We encountered a mutated pumpkin and vine, and we are now trying to find a way to deal with it. Seeing He Yufan, Lu Jingxuan thought that he hadn't seen him for a long time.

Seeing him this time seemed to miss him a bit.

Mutated pumpkin vine? Do you know the level? He Yufan's eyes flashed. He hasn't been outside for a long time, and his legs and feet are a little rusty.

Level? The system analysis level is orange S. Lu Jingxuan turned on the system and locked the pumpkin vine. After multiple scans, it was determined to be orange S.

He Yufan curled his lips when he heard Orange. Not above the level of cyan, don't call me.

Brother, are you too picky? Or do you think we can deal with people below the level of cyan? Lu Jingxuan looked dumbfounded when he heard He Yufan's words.

Originally, your strength should have reached the cyan S-level, but now you can't deal with the orange S-level, let alone other levels. He Yufan rolled his eyes. In his opinion, Lu Jingxuan and others are still too weak .

Lu Jingxuan rubbed his nose, I didn't say I couldn't deal with it, but now I need to find out the specific situation of this pumpkin vine.

If you have anything to think about, just go straight to it. He Yufan looked at the two speechlessly. You guys were afraid of this and that from the beginning, to be honest, when will you grow up?

He Yufan, do you think that we are like you, fearless. Song Fengfu poked He Yufan's hand.

The zombie's hands are supposed to be inflexible, but He Yufan's hands seem to be different now.

I'm not afraid of anything, I'm afraid sometimes, but I'm not afraid of death. He Yufan looked up at the pumpkin vines writhing like earthworms outside, such thick pumpkin vines must not be tender enough.

Okay, only you, a purple S-rank zombie, can say such things. Song Fengfu gave a thumbs up.

He Yufan gave Song Fengfu a look, I won't quarrel with you anymore, I'm going to the hot spring, if you have something to do, call me, and if you have nothing to do, don't bother me.

Who's going to bother you, really, you're almost treating this place as your home. Song Fengfu knew that He Yufan had been soaking in hot springs and eating all kinds of food since he appeared in the crystal base. He also ate more than 400 catties of food in half a year.

That's not right, you are not at home, I happen to be here to watch your house. He Yufan walked to the edge of the hot spring and began to take off his clothes.

Anyway, he had nothing to do in the crystal base, so he walked around in a nightgown at every turn.

So this undressing is immediately full light.

When Lu Jingxuan saw it, he immediately stepped forward and covered Song Fengfu's eyes.

Why are you blindfolded? Song Fengfu looked at the blindfolded eyes, and suddenly felt a little unhappy.

I saw the president's needle eye. Lu Jingxuan said lightly.

But haven't I seen yours too? Song Fengfu teased.

Jingxuan, don't be fooled. Didn't you all watch it when I ran naked? It's not appropriate to be serious now. He Yufan sneered, lying comfortably in the hot spring and taking a bath.

Fengfu, let's go upstairs. Lu Jingxuan decided to ignore He Yufan, an exhibitionist, and grabbed Song Fengfu's hand and walked upstairs.

Song Fengfu nodded, glanced at the handsome guy who entered the water, and suddenly felt like kicking him up.

I think your brother is too comfortable. Is it time to sell your brother?

Song Fengfu's sudden words made Lu Jingxuan frown involuntarily.

Sell ​​He Yufan?

Where to sell it?

You want to sell him? But who are you going to sell him to? Lu Jingxuan asked after entering the small building.

I haven't thought about it yet. It seems that no one dares to buy your brother yet. Song Fengfu raised her head and thought about it.

Leave him alone, go and wash yourself. After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he walked into the bathroom.

Originally, they were clean, but they didn't expect to encounter mutated plants.

Song Fengfu was about to nod her head, but she didn't expect He Yufan's shout to come from downstairs.

Song Fengfu, Lu Jingxuan, you two come down for me.

Your brother told you to go down. Song Fengfu spread her hands.

It's probably something happened in the crystal base. Lu Jingxuan watched as the housekeeper stood beside He Yufan.

What happened to the crystal base? What will happen? Song Fengfu looked out of the window, just in time to see what Lu Jingxuan saw.

The housekeeper stood beside He Yufan, and He Yufan's face seemed a little ugly.

Seeing that He Yufan's face became ugly, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan hurried downstairs.

He Yufan, is there something wrong? Song Fengfu walked relatively close to He Yufan, only to see him looking up at himself, You moved all the survivors out of the crystal base?

Well, my decision. Song Fengfu nodded.

Why did you make such a decision? He Yufan felt that Song Fengfu was too unreasonable to move so many people out of the crystal base.

To better prepare for the battle. Song Fengfu looked at He Yufan impartially.

He Yufan couldn't help frowning because of the phrase to better prepare for the battle.

What preparations?

The battle with aliens. Song Fengfu said.

Aliens? Why are there aliens? He Yufan was taken aback. Is this going to be a Star Wars show?

Ask the housekeeper about this, the housekeeper knows everything about it. Song Fengfu said to the housekeeper on the side.

The butler who was called did not have the same mentality as when he was called. The butler stood beside He Yufan and explained.

He Yufan understood, but he couldn't accept such an excuse.

I said Song Fengfu, you let all the survivors go outside the crystal base, in case they encounter zombies, you are increasing the number of zombies.

Survival of the fittest. The Crystal Base is neither a charity nor a shelter. They are too comfortable in the base, so comfortable that they are willing to eat tree roots. Song Fengfu looked at He Yufan in front of him, and when he said this She felt that those people deserved their death.

He Yufan fell silent for an instant.

He knew that many survivors felt that they didn't have to face zombie attacks in the crystal base, so although life was hard, at least they could sleep soundly.

Perhaps it was because of this, and the law and order environment in the crystal base was good, so they only thought that suffering was a bitter point, and they could live by gnawing on tree roots.

At least the sky hasn't fallen yet.

But now it's different, Song Fengfu kicked them out, it's tantamount to saying that the sky is falling.

They can only live in dire straits for the rest of their lives.

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