Okay, it's your business if you want to live in the apartment. Anyway, everyone keeps their own zombie beads, and I don't care about anything.

Looking at the woman in front of him, the man turned around and walked towards the other side of the base with another man.

Suqin, look at him, I knew he wanted to separate from us when he came here. The woman grabbed Suqin's hand and looked at the man with an aggrieved look.

Suqin shook her head with a smile, she knew why men don't want to meddle in women's affairs, isn't it because she is not a supernatural being?

In addition, the girl herself does not have any strength, so it is at least much better for her to rely on herself than these two men.

It's just that she is also tired, and doesn't want women to rely on her all the time.

She has taken care of this strange woman enough along the way, and she doesn't want to continue to take care of this woman.

Xiao He, Xiaoshang is right. After all, everyone keeps their own zombie beads. It's your choice to live in an apartment, but you can't force others to choose the same thing as you.

Suqin turned her head to look at the apartment.

Suqin, do you mean that you don't want to live with me? Xiao He frowned when she heard Suqin's voice seemed somewhat unfamiliar.

Xiao He, you forgot what we said, if you find a suitable base, you will stay. Suqin looked at Xiao He, but they were not familiar with each other.

It's just that after saving her on the road by accident, she didn't expect to be trapped by her, and came here from Province S along the way.

Xiao He's face changed slightly, Suqin, are you trying to drive me away?

Xiao He, you will be safe here. Your zombie beads are enough for you to find a better job here and survive. As for if you want to be with us, we will... Suqin looked at The two men in the distance are still waiting for themselves.

Sister Suqin, you dislike me for being a burden, don't you? If that's the case, well, I'll leave, I'll leave. Xiao He let go of Suqin's hand, and when she turned around, she thought Suqin would call her Unexpectedly, after she turned around, Suqin not only didn't call her, but also walked in the direction of the two men with Zhao Chen.

Xiao He looked at the four of them and stomped her feet angrily.

Isn't this the rhythm to abandon her?

How can this work?

Xiao He ran forward quickly, but she stopped after just two steps.

If she went up like this, it seemed that she didn't have any status. Instead of doing this, she might as well find another opportunity to get close to them.

Xiao He turned her head and looked at the apartment and then at the villa. Compared with the apartment, the people living in the villa must be very rich. She just wanted to see if the people in the villa were really rich. If the rich man takes a fancy to her, she won't have to worry about it for the rest of her life.

Thinking of those who sold their bodies for food, they didn't choose a partner well, so that the final end should be described as miserable.

She does not want to repeat that tragedy, nor that terrible memory.

Xiao He thought that she must stand out and not let Suqin and others look down on her.

Just as Xiao He was walking towards the villa, Suqin and others also came to the Crystal Restaurant.

After a full meal, there is finally a feeling of rebirth as a human being.

It's great, I finally feel like I'm no longer a barbarian. The man next to Suqin smiled and looked at everything in front of him after eating and drinking, as if he had returned to the life of feasting and feasting.

Haha, Wang Yun, what you said seems like we have become cavemen. Gao Ze, the man standing beside Wang Yun, shook his head with a smile.

Isn't it? You see what kind of life we ​​lived before, and today we finally lived like a human being. Anyway, I think this place is very good now, and I plan to stay here and never leave. Wang Yun looked at Gao Ze, he had already planned to stay Here, I don't know what he planned.

You plan to stay here and not leave, so I plan not to leave here either. After Gao Ze finished speaking, Suqin couldn't help but raise her head, Are you all planning not to leave?

Didn't you say that you want to come here to find your friends? It just so happens that the two of us see that the environment here is not bad. We plan to go to the apartment to see the house later. How about you, do you want to come with us? I heard that the space It's quite big. Gao Ze took a special look at the size of the house when he was having dinner just now, and only then did he know the space of the house.

That's fine. Suqin nodded.

Then let's go. The two looked at Suqin, knowing that Suqin actually came here for one purpose, that is to find her friend Song Fengfu.

Thousands of mountains and rivers, although they are on the way, but it is a good thing to have someone who can make them miss like this.

When they came to the apartment, the three of them looked at the apartment with no residents on the wall, and there were hardly many families left.

You see, there seems to be a vacant seat on the nineteenth floor. Let's live on the nineteenth floor. Suqin pointed to No. 3 on the nineteenth floor, which happened to be downstairs of Aunt Song Fengfu's.

Although this location can only see the scene of the inner city, it is still very good. Gao Ze knew the situation of the house just by looking at the house type.

Then it's settled, let's go up and have a look now. Wang Yun took off the key hanging on the floor plan on the nineteenth floor, and walked towards the elevator.

Zhao Chen stood aside and listened to them saying that they were looking for someone, and suddenly he was a little surprised, Suqin, who are you looking for?

The friend I met at home is a local here, her name is Song Fengfu. Suqin looked at Zhao Chen in front of her without much hope.

Song Fengfu? This name sounds familiar. I seem to have heard of it somewhere? Zhao Chen listened to this and thought in his mind, and at the same time glanced at a certain place. Where did she hear the word.

Isn't the woman Yuan Shaoming liked originally called Song Fengfu?

Could it be that Suqin's friend is the person her cousin likes?

That's too much of a coincidence, right?

Where have you heard of it? Could it be... When Suqin was about to talk about Yunnan, Zhao Chen hurriedly said, I finally remembered, isn't that the person my cousin likes?

Your cousin is... Suqin didn't know who Zhao Chen's cousin was, she only knew that her family was always very rich.

You don't know my cousin. He is Yuan Shaoming, the general manager of the Yuan Group. For some reason, he is dead now. Zhao Chen looked at Suqin with great regret.

No way, he is the man who caused Song Fengfu to jump off the building. Suqin felt angry when she thought of this.

If it wasn't for his relationship at that time, Song Fengfu would not have jumped off the building.

It's all right now, Song Fengfu left him, and she didn't know if she was doing well.

Jump off a building? Hearing these two words, Zhao Chen was slightly startled.

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