I'll handle it. Yu Zun was the closest to where Jin Han was, so he naturally saw that scene.

Yu Zun is much more used to the end times than Jin Han. He raised his hand and smashed the vines that had been burned by Wang Yun to pieces that were only left near Jiang Wen and the others. The three people who gradually turned into zombies cut off half of their heads.

From the dark stairway, the smell of blood continued to spread.

Yu Zun smelled the bloody smell, and felt that it would not be long before the zombies would be attracted by the bloody smell.

He Suqin, the smell of blood here is too strong, we must leave here.

Yu Zun turned his head and said to He Suqin and others who were dealing with the vines.

Knowing that the smell of blood here would attract zombies, He Suqin didn't hesitate, Wang Yun, Lin Yu, you open the way ahead, Chen Yi, Jin Han, Fang Ling, Zhuang Hong, the four of you take the flashlights. The others cut off one after another .”

Sister He, where are we going after we go down? Wang Yun was naturally a little happy to let him open the way, but where are they going after they open the way?

The center of the cane. He Suqin opened his mouth after chopping off a cane viciously.

The center of the rattan? That's a very dangerous place.

Wang Yun didn't expect He Suqin to go to such a dangerous place, although he wanted to stop it, but seeing that no one spoke, he couldn't say anything.

When He Suqin decided to go to the rattan center, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu avoided all the attacking rattans at the fastest speed, and stopped at a place fifty meters away from the rattan leaves and entered the space.

It seems that our speed is still not fast enough. Lu Jingxuan looked at his clothes. During the process of running and dodging the vines, the clothes were accidentally scratched in several places by the thorns on the vines, but luckily they were not scratched. To the skin, otherwise he will only become a zombie.

Song Fengfu's face was serious, and while checking Lu Jingxuan's body, she said, Our current speed is actually very fast, no matter how fast you are, don't you want to be faster than the speed of lightning?

It would be a good thing if it could be faster than lightning. Lu Jingxuan raised a smile.

Seeing Lu Jingxuan's smile, Song Fengfu stretched out his hands and tugged at his cheeks, Are you trying to be a god?

It's best if you can be a god. You can deal with these mutated plants as you want. Don't say we have to do everything possible to venture deep into this center. Lu Jingxuan took off his clothes and took a new one. clothes to put on.

Before the end of the world, Song Fengfu collected a lot of clothes, which are really suitable for this time.

For a while, Lu Jingxuan didn't like to wear the clothes he collected later, even if they were washed again, the clothes would always smell of dust.

However, Song Fengfu's previous collection did not have such a taste.

Lu Jingxuan thought it might be a psychological effect, but some things are just like a pimple in your heart no matter what you say or do.

My dear, if everyone thinks like you, wouldn't everyone in this world be a god? Song Fengfu rolled his eyes and looked at Lu Jingxuan.

If she thought like him at the beginning, she would have distributed a four-element bead to each of them, so that they all had space and abilities.

But she doesn't want to do that, she's not a saint, raising others to fight back against herself.

Lu Jingxuan looked outside, Not everyone can be a fairy. To face such a dangerous thing, those people in the crystal base may be afraid of it.

So they are destined not to live a good life. Song Fengfu sneered.

The survivors in the southern area of ​​the crystal base are living worse than they were during the war. They gnawed on tree roots and leaves, and some even started to think about dead people.

People who dare to eat dead human flesh don't have the courage to go out and fight zombies.

It's ridiculous.

Such people Song Fengfu felt that they should be cleared out of the crystal base.

Thinking of this, Song Fengfu had a flash of inspiration, maybe it should be done.

Not to mention too much, according to the standard for entering the inner city, if you want to stay in the crystal base for a day, you must pay 50 points as a protection fee.

If those people refused, it was obviously useless to stay in the base.

Since Song Fengfu intends to implement this measure, she will follow this measure.

After conveying the news to the housekeeper, the housekeeper cleared the people out without saying a word.

Although teleportation will consume part of the energy of the crystal base, she would rather find a way to improve the abilities of those people for the future of the crystal base.

Maybe it's because the protection mechanism given to them before is so good, so they all want to stay in the crystal base even if I don't eat well, at least there are no zombies to attack, and I can even sleep peacefully at night , I don’t know how many times more comfortable than those supernatural beings.

Song Fengfu thought that those survivors must have thought this way.

And this time the base cleared them out, I believe they don't feel safe now, but they probably don't even have to eat the roots.

Song Fengfu didn't know that her action cleared more than 20,000 people out of the base. When they were cleared out, everyone had a look of despair on their faces, and even cursed at the gate of the crystal base.

Song Fengfu couldn't control so much, even after He Long knew all this, he couldn't control so much.

The end of the world is not the end of a person.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan took a short rest before observing the outside.

Near the center of the rattan, the thickness of dozens of rattan can be seen at a glance.

If the rattan is thicker than the sewer, if it is not as soft as noodles, they can only cut off part of the cut surface with the wind knife. If the remaining rattan is unbroken, they will be attacked by the rattan.

It seems to be impossible today. We have to deal with this mutated plant during the day. Let He Suqin and the others go into the space to rest. Only by protecting them well will we be able to help when we encounter something in the future. Lu Jingxuan observed and said.

Song Fengfu nodded, knowing that such a dark world is not conducive to their actions.

What needs to be done now is to be a good man not to suffer immediate losses, and to retreat when it is time to retreat.

After receiving the news from Song Fengfu, He Suqin and his group wanted to say something else, but they finally took a look at the sky, knowing that it was not suitable for combat, and everyone entered He Suqin's space.

After making sure that He Suqin and the others were safe, Song Fengfu and the others could also breathe a sigh of relief.

But the ensuing troubles did not spare them.

He Yufan looked at the two tired-looking people in front of him with a half-smile, Did you go to Africa? Why are you so ugly?

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