He Suqin looked very capable, and Song Fengfu was very moved by letting them stay here.

Suqin, I'll go with you. Song Fengfu thought, there's no reason to let them stand out as soon as they come.

He Suqin shook her head quickly when she heard her words, Fengfu, you should stay here, you don't know that the yellow one is powerful, it is an intelligent zombie, and it can command its subordinates to do anything at any time .”

Commanding its subordinates? Are you talking about ordinary zombies? Song Fengfu didn't know if the subordinates she was talking about were ordinary zombies, but an intelligent zombie appeared in front of them, and it was still a terrifying existence.

Yes, we met this zombie on the road. Although he can't speak human language, he can wear human clothes and direct people to do things. He Suqin nodded.

Then isn't this zombie very powerful? Song Fengfu has never seen a zombie that can wear clothes.

Does that mean that the more purified the zombie is, the more it looks like a human?

Yes, we were close to death when we escaped. He Suqin recalled the previous scene, they managed to escape here, but they didn't expect this yellow type 1 zombie to follow here from a long way.

What about now? Did he come with you? Song Fengfu walked to the window, looking at the scene downstairs was really terrible.

Zombies kept coming here from nowhere.

Because there is no surveillance on the high platform, it is impossible for them to find the zombies in the distance.

So much so that the rapid approach of the zombies made them defenseless.

Maybe, Feng Fu, I won't talk nonsense with you, let's go down and deal with that guy. He Suqin walked towards the outside quickly.

Wang Yun watched her go out, and quickly followed her.

Seeing the three people leaving quickly, Song Fengfu glanced at Lu Jingxuan, Yellow type 1 zombie, do you think it is a yellow zombie bead?

It's possible. Didn't your friend say that those zombies are divided into several grades, so the grade of this type 1 yellow zombie should be the yellow zombie bead. Lu Jingxuan walked up to Song Fengfu. Feng Fu suddenly felt a sense of indomitable spirit.

Nodding slightly, Song Fengfu took his hand, Then let's hurry up and see what kind of zombie that yellow type 1 zombie is.

Then let's go out and have a look. Lu Jingxuan walked outside.

Song Fengfu followed in his footsteps.

As soon as the two left the house, they saw He Suqin and others waiting beside the elevator, but the elevator did not reach the twentieth floor.

Facing the scene in front of him, Lu Jingxuan walked to another place next to the elevator, took out a card from his jacket pocket, and inserted it into another card slot next to the elevator.

Seeing Lu Jingxuan's behavior, He Suqin frowned, not knowing what he was going to do.

I could only hear the white wall next to it parting in an instant, and an elevator emerged from the white wall.

Staring at the white wall, Song Fengfu shouted to the three people, Hurry up, let's go in quickly.

Can this elevator work? He Suqin couldn't help being suspicious when she heard her words.

Of course it works. This elevator is not for ordinary people. Song Fengfu took her hand and walked in.

After everyone entered the elevator, Lu Jingxuan pressed the number on it, and the elevator reached the first floor almost in the blink of an eye.

After leaving the first floor, without Song Fengfu saying, the three quickly ran towards the gate of the base.

Not to be outdone, Song Fengfu followed behind the three of them.

A group of people crowded outside the gate of the base.

The person with the zombie beads quickly took out a handful, and threw it into the bead collection port next to it, regardless of how much it was.

Fleeing like a group of people followed by a group of people.

The same is true for the gate.

There are people everywhere, how are they going to get out.

He Suqin looked at the gate, so they couldn't help them.

Fengfu, is there a way for you to get out from here?

He Suqin glanced at those refugees.

Go this way. Song Fengfu glanced at the refugees, so that they would not be able to get out.

It can only be turned down from the city wall.

Anyway, the crystal base is also under her control. She can let whoever she wants in, and let whoever she wants out.

When Song Fengfu was thinking about going out, Lin Yu, Jin Han, and Hao Junnan rushed towards them.

Panting for breath, Hao Junnan's face became a little ugly.

Lu Jingxuan, there are a lot of zombies outside, what should we do now?

Don't worry, we'll wait and see how Commander Hu will deal with it. Lu Jingxuan knew that Commander Hu was stationed outside the base, so he didn't believe that Commander Hu and others would not fight back when they saw the zombies.

Commander Hu? Who are you talking about Commander Hu? He Suqin frowned when he heard the words Commander Hu from Lu Jingxuan's mouth.

I won't be able to tell for a while. Let's go outside and have a look first.

After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he walked towards the entrance of the city wall stairs.

The crowd followed behind him and quickly climbed up the city wall.

Hao Junnan was shocked to see the scene below the city wall which was nearly ten meters high.

Commander Hu, who was leaning on the left side of the base, led his men into the base when the zombies came.

After seeing that the base where Commander Hu was located was already empty, Lu Jingxuan's face changed slightly.

What is the situation of Commander Hu now? They are not saving people outside this base.

Let's go, what's the situation with Commander Hu, what about him? He wasn't there when the people needed him, so he seems to be a corrupt official. Jin Han stared at Commander Hu's tent, and really wanted to burn Commander Hu's tent.

I guess I knew that the zombies were coming, so I thought of a way to escape quickly. Lu Jingxuan spat out a cold sentence.

Song Fengfu looked under the city wall, and said to the people behind her, Whoever of you has a rope, let's go down to the city immediately.

I have. Gao Ze quickly took out the rope from the space.

Lu Jingxuan took the rope and tied it to the high bricks on the city wall.

After Lu Jingxuan was tied up, everyone watched as he grabbed the rope and was about to jump down.

Gao Ze quickly grabbed him, Wait, your ability is not enough, I'd better go down first.

My ability is insufficient? Are you kidding me, Gao Ze, after all, I am a wind-type supernatural power. Lu Jingxuan looked at him and smiled amusedly.

Is this guy rushing to die?

I know you are a wind-type supernatural being, but you are not as capable as me, so let me do it.

Snatching the rope from Lu Jingxuan's hand, Gao Ze grabbed the rope and jumped off the high wall.

Unexpectedly, Gao Ze jumped down like this. While Lu Jingxuan was extremely surprised, Wang Yun whistled, What are you doing so much trouble for? Why not...

It's not as good as what? He Suqin looked at him and said.

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