Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 329 Go back? invisibility

There are no lights in the dark world, only the lights of the bus illuminate one corner.

Not long after Louis called the people down, he asked these people to collect useful firewood in other places with homemade torches.

A total of 32 people survived on the bus. Except for those who were sent out, many people stayed on the spot and watched.

Lu Jingxuan, who was getting on and off the RV, had been staring at Lu Jingxuan all the time.

Coming out of the space, Yuan Shaoming jumped out of the car and stared in front of him. They actually wanted to spend the night in such a cold place?

Lu Jingxuan, do you have food over there, we... Louis glanced at Yuan Shaoming, wondering where he came from.

According to his understanding, it is impossible for Lu Jingxuan to take him in, after all, the two are rivals in love.

Knowing that Louis and the others did not bring any food with them when they escaped all the way, Lu Jingxuan nodded slightly, The food I can provide you is limited, at most I can only make you half full, and you can only rely on yourself for the rest.

Thank you, I didn't expect you to be so generous. Louis thought he would refuse to give it, but he didn't expect him to be so generous and let them eat half full.

You're welcome, everyone should help each other. Lu Jingxuan gathered his clothes and felt that the wind outside seemed to be a little stronger.

Louis frowned, and he couldn't help but think of one thing when he said help each other, Zhang Xiaotao and Zhang Xiaoqin.

Lu Jingxuan should help the two of them, but he didn't extend his hand.


Louis didn't know whether to believe his words of mutual help or what he saw with his own eyes.

Lifting a large bucket of water and half a bag of flour from the RV, Louis took a small half bag of salt and a catty of beef from Lu Jingxuan's hand.

Seeing the dried beef, Louis suddenly remembered something, Zhang Xiaotao said that they have space.

A simple fire was set up, and the iron bucket was placed on top of the fire. While everyone was eagerly watching, Louis chopped up the beef and threw it into the iron bucket.

Seeing Louis's series of actions, Yuan Shaoming couldn't help feeling suspicious of Lu Jingxuan.

Where did he get all these things?

Is he a space power user?

Water, flour, these things that are not even in his space now, where did he get them?

Yuan Shaoming took the iron bowl and followed several people around a fire, waiting for Louis to cook the food.

James sat by the fire, his blue eyes fixed on the iron, beef, and noodles in front of him. He must have not eaten these things for nearly half a year.

Louis, do you think they have any other food besides these things?

James watched the water in the iron bucket boil. If he could make a cup of coffee at this time, he didn't know how good it would be.

Your Highness, offending them will not do us any good, and I have seen that their car is not an ordinary car, it is probably a car with special abilities.

Louis remembered that after getting into the RV, he glanced at the data on the dial and the situation inside the car, which was obviously different from the materials used outside the car.

If he read correctly, the material used on this car is the same material as zombie beads, which is very strong.

As for the outer shell of the car, even though it was in the shape of the original RV, he could tell that there was almost no damage at all.

It's a total miracle.

He had to admit that this car must have some kind of special ability, and this car was changed because of Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu.

So he had to figure out how special the identities of these two people were.

A car with supernatural powers? James turned his head and watched Lu Jingxuan dragged a leather bag from the car. The inside was bulging, and he didn't know what it contained.

Louis, there are forty iron fists and other paraphernalia in here. Give them among them.

Putting the leather bag in front of him, Lu Jingxuan turned around and walked towards the RV.

The temperature outside is too cold, even if there is a fire, there is no way to resist the erosion of the cold.

Back in the RV, Lu Jingxuan closed the door and drew all the curtains.

Both the conversations between Louis and James fell into his ears.

They are already doubting our ability and this car is not an ordinary car. Lu Jingxuan sat beside Song Fengfu, looked at the food she took out from the space and smiled lightly.

They will do a little stand out.

Let them be suspicious, anyway, they don't know how long they can live. Song Fengfu raised the curtain of the car with blinking eyes, but she didn't expect to see a wistful face.

Staring at the food on Song Fengfu's table in the RV, the people outside the window screamed.

The food is lobster, and they are actually eating lobster.

A lobster cuts through the mountains.

After listening to her words, everyone ran to the side of the car and surrounded the whole car.

Lobster, quickly hand over the lobster.

Everyone who hadn't heard the smell of lobster for a long time shouted.

Song Fengfu didn't expect that this lift would cause so many troubles for herself, so she immediately turned her heart and put the car completely into the space.

Those who surrounded them were astonished.

Staring at the open space where the car was completely lost in front of them, everyone was stunned.

Where's the car? Where did the car go?

The car didn't fall, how could the car not fall?

Having completely lost sight of Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan, Louis hurried forward, looking at the road where they had disappeared, not believing that they just disappeared without a trace.

They can't disappear without a trace.

Louis, do they really have space like who said that? When Lily said this, Yuan Shaoming stepped forward to observe.

They don't have space, they must have been taken back by the Crystal City Lord.

Crystal City Lord? Louis frowned after hearing him say this word.

That's right, there is a city in China, where zombies can't enter, there is all kinds of food, but you have to exchange it with zombie beads. So in order to get more zombie beads, we came out together. Collected 50,000 zombie beads , the city lord will take us back naturally. I just don’t know if they already have 50,000 zombie beads, so the city lord took them back.” Yuan Shaoming saw that there was no one here, so he slightly adapted the previous incident one time.

It cannot be said that they were driven out by the city lord to collect zombie beads.

So that's why you came out to collect zombie beads, so now that they disappeared, did they actually go back?

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