Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 330 Princess Becomes a Slave

Louis looked at the person in front of him, which also explained why Yuan Shaoming didn't go back.

They showed up at the same time and didn't go back at the same time, obviously they didn't reach the goal together.

Thinking of this, Louis was a little annoyed, so what if these people knew that the other party had lobsters?

Now that their food crews are missing, they're left to starve to death or be eaten by zombies.

It should be. The relationship between them and the city lord of the crystal base is not bad. If they are in any danger, the city lord will find a way to pick them up. Yuan Shaoming looked at the person in front of him. Are Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu right? He was not sure about being picked up.

It's just that they are doing this now, and it is estimated that it is impossible to reappear.

After all the personnel lost their traces, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed

Originally, I thought I could still eat a meal of crayfish, even if there is no meat, it would be nice to taste it.

But now?

Don't say anything about the smell, just close the smell and the smell is gone.

It's such a pity. I knew I shouldn't have let these people approach them. Now I don't even have food for tomorrow. James had a deep disappointment on his face. He didn't expect that the people on the bus would suddenly approach Lu Jingxuan and others. People's cars screamed because they saw their food.

Your Highness, please use more food tonight, after all, we will start tomorrow...

Louis didn't know whether Song Fengfu and the others were scared away or picked up. In short, without the two of them, he didn't know where to get food tomorrow.

After entering the space, Song Fengfu simply soaked in the hot spring, ate crayfish, and didn't care about anything.

What happened just now? Didn't you notice anyone outside the window? Lu Jingxuan watched Song Fengfu enter the hot spring, recalling the previous scene, he couldn't help frowning.

I haven't released my mental power, how do I know there is someone outside? And how do I know that he is staring outside the car window.

After giving him a blank look, Song Fengfu smiled lightly, Okay, don't be angry, it's my fault, right?

You, what should we do now? Lu Jingxuan sat on the stone chair next to the hot spring and looked at her.

Of course I followed them to see if I could pick up something. Song Fengfu thought that they hadn't left Germany yet, and she didn't know where these people would go.

But in any case, their determination to return to China will not change at all.

Outside the space, Louis showed surprise after listening to Yuan Shaoming's talk about the crystal base.

So the Crystal Base is the safest place right now? After listening to Yuan Shaoming's words, James was somewhat suspicious and curious.

That's right, it's the safest place right now, with food and not afraid of zombie attacks. Yuan Shaoming held the bowl, looking at the contents of the bowl, he really didn't have the desire to eat it.

To be honest, the pimples in this bowl are not as good as the food in his space.

Yuan Shaoming looked at the bowl and finally put it down.

Seeing that Yuan Shaoming had no desire to eat at all, James frowned, Mr Yuan, I know this is definitely not to your liking, but if you don't eat, how can your body take it?

I don't want to eat these things, please forgive me. Yuan Shaoming took out a can of eight-treasure porridge and two ham sausages from the space.

Looking at the food in Yuan Shaoming's hands, James' eyes were unusually bright at the moment.

Ham sausage?

James swallowed.

Mr Yuan, where did you get this thing? Can you give us some? James couldn't move his eyes any longer.

Your Highness, you can do it if you want, but you must exchange it with zombie beads. Yuan Shaoming smiled slightly after seeing his eyes fixed on his sausage.

Zombie beads? How many zombie beads do you want? James frowned slightly when he heard his words.

It was already very difficult for them to escape from the refuge, and it was impossible for them to bring any zombie beads or the like.

Twenty zombie beads for one. Yuan Shaoming thought that he didn't have much food in his space after all, if all the food from that fat woman could belong to him, then he could return to China with peace of mind.

NO, MR Yuan, it's too expensive, ten for one, and I'll give you my sister. James pushed his sister beside him.

A very beautiful woman.

Yuan Shaoming looked at the foreign beauty in front of him, and suddenly felt his throat tighten.

Okay, deal.

Louis, how many zombie beads do we have? James immediately became happy after hearing his words.

Your Highness, there are only about a hundred. Louis stared at Yuan Shaoming. One hundred zombie beads were exchanged for ten ham sausages, which was not enough.

One hundred? Give all to MR Yuan.

James was very unhappy to see him hesitate.

Louis didn't expect that the zombie beads he had worked so hard to get would turn into ten ham sausages.

After handing over a hundred zombie beads, Louis took over ten ham sausages.

Watching Yuan Shaoming pull their princess onto the bus.

The beautiful princess didn't expect that her fate would be tied to ten ham sausages, and suddenly she felt a little pathetic.

After pulling the woman into the space, Yuan Shaoming pulled her to the water, Go down and wash it off.

After speaking, Yuan Shaoming didn't wait for the woman to move, and ran to the water to wash himself.

The woman looked at her and knew that if she didn't accept this fate, she would starve to death sooner or later.

The woman who obeyed her fate went into the water.

Yuan Shaoming was a little dumbfounded for a while.

Since the end of the world, he can finally taste a woman again.

Your name will be Fu from now on. Remember, from today on you are not some princess, you are my woman.

Yuan Shaoming seemed to be talking to her, but also seemed to be muttering to himself.

The woman also became very puzzled when she listened to his words and showed a painful expression.

Fu, is this her future name?

Fu struggled slightly, but she couldn't resist Yuan Shaoming's actions, so she could only obey in despair.

Fu sighed softly.

Song Fengfu, I want you to only... only...

Yuan Shaoming's voice became smaller and smaller.

With wishful thinking, James thought of dedicating his younger sister to Yuan Shaoming, and maybe everyone could become a family in the future.

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