Thinking of this, Guiming immediately let go of all his mind, and let Long Hao set restriction on himself, without any worries.

Because he believed with great confidence that no matter what restrictions Long Hao engraved on him, he wouldn’t hurt himself at all, it was just a waste of effort!

On the contrary, Long Hao himself, as long as he puts two Divine Artifact houses on himself, when the ghosts detonate Divine Artifact, Long Hao will definitely die!

But next moment, the ghost immediately stood there.

Because, the restriction of Long Hao is not directly set on him. It’s set on one of the Divine Artifacts that he gave to Long Hao before, that “Swallowing Bowl”!

Ghostly hesitated, and then hesitantly asked, “Fuck, what exactly do you want to do? Didn’t you say that you should set a ban on it? What use do you set restriction on that Divine Artifact? No, you don’t plan to ask for this Divine Artifact. Give him back to me? “

Long Hao actually ordered nodded and said, “That’s why, I really want to return this Divine Artifact to you! However, although my restriction is engraved on this Divine Artifact, its function is, For you! “

Guiming was even more confused, and said more puzzled: “How is it possible? All restrictions do not only work on the bearer? You engraved the restriction on the” Butterfly Bowl “, and its bearer is the” Butterfly Bowl ” Not me! How could the effect be on me? “

Long Hao said: “I just said that this restriction is for you! It is not directly on you!”

Ghostly rolled the eyes, saying: “Isn’t this the same? But I still don’t understand what you mean!”

Long Hao smiled wickedly and said evilly: “My restriction on this Divine Artifact is that once you violate the agreement we set out at the beginning, it will directly self-destruct and blow you to death!”


After hearing Long Hao’s words, the ghostly complexion became instantly complicated!

“What’s the situation? Isn’t this what I intend to do? Obviously I want to use Divine Artifact’s self destruction to blow you to death! Why now, in turn, you want to use this Divine Artifact’s self destruction to come Blow me up? “

Ghostly whispered in the heart.

But at the next moment, his mind flashed a single thought head: “No, this bastard is definitely hitting me now! With his cultivation base strength means, it is absolutely impossible to detonate Divine Artifact directly! Even me, want It took a hundred years to engraving self destruction great array on two Divine Artifacts! And it only took him a few minutes, how could he really detonate Divine Artifact! He must be deceiving me and scaring me! He knows that after returning Divine Artifact to me, I am definitely not willing to discard it! So using this shattered excuse, let me refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and dare not deal with him at will! , That being the case, I’m beating somebody at their own game! “

Thinking of this, Guiming directly ordered nodded, and said, “Since so, you can engraved such a restriction on the” Tiantian bowl “! Rest assured, I will definitely bring this Divine Artifact on my body! In this way, I can also express my sincerity for peace! “

Long Hao smiled faintly and said, “You can rest assured, I believe in you!”

In fact, Guiming’s guess was correct at all.

With Long Hao’s current cultivation base, strength, and methods, it does not have the ability to directly detonate Divine Artifact!

The words that Long Hao just said, as well as the so-called restriction, are also used by Long Hao to cheat ghosts.

However, Long Hao didn’t do this to limit ghosts! It is to paralyze the ghost and let him carelessly, so as to ignore Long Hao’s real scheme!

Long Hao believes that as long as everything goes well, it won’t be long before you can kill this Half God!

As for the method to kill ghosts?

Quite simply, it was the Divine Artifact “Swallow the Sky Bowl” that just used to blow up the ghost!

Although Long Hao couldn’t detonate Divine Artifact, it could hide One Phantom Clone in it, and then strip off hundreds of drops of False Week Water!

As long as the conditions are mature, this Phantom Clone can kill him completely like the Half God Muzun who killed Mura Race last time!

“Thousand Kill Sealing Town, lift!”

When Long Hao returned the Divine Artifact to the ghost ghost, he immediately lifted the Thousand Kill Sealing Town that had been trapping the ghost ghost.

At the same time, the strength of Heaven’s Punishment acting on the ghostly ghosts disappeared immediately.

Without the erosion of the strength of Heaven’s Punishment, Guiming immediately felt relieved!

The terrifying wounds that had been eroded before, healed at a rate of terrifying visible to the naked eye!

In a short while, he was fully recovered!

“Hu-hahaha, still free state!”

Guiming exhaled one mouthful of impure air, saying with great emotion.

Long Hao lightly snorted, coldly said: “Now, I have set you free! So, do you retreat directly according to your own words? Or violate your contract, continue to fight with me and kill me?”

Guiming hehe smiled and said, “I’m not stupid! Those bastards are watching around, let me kill you? I’m not willing to continue doing such an idiot! Rest assured, I will evacuate now!”

Just after the words fell, the ghostly silhouette had disappeared from its place!

He exhibited extremely fast, trying to get away from here as fast as possible, and then detonated another Divine Artifact “Star Hammer” left by Long Hao and killed it!

“Ten 10,000 metres!”

“Fifty 10,000 metres!”

“One hundred 10,000 metres!”

Guiming ran away at a rapid speed while meditating in his heart!

He intends to detonate the “Star Hammer” as soon as he leaves XNUMX million meters!

At that time, not only Long Hao will die, but also nearby Turtle Kang and others will encounter the Great Tribulation. Even if it doesn’t die, you have to take off a thick layer of skin.

However, just when he counted five thousand 10,000 metres, a strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared to his mind!

And the source of the sense of crisis is precisely the Divine Artifact “Swallow the Sky Bowl” in his hand! tqr1

“Fuck! Damn, how is this possible? Does that Human Race bastard say it’s true? The restriction he carved on the bowl of devour can really detonate this Divine Artifact?”

Ghost Shock exclaimed.

While saying this sentence, he directly took out the “Swallow Bowl”, exerted all his strength, and threw it out as hard as possible!

Unfortunately, it is already late.

Hundreds of drops of False Week Water have been completely peeled off from the Phantom Clone hidden in the “Swallow Bowl”!


A violent explosion almost destroyed Heaven and Earth.

And the center of the explosion, a real Divine Artifact, a Half God, was destroyed.

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