Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 388 Your Young Master

Isn't it true that her cousin has such a great charm? Get other girls to jump off the building?

This is too crazy, right?

Zhao Chen, who couldn't believe all this, frowned. It's too unbelievable.

What's unbelievable? If Yuan Shaoming's mother didn't stop him, how could such a thing happen? Also, if he really knew how to be good for others, he shouldn't... Forget it, anyway, your cousin is dead Now, even if he deserves it. Suqin said here, Zhao Chen felt very uncomfortable.

What does her cousin deserve? Maybe it was the woman who backed him?

My cousin deserves it right, what are you talking about? Hearing the words of the woman in front of him, Zhao Chen felt very uncomfortable.

Zhao Chen, your cousin likes Song Fengfu, and Song Fengfu also likes him, but since your cousin has accepted Song Fengfu, you shouldn't lie to her anymore... Suqin looked at the person in front of her, this woman It is said that he is an accomplice to the murderer.

Zhao Chen didn't know what to say, after all, she was not very familiar with Yuan Shaoming.

Suqin, I don't know much about my cousin, but I know that my cousin will never do anything outrageous. Zhao Chen felt a little guilty in his heart when he said this.

To be honest, she knows what kind of virtue her cousin is.

It's just that she didn't know whether to defend her cousin or blame her cousin.

These things are sometimes unclear in a few words.

Really? His people are already dead anyway, and now there is no proof. Suqin sneered and turned around to get into the elevator. Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun walked in from the outside.

Zhao Chen didn't see them, but was really uncomfortable with Suqin's words.

What dead tell?

Does her cousin deserve to die? It was as if her cousin should die. Suqin, neither of us is the person involved, we have no right to say whether they are good or bad.

Zhao Chen, I have always regarded you as my sister, but there is a bottom line in our principles of life in this matter, what you think is your business, but he did bully my friend, and it hurt She committed suicide by jumping off the building. Thinking of Song Fengfu's heartbroken look at that time, Suqin really didn't know how she survived.

What committed suicide by jumping off a building? That bitch Song Fengfu failed to hook up with our son, and now she is in the arms of others. Let me tell you, that bitch Song Fengfu lives on the 20th floor now. She is a special user now. We people are still at ease, so don't think that she is living a miserable life.

After Zhou Dongmei finished speaking, Suqin frowned slightly. Song Fengfu is not dead? Now he has become a special user in the crystal base?

How can this be?

How did she become a special user?

Suqin thought for a while, she should not explore such things for the time being, and she will ask Song Fengfu what is going on next time she has a chance.

Suqin, the friend you mentioned is not dead. Hearing Zhou Dongmei's words, Wang Yun and Gao Ze came to Suqin's side in surprise.

The three of them came here all the way from Yunnan, and as for the fact that they picked up Xiaohe halfway, they didn't have so much emotion in it.

So even if they came here to rent an apartment, they would definitely not bring Xiao He with them.

Because Xiao He is simply a waste.

I don't know, I have to go up to see if my friend is there. Suqin was not sure if Song Fengfu was still alive.

If Song Fengfu is still alive, then she...

Then let's go up and have a look. You're going to live here anyway, so just treat it as a visit. Wang Yun said with a smile.

Yeah. Suqin nodded, turned around and didn't intend to look at Zhou Dongmei at all. And Zhou Dongmei snorted when she saw that she was totally out of control at this time.

Entering the elevator, Suqin clicked on the 20th floor, watching Zhou Dongmei and others also entered the elevator.

The elevator went up slowly, and when it reached the 19th floor, Zhou Dongmei and others got out of the elevator. Suqin watched them get out of the elevator, unexpectedly they became neighbors.

I really didn't expect that we would become neighbors with them.

What does that matter? We're all going to live here anyway. Even if Yuanjia Road is narrow, what can the two old people do to us? Wang Yun looked at Zhou Dongmei coldly.

He still knows a little more about the affairs between Song Fengfu and Yuan Shaoming.

In fact, it can't be said that he is too gossip, but he hates cowardly men.

Yuan Shaoming himself is a cowardly man, so in the end he will only bring pain to women.

Okay, there's nothing to argue with them, Suqin, look where is your friend's home. Wang Yun walked out of the elevator, looking at No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6 are the signs of special users. Among the four families here, which one is the one Suqin knows?

Gao Ze looked around, and finally came to the No. 6 door, Suqin, it should be this family.

This family? Why is it this family? Suqin came to No. 6, and was surprised to see a line of words written on the No. 6 door.

No wonder Gao Ze chose this place, because the inscriber of this line is Song Fengfu.

Gao Ze, it's no wonder you chose this family. It turned out that you saw this family. Suqin turned her head and looked at the person in front of her.

Gao Ze shook his head when he heard her words, I didn't see this line, but I saw a piece of paper pasted on the No. 4 door, which said that if you want to find Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu, please go to No. 6 door.

What? There are stickers on door number four? Suqin didn't expect that there were stickers on door number four, and she was very surprised.

Yes, there are stickers on door number four. Gao Ze nodded.

Isn't it? There is also a post on the No. 4 door? Wang Yun ran over to have a look, and sure enough, he found that there was a post on the No. 4 door.

No wonder it is here.

After confirming that it was door number six, the three of them walked to door number six and knocked on door number six.

Hearing the voice from outside, Lu Jingxuan came out of the room.

A lot of leaflets have just been distributed, and I don't know how many people will see them.

Opening the apartment door, Lu Jingxuan raised his eyes and saw three people in front of him.

Immediately surprised.

Who are you three? Lu Jingxuan frowned and looked at the three of them.

I'm here to find Song Fengfu, is she there? Looking at the man in front of her, Suqin found that Lu Jingxuan was much more attractive than Gao Ze.

If Gao Ze is a born noble son, then Lu Jingxuan is the prince among noble sons.

Seeing Lu Jingxuan, what Suqin thought about was his relationship with Song Fengfu.

Are you looking for Feng Fu? She is...

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