Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 390 The Past He Suqin

Well then, you go to the bathroom to freshen up, and I'll go out and prepare some food for you. Song Fengfu took her to the edge of the bathroom.

Okay. He Suqin was not polite, watched her open the closet, and picked out a set of clothes for herself.

Put it on. We are about the same size, and my clothes are suitable for you. After Song Fengfu finished speaking, He Suqin nodded slightly.

Entering the bathroom, He Suqin locked the door and looked at the same equipment as before the end of the world. It had been a long time since I saw such a scene.

After a quick rinse, He Suqin came out of the bathroom and went into the living room.

It's really embarrassing for you. I didn't expect you to come here all the way from Yunnan. Lu Jingxuan looked at the two boys in front of him. Although they were not well dressed, they were much cleaner than the people in the refugee area. .

It's not difficult, it's not difficult. Compared with not having a home, being able to stay here now makes us feel very happy.

Wang Yun grabbed the pear given by Lu Jingxuan, and he hasn't tasted this taste for a long time.

By the way, Suqin, I haven't introduced you yet. This is my husband Lu Jingxuan. Song Fengfu introduced to He Suqin.

He Suqin was slightly surprised when he heard the word husband, You are married to him? Does Yuan Shaoming know? I heard he is dead.

It doesn't matter whether he knows or not. I don't have any feelings for him anymore. Song Fengfu would think of that when she heard Yuan Shaoming mentioned.

James' sister and wife.

More than a year is not a long time, but the relationship between the two has always been very good, but if it wasn't for that incident, the two might be together.

Song Fengfu sighed lightly, what a trick.

You... He Suqin didn't know what to say, this was Song Fengfu's own business, and she couldn't control it, let alone help.

Fengfu, the three of them will have dinner here, then I will make arrangements. Lu Jingxuan looked at Song Fengfu.

Okay. Nodding, Song Fengfu watched him get up from the sofa and walk towards the kitchen.

Looking at Lu Jingxuan's back, He Suqin suddenly felt relieved.

At least Song Fengfu will no longer think about Yuan Shaoming.

Is this a blessing in disguise? Fengfu, I suddenly feel that you are very lucky. He Suqin felt that there was an indescribable affection between Lu Jingxuan and her.

Smiling slightly, Song Fengfu shook her head, Jingxuan and I have known each other since the last days until now...

Song Fengfu slowly talked about some things that happened before, and after hearing Song Fengfu say that she and Lu Jingxuan were wind-type superpowers, He Suqin looked at her suspiciously.

Are you all wind-type supernatural powers?

That's right, we are all wind power users. Song Fengfu said with a smile.

That's such a coincidence. I have the wind element plus space, Wang Yun has the fire element plus earth element, and Gao Ze has the water element plus space. As soon as He Suqin's words came out, Song Fengfu looked at the three people in front of him in surprise, just kidding. , They are all dual-line abilities.

What a surprise.

You are all dual-line abilities? No way. Song Fengfu was startled when she heard the two space abilities.

Well, Gao Ze, Wang Yun and I ate a special kind of beads, which were obtained after military experiments. He Suqin felt a little lucky when he recalled that time.

A military experiment? Song Fengfu was surprised when she heard her words.

The four-element beads were tested in the army?

Yes, a month after the end of the world, someone discovered a kind of bead from the zombie's head. Many people ate this kind of bead at that time, but there were too few people who became supernatural beings.

He Suqin stared at Song Fengfu and said.

You mean that there are many zombies? And what you are eating now should be zombie beads that have been purified after research by the army.

Song Fengfu knew very well in her heart that He Suqin and the others must have eaten the purified zombie beads, otherwise it would be impossible to become a dual-line supernatural being.

Yes, what we ate were zombie beads purified after research by the army. He Suqin didn't expect Song Fengfu to see it so thoroughly.

The zombie beads studied by the army were indeed special beads that they ate.

That's right. What you eat are evolved zombie beads. Such zombie beads can at least guarantee that you will not become zombies, but I didn't expect you to have dual-line abilities. Song Fengfu felt extremely I was so surprised, I didn't expect that they didn't turn into zombie beads, but turned into dual-line abilities anyway.

This is also something we couldn't imagine. He Suqin chuckled, she didn't think that she could have space.

Originally, it was already at the end of the mountain, but she did not expect that she would become a supernatural person in the end.

Knowing that He Suqin had a wound in her heart, Song Fengfu couldn't say much.

Patted her on the shoulder, Don't worry, we will have a good life in the future.

Well, since my parents left, this is the first time I've met someone I'm most familiar with, Feng Fu. I must talk to you about what happened after I became a superhuman.

After He Suqin finished speaking, she turned to Gao Ze who was beside her and said, Gao Ze, don't you still have wine in your space?

Do you want to drink? Well, to celebrate your meeting today, I'll get two bottles of wine later. Gao Ze smiled.

He Suqin nodded, and when she was about to reach out her hand, there was a sudden sound from outside the base.

Zombies, there are zombies, everyone beware.

Zombie? He Suqin immediately jumped up when he heard the familiar words.

Gritting her teeth, she walked to the window of the living room and looked outside.

Song Fengfu stood up from the sofa and looked at everyone with a solemn expression.

Didn't there be no zombies on the road when we came? Why are there zombies now? Gao Ze watched as He Suqin turned his head and walked towards him.

It's the zombie we met on the road, the zombie numbered yellow type one. When He Suqin mentioned the red type one, Song Fengfu was really confused.

What yellow one?

I'll go, it's really a bit difficult to deal with. Wang Yun stared at the person in front of him. If this was outside, he would have spit.

According to their understanding of zombies, the current level of zombie beads is divided into white, red, orange, yellow, and yellow is now the highest level of zombie beads.

To distinguish the types of zombies, it depends on their own performance.

Anyway, according to their analysis, the leading zombie under the base is the yellow type 1 zombie.

Yellow type one? What is that stuff? Song Fengfu felt that she knew too little information, and she didn't know what the yellow type was?

Fengfu, we can't explain it clearly to you now. I can only say that this yellow type one is not easy to deal with. You stay here and we can deal with him.

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