With your own strength? It's too dangerous. Gao Ze frowned. Their strength has now been verified. It is too difficult for such a small force to reach the crystal base through many difficulties.

Dangerous things have to be done. For our future, what should be done must be done. After He Suqin finished speaking, she dragged Gao Ze into the space.

After notifying Lu Jingxuan, He Suqin waited to see if Lu Jingxuan could finally eliminate the root system of the pumpkin vine.

Upon receiving the news from He Suqin, Lu Jingxuan frowned.

The abilities of He Suqin and others can't work on rattan now, which means that it will be up to them next.

Lu Jingxuan felt the pressure suddenly become enormous.

Suqin and the others gave up the attack? Song Fengfu didn't know what to say when he heard Lu Jingxuan's words.

Well, their current abilities can't stop chopping these vines, and they said that the defensive power of the vines has become higher. Lu Jingxuan stood on the other side and communicated with Song Fengfu through telegram communication.

The defense power has become higher? Why don't we seem to feel anything? Song Fengfu drew a gust of wind and cut along the connection between a rattan and the trunk.

This cutting method like a chainsaw was just thought of by Song Fengfu.

Of course, the power of the wind must be strong, otherwise, if the wind saw is halfway through, it will definitely disappear without a trace.

Maybe it's because we have reached the top of the second level. Lu Jingxuan condensed the wind into a sword, and went directly towards the root of the rattan.

The top of the second level? That means we are about to reach the third level? Song Fengfu suddenly became excited and started one wind saw after another.

The size of the wind saw is the same as the thickness of the rattan, and the cutting is completed in less than a second.

None of these vines showed traces of blood, and Song Fengfu saw glue-like objects when they were cut.

This is a lymphatic substance that is secreted to heal wounds.

Jingxuan, let's clean up all the vines first, and then deal with the trunk. Song Fengfu dodged a vine that was attacking him, and then chopped it down with a wind knife.

Suddenly bright red blood sprayed out from the vine.

The ferocious lion in the distance roared wildly when it heard the breath coming from the air, which made Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu tremble involuntarily.

Be careful, there are mutated creatures approaching. Lu Jingxuan spat out a sentence, and the pores all over his body stood up.

A sense of crisis in his back made him involuntarily swung the wind knife and slashed at those vines.

Song Fengfu responded, and after feeling the mutated creature coming towards this side, she expected that the mutated creature must be for the blood sprayed from the plant.

With a little tiptoe, Song Fengfu ran towards Lu Jingxuan from under the flying water pipe.

A flying red water pipe in the air seemed to be flying uncontrollably, and the running lion jumped up excitedly from a distance.

He opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards the red pipe.

The inside of the rattan is not as woody as it was seen before the end of the world, but instead looks like a pipe carrying a red liquid.

Song Fengfu noticed that only this one pipe was continuously transporting liquid, so when the lion pounced on it, Song Fengfu clearly felt the huge pumpkin vine trembling.

The shivering was like a human feeling.

Jingxuan, this plant might become a spirit. Song Fengfu looked at the plant and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

If the orange S-level mutated plants become refined, it means that many plants may become refined in the future. Lu Jingxuan couldn't help worrying.

Song Fengfu doesn't care whether these plants will become sperm, the key is whether they can deal with these plants.

It doesn't matter, it's better if the plants become more refined, and they can just give us some practice. Song Fengfu watched as all the attractiveness of the rattan was attracted by the mutated lion, but the two of them became unimportant things. .

The corner of Lu Jingxuan's mouth twitched slightly, It may not be a problem for us, but it may be a big problem for others.

Are you talking about Suqin and the others? Song Fengfu quickly knew who Lu Jingxuan was talking about.

Now there are only a handful of people with second-level abilities in the base, and there is not a single person with third-level abilities.

That's right. Lu Jingxuan nodded.

Then there's nothing we can do. If they don't grow up, the mutated plants won't wait for them to grow up. Song Fengfu spread her hands. The world is changing. If they don't change, they will be eliminated from the apocalypse sooner or later.

Just when Lu Jingxuan was thinking about going all out, he saw that the lion that had absorbed the red blood instantly grew bigger.

And its body directly turned into a red lion because it was stained with red blood.

Be careful. Lu Jingxuan watched the lion turn his head, and a pair of vicious and bloodthirsty eyes looked in their direction.

Song Fengfu instantly became nervous, and she felt a strong pressure from the lion that was at the same level as the elephant.

I'll deal with the lion, and I'll leave the mutated plants to you. Lu Jingxuan could tell that Song Fengfu was a little afraid of the lion.

After all, a woman is a woman, and there is always some fear of large creatures.

Song Fengfu shook her head when she heard this, but Lu Jingxuan ran towards the lion before she could speak.

Jingxuan. Song Fengfu only shouted two words, and saw Lu Jingxuan was already swinging the wind sword and slashing at the lion.

Song Fengfu didn't have time to call Lu Jingxuan back, so she turned around and concentrated on dealing with the pumpkin vine.

At this moment, there were only three vines left on the pumpkin vine. Song Fengfu used two wind powers to chop at the two vines at the tip, leaving only the vine with red blood constantly flying in the air. .

However, red blood no longer flowed from the rattan.

Song Fengfu saw that the blood on the incision of the rattan had gradually solidified, but Song Fengfu didn't know if there was no blood on the main branch of the rattan.

Just in case, Song Fengfu planned to make a hole in the vine and see if there was blood in it.

Thinking of this, Song Fengfu moved, took out a shovel from the space, and took advantage of the wind to shovel into the tree vine.

Then Song Fengfu thought that the shovel was like a drill, but it seemed a bit difficult to implement.

Song Fengfu had no choice but to use her strength to get some things out of the space and assemble them into a simple machine, and then drove into the vine with the help of the machine.

With a little bit of red blood coming out of it, Song Fengfu realized that there might still be a lot of blood hidden in the tree, and it would be troublesome if it just splashed out like this.

Lu Jingxuan's side will definitely be splashed.

Song Fengfu said to Lu Jingxuan when she wanted to come, Jingxuan, lead the lion to the other side, I want to bleed the pumpkin vine.

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