Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 319 Hand over the Zombie Orb

It seems that someone is knocking on the door outside. Do you hear that? It's the sound of someone knocking on the door. The people in the cave frowned when they heard the sound outside.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding and generally stopped talking.

The sound outside became very loud in an instant, and the entire cave could only hear the sound from outside.

What is that sound? It seems to be the sound of rainwater hitting the iron door, but it also seems to be the sound of something knocking on the door. After one person asked such a question, the surrounding people couldn't help but prick up their ears to listen.

The sound became louder and louder, and at the same time, liquid like water droplets began to appear inside the iron door.

Staring at the liquid, the marshal stretched out his hand, and when his gloved hand touched the iron door in front of him, the glove instantly stuck to the iron door.

Shocked by the scene in front of him, the marshal quickly withdrew his hand.

However, at this moment, there was no sound from outside the iron gate, and an ice-like existence began to appear on the iron gate.

The cold air eroded from the outside to the temperature inside.

The marshal frowned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Quick, get someone to come here and make a fire here, and don't let the cold air come in from outside. The marshal said to the soldiers behind him.

Yes. The soldier looked at the traces of ice strips on the iron gate, which only appeared in extremely cold conditions.

Speed, speed, hurry up, hurry up. The marshal stood one meter away from the door, feeling the cold air constantly rushing in from outside, it felt as if his cheeks were going to be frozen.

Seeing the icicles appearing on the iron gate, as well as the cold breath around the gate, the soldiers quickly moved the wood and burned it around the gate.

After the wood was burned, the ice strips began to turn into water and seep into the ground.

Marshal, according to the outside world, the surrounding area has been frozen by cold air. The instrument can still be used temporarily, but it is uncertain when the instrument will not be able to be used.

Looking at the marshal in front of him, the soldiers suddenly came with a sense of urgency.

He can guarantee that he has never seen such a scene before. The dark world is covered by ice and snow, and the movements of countless zombies in the ice and snow have become slow, and they are gradually covered by ice and snow.

The soldiers couldn't help but worry, how long could they last in such a world and such an environment.

The marshal's complexion changed slightly, and his bearded lips began to turn purple. There was a bit of unbearable and chill in the slightly dejected but energetic eyes.

I can persist as long as I can, and I will figure out the rest.

But Marshal, we don't have much energy here. Once the wood is burned out, we will... Before the soldier finished speaking, a cold wind suddenly blew through the crack of the iron gate.

The soldier shuddered.

Just what? Now find a way to ensure that the cold air outside this door cannot come in, and there is a little bit more. Make me oxygen immediately. The marshal roared.

Song Fengfu listened to the sound outside, but she ran into the space.

From the mouth of the housekeeper outside the space, Song Fengfu heard a piece of news that was not very good.

The sky in my hometown still hasn't changed, and it's still in a dark world.

This is not good news for Song Fengfu, just because the air supply in the crystal base is obviously insufficient.

If there are no more zombie beads to unlock the land in the space, if there are no more trees to satisfy the supply of oxygen, they will only have a dead end.

Thinking of this, Song Fengfu threw all the zombie beads she had collected into the space.

However, the space index is still short of a full two hundred thousand zombie beads.

The 200,000 zombie beads are 50,000 from Hao Junnan, where are they going to find the remaining 150,000, and who should they ask for?

Song Fengfu only felt very troubled.

Facing Song Fengfu's situation, Lu Jingxuan asked lightly, What's wrong?

I'm thinking about how to get more zombie beads. Song Fengfu looked up at him.

Isn't it easy to get more zombie beads? In the entire refuge, I don't believe that no one can't get zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan looked at Hao Junnan's tent, wanting to get zombie beads, This man has 50,000 zombie beads on his body.

It should be able to top it for a while now.

What do you want to do? Song Fengfu frowned.

It's very simple, first find someone for Hao Junnan, and send him back after asking for 50,000 zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan blinked.

Hao Junnan didn't only have 50,000 zombie beads in his hand, he wanted to see how many zombie beads Hao Junnan could produce.

Okay, 50,000 zombie beads is probably not enough. He doesn't only have 50,000 zombie beads. Song Fengfu thought that Hao Junnan had at least 70,000 to 80,000 zombie beads in all fairness.

If he is willing to supply these zombie beads, it will only benefit them and not harm them.

Song Fengfu raised a faint smile, if this is the case, Hao Junnan will be in bad luck, after all, being eaten to death is not necessarily a good thing.

The idea came to Hao Junnan, so naturally he had to implement their idea.

Lu Jingxuan opened the curtain of the tent, and when he was about to go out, he felt the air outside was very cold.

The weather is really getting colder and colder. After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he walked towards Hao Junnan's tent.

Hao Junnan, are you there? I have something to discuss with you. Lu Jingxuan's warm voice came out of his mouth.

Listening to his voice, Hao Junnan opened the curtain of the tent. The pale face on his handsome face showed that his condition was not very good at this time.

Lu Jingxuan? Do you have anything to do?

Let's talk in the tent. Lu Jingxuan took a look around to make sure no one noticed them, and then quickly entered his tent.

Looking at his somewhat mysterious appearance, Hao Junnan frowned slightly.

After entering the tent, Lu Jingxuan turned around and looked at him. Do you want to go back to the crystal base?

Go back to the crystal base, can I go back now? Hao Junnan couldn't help but get excited after hearing his words.

As long as you pay enough zombie beads, you can go back. I remember that you have more than 70,000 zombie beads in cash. When Lu Jingxuan said this, Hao Junnan looked at him leisurely.

Could it be that he was playing with the zombie beads in his hand?

Hao Junnan's eyes made Lu Qingxuan a little hairy.

Yes, I have more than 70,000 zombie beads, but these zombie beads belong to me personally.

That's right, these zombie beads do belong to you alone, but I want to say that if you want to return to the crystal base, you must hand over these more than 70,000 zombie beads.

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