Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 318: Sealing the Cave

Aunt towel?

Song Fengfu couldn't help laughing when she heard her words, she thought it was something, it turned out to be Aunt Towel.

Yes, but what do you want in exchange?

Song Fengfu, you have everything. You shouldn't look down on my little food. What's more, I don't have anything now. What do you want me to exchange? Zhang Xiaoqin looked at the food in front of her. Man, doesn't she really want her to exchange things?

That's right, you don't have supplies, so what are you going to exchange for them? That's fine, you wait for me. Song Fengfu entered the tent and took out the aunt's towel from the space.

Opening the door curtain, he directly stuffed the aunt's towel into her hand.

Zhang Xiaoqin didn't care too much, took the aunt's towel and turned to the convenient cave.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqin leave, Song Fengfu shook her head with a smile.

Women are always more trouble than men.

That thing came from Zhang Xiaoqin's body, I hope the smell of blood won't be too strong, otherwise the zombies will smell it badly.

Lu Jingxuan lifted the door curtain, and couldn't help frowning when he saw Zhang Xiaoqin running away quickly.

This is a cave, there should be no zombies in such a secret place. Song Fengfu looked at him, she didn't want to face the disgusting zombies one after another.

Aside from human zombies, have you forgotten? There are zombies of other creatures. Lu Jingxuan looked at the ants that suddenly appeared on the ground.

I couldn't see these ants before, I didn't expect it now...

Zombies of other creatures? You mean... Song Fengfu followed his gaze and looked at the ants on the ground.

No way, is he talking about these ants on the ground?

Little creatures that turn into zombies. If the weather outside turns cold, sentient zombie creatures will inevitably develop in these places, so what we have to do now is to wait for time and see the changes here.

Lu Jingxuan watched Hades and the others come back with a large amount of food. It seems that the corn soup these days has made them unable to bear such treatment.

Lu Jingxuan, you didn't go to get the food? Hades looked at Lu Jingxuan and couldn't help sizing him up.

In three or four days, he didn't become thinner, and even his spirit seemed very normal.

There is no look of depression from others at all.

No. Lu Jingxuan shook his head.

Why don't you go? Hades frowned at him.

Don't they have any food on them?

We are not short of food, so there is no need to go, not to mention that so many people are scrambling for food, how can the few of us get those food?

Lu Jingxuan raised a smile and shook his head, he was completely stunned seeing such a scene.

Everyone squeezed in and out together, and some people were directly stepped on by the other party.

In such a chaotic scene, no matter how you say it, you have to live to enjoy the best food at the end.

After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he watched several people put the food into the tent together.

That's right. Hades looked at Hao Junnan, remembering that he is a space power user, how could he have no food?

Hades, hurry up and get something delicious, I'm starving to death. James frowned when he heard the conversation between the two.

Okay, Your Highness. Hades nodded, gestured to Lu Jingxuan, and then walked into the tent.

Seeing Hades walk into the tent, Lu Jingxuan turned to look at the other people.

Everyone try not to sleep too soundly when going to sleep. The weather outside is changing, and I don't know if it will get colder at night.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter if I have a quilt here. Hao Junnan smiled lightly, as long as it wasn't as cold as China.

It would be really bad if it was as cold as China.

That's good. If you have nothing to do, everyone can rest. Lu Jingxuan got into the tent and pulled up the zipper of the tent.

Song Fengfu sat in the tent and turned on a small flashlight.

Light up the entire tent.

Jing Xuan, you said that they took all the things in the material warehouse at once, and the people in the army still have food?

Song Fengfu listened to the voices from outside, it seemed that everyone seemed very happy.

Should be there, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the army will not fail to make a good move, not to mention that if the temperature outside starts to get lower and lower, the people above will not be unprepared for a retreat.

Lu Jingxuan took out a thick quilt from the space and placed it on the ground.

Song Fengfu watched him making the tent very warm.

Hopefully they don't wait until the temperature drops to zero.

It depends on their reaction. Lu Jingxuan made the whole tent very warm, took off his shoes and lay down on the bed.

Haha, I don't want them to make us die miserably. Song Fengfu shook his head.

The rain outside the cave kept falling, the cold wind kept blowing from outside, and the thermometer hanging in the tent began to drop continuously.

The army, noticing the rapid drop in temperature, quickly reported the situation.

What, the temperature dropped rapidly? The marshal frowned slightly when he heard the information reported by the soldiers.

Yes, Marshal, we found that there seems to be something unknown coming here from the outside. The soldiers in charge of guarding felt the temperature drop and at the same time found that there seemed to be something unusual moving outside the cave.

No matter whether it is a person or something that can walk in the rain at this time, it is definitely not a friend of human beings anyway.

What is it? No, no matter what it is, block it at the door, and don't let them approach here. The marshal quickly walked to the entrance of the cave and looked outside, but it was a pity that they were all pitch black, and the infrared telescope At most, you can see vague shadows one by one.

Yes. The soldier raised his gun and started firing one shot after another towards the distance outside the cave.

According to the height and route they designed before, no matter what it is, it is impossible to climb up.

Marshal, it's too bad, I can't see clearly outside. The soldier looked at the pitch black outside, and it was okay to see clearly, but he was still shivering with cold.

Back, close the door for me. The marshal took a step back, and the soldiers quickly gestured to the people behind.

Immediately, the two iron doors slid from the side wall of the cave to the middle along the slide.

There was a bang, and the iron door weighing one ton was completely closed.

Just as it was closed, there was a bang bang bang sound outside.

This voice caused Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu to open their eyes involuntarily.

Even if it wasn't fifty meters away, the loud noise still made many people notice the situation outside.

The temperature in the cave began to stop dropping, and Lu Jingxuan heard various sounds coming from outside.

Is the mountain gate closed?

Is there something coming in from outside, how can I hear outside...

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