Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 807 Kick out the space

Lu Jingxuan nodded, not daring to deal with the lion in front of him lightly.

Fortunately, except for the lion, all the other lions got into the vines and sucked the blood from the vines, which made Lu Jingxuan feel relieved.

After Lu Jingxuan nodded in agreement, Song Fengfu stepped up his efforts, and more and more blood was dug out from the vines.

There was a constant creaking sound, the sound of a shovel drilling a tree vine.

Song Fengfu watched the blood gradually flow into a river in front of her eyes, and at this time, several lions roared and scratched from inside the vines.

It was the lion that had climbed in through the cane before.

Song Fengfu couldn't see the image inside clearly, but roughly guessed that the lions absorbed a lot of blood and stretched their bodies after entering. Now they must be because of their huge size, so they can't get out of the tree and vine space at all.

So now they have no other choice but to scratch.

Song Fengfu was a little dumbfounded.

Now is she going to wait for the lion to come out of it, or is she waiting for the vine to kill the lion?

What a headache.

Song Fengfu looked towards Lu Jingxuan, watching Lu Jingxuan dodge the lion that was flying towards him, holding the sword in one hand and spinning rapidly from the side of the lion like a spiral.

Bright red blood sprayed out from one side of the lion, and the severe pain caused the lion to let out a roar, but the next moment Song Fengfu got something out of nowhere and stuffed it directly into the lion's mouth.

The roar from behind stopped coming out, and now the lion's mouth was blocked with a ball, and he couldn't spit it out, and couldn't swallow it.

It looked funny.

Song Fengfu thinks that if the Internet is still available, if this photo is taken and posted on the Internet, it will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Lu Jingxuan didn't wait for the lion to deal with the ball, and directly chopped off its head.

As the lion's head fell, blood sprayed from the corpse.

Lion head, tsk tsk, this reminds me of braised lion head. Song Fengfu stretched out his hand and slashed the lion head with a wind knife, splitting the lion head in half.

Braised lion's head? You want to eat it so much. We'll make it after we enter the space. Lu Jingxuan took out a glowing bead from the lion's head, a faint orange color, not yet at the S-rank level.

Song Fengfu didn't know how to cook those so-called famous dishes. Seeing Lu Jingxuan's appearance, she fell silent and said, I don't know how to cook that lion's head.

It's okay, I'll do it. Lu Jingxuan put away his sword and turned to look at the tree and vine.

Then I'll leave it to you. Song Fengfu blinked her eyes.

What can I ask you for? You are my wife, so I should cook it for you. Lu Jingxuan said with a smile.

Then I'll wait for you to wear an apron. Song Fengfu felt that Lu Jingxuan's appearance in an apron was particularly homely.

Lu Jingxuan originally thought it was okay to wear an apron, but he felt weird when he heard Song Fengfu say that.

It's like what some people said... the temptation of uniforms.

Cough... Lu Jingxuan blushed, Let's not talk about this first, it's important to solve the immediate crisis first.

This pumpkin vine, which should be called a big tree now, is really troublesome. I don't know how long it will take to roast it with a big fire. Song Fengfu knew that they couldn't use their abilities to make this huge tree After cutting it apart, the only thing to do is to think of other ways.

It would be great if there was a power of the lightning system. The powerful lightning system can split the tree. Lu Jingxuan thought about how powerful the power of the lightning system is in some novels?

It would be nice if there was a lightning ability.

The corner of Song Fengfu's mouth twitched, Thunder type? At least level 5 of the fire system is required to generate the thunder system.

They can't wait for that time.

You don't need the thunder element, just use the wind element. A voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

Wind element? Song Fengfu listened to the voice in his mind, it was He Yufan's voice.

Let me out, I'll help you out. He Yufan's voice came again.

Well, the big boss is still needed at this time. Lu Jingxuan stepped into the space, grabbed He Yufan's hand and left the space.

After being nourished by the hot spring, He Yufan, who became more and more like a human, appeared on the stage, and the roar of the lion in the tree and vine seemed to stop at this moment.

Without waiting for the two to open their mouths, He Yufan raised his hand to the sky, and then Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan saw that the windless sky seemed to be distorted.

The continuously crushed air gathered above his hand until it formed a vortex, and the outer periphery turned out to be gears like wind blades.

Song Fengfu's hair was disheveled in the wind. Seeing the wind vortex formed by He Yufan's wind energy and rushing towards the tree vine with his hands, Song Fengfu heard the continuous chirping sound, and then the cross section of the trunk seemed to be blown. A pair of sawtooth was sawed off by the middle.

Bright red blood continuously flowed out from the cross section of the vine, while He Yufan pressed the air and cut directly in front of his eyes.

In an instant, the tree above fell to the sides.

The bodies of several lions appeared among the vines, but they were all scratched by He Yufan's supernatural ability, leaving only half of their bodies.

He Yufan looked in front of him, raised his hand, and a ball of fire appeared from the palm of his hand. As the rotation speed increased, the fireball became bigger and bigger.

Song Fengfu stood beside He Yufan and felt the temperature of the fireball getting higher and higher, and then when the temperature was so high that the surrounding people could no longer bear it, He Yufan threw the fireball into the tree.

In an instant, Song Fengfu felt the temperature rise rapidly.

Quick, enter the space. He Yufan grabbed the hands of the two.

Song Fengfu took He Yufan into the space without thinking, and Lu Jingxuan was also pulled into the space.

Just as the three of them entered the space, there was a crackling sound inside the tree roots.

Then the crackling sound became more and more cracked, and in a blink of an eye the roots made a violent explosion.

Within ten seconds, the three of them watched as the tree roots outside exploded again.

Strange, there is no gasoline in it, why do tree roots explode continuously?

Song Fengfu exploded several times while speaking.

I pressed the fire in a certain space and stuffed it into the roots of the trees. With the intervention of oxygen, the fire will naturally explode again and again. He Yufan looked at the land in front of him that had been blown to nothing. Lying on it is an orange glowing zombie bead and a red glowing bead.

That was the zombie bead on the lion.

Song Fengfu listened to He Yufan's words, and began to think about the direction of their abilities, whether they should transform it.

Then we can go out now? Song Fengfu looked at the bead in the center of the cave, her eyes lit up.

Go out, train well after you go out, you can't even deal with this small monster, you still want to deal with big monsters in the future, it's a dream. He Yufan kicked one of them flying, kicking them out of the space.

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