Lu Jingxuan saw that the fire-type ability touched the dung beetle's shell, but he didn't even ignite the dung beetle's shell. He jumped up desperately, grabbed the sword in his hand and plunged deeply into the center of the red light, then pulled it out and plunged in.

It turned out that when the sword was pierced at the beginning, Lu Jingxuan just tried to pierce its heart or the place where the nerve center existed, and was not sure what effect it would have.

So the sword was actually missed, and it was not enough to kill the dung beetle.

But this time the dung beetle lost its ability to move, and it was very easy to aim at its chest to make up for it.

The red light suddenly lit up, and then gradually dimmed. This time, it didn't flicker again, but it didn't go out completely either.

The dung beetle moved more and more slowly, and finally became completely motionless.

Song Fengfu was not sure if it was pretending to be dead, and approached it with a trace of vigilance.

But the dung beetle has no intention of violently hurting people.

She poked its body with the tip of the knife, but it still didn't move, the body was indeed lifeless.

Lu Jingxuan's hands and arms were corroded by the dung beetle's blood, and the bones were visible deep down, and he was in urgent need of medical treatment.

Song Fengfu quickly took out the spiritual spring water from the space, Fortunately, I didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Well, in your opinion, if I'm not dead, I'm not seriously injured, right? Lu Jingxuan smiled faintly, watching the water from the spiritual spring pouring on his hands.

In an instant, the original wound disappeared, and the flesh grew back.

The spiritual spring water in Song Fengfu's space is the spiritual spring water left by the ancient gods, which is very helpful for healing wounds.

Come on, you think you are He Yufan, do you really want to wait until the time when you are dead and become a zombie before you say you are not seriously injured? Song Fengfu rolled his eyes.

Doesn't this guy know that he will be sad when he dies?

Under the dual effects of the spirit spring water and the energy of the zombie, Lu Jingxuan's wound had fully healed in a short time.

Lu Jingxuan looked at his intact arm and raised a slight smile, Fortunately, I didn't become disabled, otherwise I would really be laughed at to death.

What are you thinking, you. Dare to become disabled with me? Song Fengfu looked at Lu Jingxuan's arm, and there was a faint scar on the originally smooth arm.

Although it was very shallow, it made Song Fengfu feel a little prickly.

After all, it is your own man, how can you not feel distressed when you see the injury?

Yes, my wife, I don't dare to become disabled, that's fine. Lu Jingxuan didn't expect that dealing with a dung beetle would become so difficult this time.

In the past, he thought that zombies were particularly easy to deal with, but this time Lu Jingxuan found that his abilities could not be compared with He Yufan's at all.

Maybe it's because he's not a zombie, or maybe it's because his determination is different from He Yufan's. In short, Lu Jingxuan feels that he must train himself well from now on.

That's about the same. Song Fengfu snorted softly, with a smile on her pretty face.

After resting for a while, Song Fengfu turned her head and began to study the dung beetle's body.

Jing Xuan, this bug is weird.

Song Fengfu stared at the body of the dung beetle. Although the red light on the dung beetle's chest was no longer causing trouble, it was still flickering faintly.

It's just that the blood in the dung beetle's body hasn't flowed out completely, and the power of the corrosive sticky blood is obvious to all, so they can't get close to it for the time being.

Although there is spiritual spring water that can heal wounds, since the crisis is over, there is no need to waste spiritual spring water for curiosity.

Is that the red light?

Lu Jingxuan also noticed something special.

Because they have found red zombie beads from the dung beetle's body.

Well, Jingxuan, don't you find it strange? Since we have taken out the red zombie beads, why does this dung beetle still emit light? Song Fengfu remembers that whether it is a zombie's head or an insect's head, the zombie beads will always exist in the In these heads.

There is indeed a big problem. Lu Jingxuan said with a solemn expression.

You know, the scarab species does not have the ability to repair itself after adulthood, and the dung beetle is a representative of them. But when you hurt it last night... Song Fengfu didn't know why it appeared in her mind Say the word scarab.

It has the ability of self-healing, even in the state of dying! Lu Jingxuan suddenly felt that he knew what Song Fengfu was going to say.

That's right, and it can also use corrosive blood to form a barrier for itself to protect the injured body. Song Fengfu's beautiful eyes stared at Lu Jingxuan's newly recovered arm: If I'm not wrong, it doesn't Such a self-healing and protective ability must have some kind of external force to help it possess this ability.

Lu Jingxuan stretched out his arms to embrace Song Fengfu.

This woman is really smart.

So, the only weirdness is here, Song Fengfu pointed to the position of the dung beetle's chest.

Who has anyone seen such a strange thing on a bug? I think it was inserted into it by someone, or it swallowed it by itself.

Of course, one thing she didn't mention but she knew the most was that the viscous blood that the bug kept flowing out could attract zombies. Maybe it's the blood, but it could also be the red unidentified object... isn't it?

That bug looks like an ordinary dung beetle, how can it have the ability to gather zombies to collect energy to strengthen itself?

Fengfu, are you going to take it out? Lu Jingxuan suddenly had a bad feeling, as if something was about to happen.

Why not? Maybe it will be a good baby. Song Fengfu looked at Lu Jingxuan with a bright smile.

Baby Onion and Baby Rambutan are currently killing a few zombies. The corpse of the dung beetle cannot be wasted. Such a good fertilizer should not be wasted.

The energy produced by the blood corrosion is pure and thick, and the two babies enjoy it very much, making satisfying beeping sounds from time to time.

Okay, dig it out first, let's go into the space and find a chance to ask the housekeeper. Lu Jingxuan raised his hand, and a wind knife slashed down, and instantly the red diamond-like thing rolled down from the dung beetle's chest.

Song Fengfu had no doubts that he had put away this diamond-like thing.

Under the moonlight, everything on the boundless grassland shone with silver light.

Jingxuan. Song Fengfu turned her head to look at Lu Jingxuan who lit the fire again.

What's the matter? Lu Jingxuan responded gently, watching her frown softly.

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