimple face was somber, said foul-mouthed.

“Hmph! I suggest that we suppress this bastard and their Race together! Dare to betray our alliance, such a guy, we must not let him go!”

Niu Li’s eyes were so cold that he said coldly.

“This stupid man actually bowed his head to the enemy? Did he think he could escape a tribulation this way? Tsk tsk, I now hope, that Human Race cultivator’s words were true! They were engraved on the Divine Artifact ‘ The self destruction restriction in the “Swallow Bowl” is true! In that case, the ghost will die! This is the miserable end for the betrayer! “

The storm channel gritted his teeth, cursing fiercely. Expect the ghost to die immediately.

Gui Kang is frowned, glanced at the storm canal, and sighed softly, “Unfortunately, your thoughts will never become reality. You know, even for us, it is impossible to make a complete Divine. Artifact, real self destruction. What’s more, a Human Race trash with only true mystery level? I see that the Human Race trash is simply self-defeating, originally intended to use this opportunity to cheat ghosts, but was beaten somebody at their own game, claiming a Divine Artifact directly! “

Five Half Gods, just like that, you talked fiercely about the evacuation of ghosts, and ignored Long Hao and Nangong Huan aside.

Of course, they didn’t really ignore Long Hao.

Instead, none of them want to revisit this topic first!

Because, once any of them first mentions this topic again, they will be oppressed by other people’s language. When the time comes, they will most likely be themselves.

They don’t want to take any chances, so they are all in the dark middle rank for others to actively mention this topic!

At that time, they are using every language and means to force each other to do something.

As for Long Hao and Nangong Huan, they just stayed there quietly, seemingly waiting for something to happen.

In this way, five minutes passed quickly.

The next moment, the terrifying ripples of terrifying power, instantly passed from the air of endless distance!

Although the center of the explosion is far enough from here, the ripples of power are still not weak!

Its formidable power is comparable to the full blow of Tian Xuan cultivator and even Wang Xuan Jing cultivator!

“Boom long long long!”

The whole land, mountains and rivers, collapsed and destroyed!

Like a world extinguishing disaster! tqr1

In the blink of an eye, within the field of vision, all the earth was destroyed and disintegrated.

I do n’t know how many thousands of 10,000 metres there are in the destroyed land? Or tens of thousands of 10,000 metres?

“Peng peng peng bang!”

The stars in the sky exploded into pieces and disappeared.

In an instant, there were dozens of millions of incomparable gigantic stars, which were annihilated and disappeared.

There is no light every day, and the earth is dark!

The whole sky seems to have cracked!

Even those Half Gods, who were impacted on the body by such terrifying power ripples, could not avoid a heart palpitation and were affected a lot.

As for Long Hao and Nangong Huan, it is even worse.

Under the impact of the mighty ripples, Long Hao paled instantly and seemed very uncomfortable.

Nangong Huan, even more directly a mouthful of blood, seems to have been hit hard.

Even the entire giant city in the sky was shaking slightly, and a “crackle” sound was emitted on the outer protective great array.

If it were n’t for the defensive great array of the aerial giants, enough heaven defying, the entire aerial giant would be completely destroyed in an instant,

Hundreds of drops of False Week Water are completely peeled off, resulting in the strength of Annihilation, which is such terrifying.

Even with a distance of five thousand 10,000 metres, it can still produce such a huge power of destruction.

However, although Long Hao and Nangong Huan were shocked by their biggest, their expressions were extremely gratifying.

“Hahaha, Master, that ghost, should have been killed by you, right? Plus this one, a total of eight Half Gods, but you have killed three of them! There are five left, which must be this too That kind of result! “

Nangong Huan wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, said moved towards Long Hao sound transmission, and seemed very excited.

Nine Evil God descendants, a total of eight Half God.

Mu Zun, Hu Sheng, Guiming.

Today, three people have been killed by Long Hao alone.

Long Hao ordered nodded, sound transmission said: “Yes! Since the Phantom Clone detonated those False Week Water, it means that Divine Artifact ‘Tengtian bowl’ was still in the hands of the Half God. Five hundred drops of False Week Water’s strength of Annihilation, let alone a Half God, even a true god can be injured. “

After talking about this, Long Hao’s expression was somewhat down. And long sighed.

Because the XNUMX drops of False Week Water were stripped away, there were XNUMX drops of Week Water and XNUMX drops of Nether Water.

Among them, the “Annihilated Origin” and “Death Origin” scattered away are enough to make the land with a radius of several 100,000 10,000 meters permanently become a dead land!

At that time, there will be no more souls to survive on this land.

Unless, their cultivation base can reach Profound Fighter!

However, in this Azure Barn Spirit World, there are several creatures who can break through to the Black Tortoise and become a true Profound Fighter?

Because of this, easily, Long Hao will not use this super level Great Killing Artifact!

On the other side, Gui Kang and others were there for a long time, their eyes were shocked and extremely shocked.

“Damn! What the hell just happened? Why is there such a huge ripple of mighty power? And, in that direction, isn’t it the direction of the ghostly evacuation?”

Niu Li widened a pair of bull’s-eyes, shocked loudly said.

“Fuck! Is that Human Race ’s self destruction restriction in that Divine Artifact real? Did it really detonate that Divine Artifact? Otherwise, how could there be such a huge strength of Annihilation? Doesn’t that mean that ghost bastard is dead? “

The storm channel is loudly said with an unbelievable look.

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