Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 887 Thinking I'm He Yufan

It is this behavior that makes its body always slightly to the left.

Maybe it's because the left hind leg is injured, or it may be because the left hind leg is broken and useless.

But no matter what the situation is, this is the best breakthrough for them to fight it.

Left hind leg! It has a problem with its left hind leg! Kill it! Song Fengfu shouted eagerly, staring at the dung beetle under the moonlight. The sudden sound was particularly harsh in the evening wind.

After receiving her message, Lu Jingxuan started to attack the dung beetle.

He picked up the knife again and slashed at the dung beetle facing away from him, this time aiming at its left hind leg to chop off with energy.

The dung beetle was completely focused on Song Fengfu at the moment, and did not see Lu Jingxuan behind him.

Lu Jingxuan succeeded in hitting it, but it still didn't make a sound, but a large bright red light suddenly appeared in the center of its body.

At the position of the heart, Song Fengfu felt a little weird. Could there be a mystery in the body of this dung beetle?

Song Fengfu cast a curious look at it, and that look became more and more greedy, almost piercing the dung beetle through its heart.

Could there be something hidden there, a zombie bead?

Song Fengfu remembered that the S-level red zombie beads would also emit light.

But the light emitted by this dung beetle is a bit strange, which makes people feel very uneasy.

Anyway, the most important thing now is to kill it!

Song Fengfu signaled Lu Jingxuan to attack the dung beetle, and at the same time launched an attack herself.

This dung beetle has been cut by Lu Jingxuan.

Its inflexible left leg finally dragged its hind legs, making it unable to escape the purposeful knife from the supernatural being.

Half a day of its left hind leg was left on the ground, Song Fengfu is now waiting for it to fall.

But although it felt the pain, it didn't care too much.

The injury to his left hind leg was left when he dealt with a purple S-rank zombie two days ago, and now that purple S-rank zombie has turned into the energy in its body.

Soon these two jumping creatures will also become its energy... The surrounding zombies are still increasing, and the energy from the zombies can eventually repair its left leg and make it stronger again.

Hunger, hunger is the only emotion it can feel.

Song Fengfu was looking for an opportunity with her sword in hand.

Fengfu, be careful. Lu Jingxuan called out, and Song Fengfu quickly concentrated.

The dung beetle protected its left leg, which had been severed by the knife, and new granulation sprouted from the cut at a speed visible to the naked eye... It was not discovered before that it actually had the ability to regenerate itself.

The red color on its chest flickered, and Song Fengfu became more and more nervous. It seems that the zombie bead-like thing really strengthened it... Her foot accidentally stepped on a branch and made a click sound.

The attracted dung beetle jumped at her, but she dodged it in time.

Slash it again! She shouted at Lu Jingxuan.

A quick fix, procrastination will only become more and more unfavorable to them.

Lu Jingxuan kept chopping the dung beetle's legs, ping-pong-pong, several legs now had scars left by Lu Jingxuan.

Thick mucus was hanging from some wounds, flowing out continuously, and green smoke came out from the ground. The blood of dung beetles is actually corrosive.

Song Fengfu watched Lu Jingxuan dodge worriedly. The dung beetle absorbs the energy of the zombies, no matter how you chop it, it will recover quickly, unless...

Song Fengfu noticed the red light on its chest.

The knife had to be stuck in its chest, she didn't know why she felt that way, but she knew instinctively that it was the right thing to do. She watched Baby Onion, trying to convey her wish to make it try again.

The baby onion's vines wrapped around the beetle again, only instead of wrapping around its smooth armor, they wrapped around its legs.

It wrapped around the dung beetle's unwounded right leg, and Song Fengfu immediately chopped off the right leg.

Sure enough, the dung beetle tried to rotate to protect his right leg, so he tilted slightly, exposing his chest to the outside.

She didn't have time to tell Lu Jingxuan to cut its chest, but she saw him jump up and pounce on the dung beetle's chest.

The tip of the knife caught on a hard object made a teeth-stinging sound, and the dung beetle froze for a moment.

Lu Jingxuan thrust the knife into its chest vigorously, stirring it inside, the clicking sound made Song Fengfu's scalp explode.

More and more mucus flowed out with the stirring, and flowed along the blade towards Lu Jingxuan, who quickly dodged, dropped the knife and let the mucus flow.

Song Fengfu also avoided, she instinctively felt that the dung beetle would start the final madness in pain.

As for whether the dung beetle will feel pain, she has no time to think about it, and now she just needs to avoid it to protect her own safety.

The red light on the dung beetle's chest flickered on and off, and Song Fengfu silently hoped that it would not regain its strength again. But things backfired and bad things happened.

The blood of the dung beetle seeped into the ground. I don't know whether it was the smell or the corrosiveness that attracted a large number of zombies. The zombies gathered around to form a wall.

The blood was constantly corroding the zombie's body, and while emitting an unpleasant smell, it turned into something like a gas that floated up. The gas carried warm power, and Song Fengfu knew that it was materialized energy that was flowing into the dung beetle's body.

What a supernatural creature! It has the ability to regenerate after dying!

Song Fengfu became nervous again, she wanted to find a way to stop the zombies from rushing over and turning them into energy, but she couldn't.

The moonlight shone on the dung beetle's body, making the creature look extraordinarily large and frightening. Some zombies had already jumped up and rushed towards the dung beetle. It would be bad if this continued.

At this moment, the energy has grown the dung beetle a little bit, and after a while the dung beetle will grow to the size of a truck. Coupled with the healing of the wound, it will be even more difficult to kill it.

She slashed at the zombie vigorously, trying to attract attention, but with little success.

The blood attraction of the dung beetle is too strong, and the zombies are attracted to its body to turn into energy, and it will fully recover in a while.

Damn it, this dung beetle is more powerful than the zombies we saw before. Lu Jingxuan yelled.

If He Yufan didn't want us to train like this, I really want to stay in the crystal base for the rest of my life and never come out. This is no place for people to stay. Song Fengfu flew out of the wind blade while complaining.

Over there, Lu Jingxuan was not to be outdone, and all the wind and fire abilities came to greet him.

If the wind ability can't hurt this dung beetle, can't the fire ability also burn this guy to death?

The corner of Lu Jingxuan's mouth raised slightly, and Song Fengfu felt like he wanted to pounce on the evil smile.

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