Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 308 Escape from the cabin

A dull sound sounded in the room, which was originally a wooden house, and the sound was immediately transmitted upstairs.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan heard the voice, and the two people who were lying on the bed couldn't help getting up.

It's the voice from downstairs. Lu Jingxuan got up, put on clean clothes and walked outside.

Song Fengfu looked at him and couldn't help frowning.

Be careful. Yuan Shaoming and that man named Xiao Gao have been exposed to the rain outside. I'm worried that they might turn into zombies.

I know, I will be careful. Lu Jingxuan put on suit pants and a white shirt, like a polite white-collar.

He watched Lu Jingxuan go out. Song Fengfu also quickly put on her clothes.

Yuan Shaoming and Xiao Gao both have supernatural powers, and they don't know what they would look like if they turned into zombies.

Song Fengfu couldn't help feeling a little worried.

The two of them were not the only ones who were awakened, Hao Junnan jumped up when he heard the voice.

Following Lu Jingxuan to the downstairs, Hao Junnan quickly took out a few small flashlights and placed them on a certain point of the house.

Immediately, the whole wooden house was illuminated by several small flashlights.

Xiao Gao, Xiao Gao. Yuan Shaoming quickly came out of the room after hearing the voice, stood outside Xiao Gao's room, and looked at the door of Xiao Gao's room vigilantly.

The sound just now made him feel a little alert in his heart.

Judging from the loudness of the voice, Xiao Gao should have fallen to the ground with his whole body.

Xiao Gao, Xiao Gao.

Yuan Shaoming yelled a few more times, but he couldn't hear any sound from Xiao Gao's room at all.

Lu Jingxuan walked in front of him, his deep eyes swept across Xiao Gao's room.

What's wrong with Xiao Gao?

I don't know what's going on if he didn't respond to the call. Yuan Shaoming stood nearly one meter away from the room, seeming a bit afraid.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at him, then turned the door of the room.

In the silent space, only their breathing could be heard.

Lu Jingxuan grabbed the flashlight and opened the door.

Under the light of the flashlight, Lu Jingxuan saw Xiao Gao who fell on the ground.

The face that was fair at first has now turned grayish white, and now there are purple corpse spots one after another on the forward-leaning arm.

Lu Jingxuan frowned, He's infected, let's get out quickly.

Let's go. After Hao Junnan followed his words, he closed the door carefully.

Yuan Shaoming didn't expect that Xiao Gao would turn into a zombie in such a short period of time, which was beyond his expectation.

What should we do now? Hao Junnan turned his head to look at Lu Jingxuan in front of him, what should they do now.

Go upstairs and get ready, and escape to the back of the mountain if necessary. Lu Jingxuan said after a while of silence.

Escape to the back mountain? Do you mean to go to the temporary shelter in the back mountain? Hao Junnan remembered that someone mentioned the temporary shelter in the back mountain when he was in the management center.

But that refuge is on a high platform, which can be said to be a semi-floating seat.

From the second floor window it is possible to climb to the clearing in front of that shelter.

Yes, we are going to make preparations. Since Xiao Gao is infected, other people will inevitably be infected. According to this large number of infections, it is estimated that a large-scale zombie wave will break out here soon.

Lu Jingxuan watched Song Fengfu walking down the stairs.

Then should we go to the shelter from the second floor now, or hide in the hut? Song Fengfu looked at the door behind him, and she vaguely felt that the people behind the door were waking up.

Hiding in the hut is definitely not good. After all, the hut is made of wood, and the zombies can knock down the house with just a bump. Lu Jingxuan shook his head.

It would be fine if the house was strong, but the house was not strong at all, and if it collapsed, they would have nowhere to hide.

Listening to what he said, Song Fengfu felt the voice from inside the door again, then pulled Lu Jingxuan to go upstairs without thinking.

Why are you walking so fast? Feeling their footsteps were very fast and very light, Hao Junnan couldn't help lowering his voice.

Yuan Shaoming followed them upstairs.

However, after he went upstairs, Song Fengfu used the wind ability to directly destroy the entire staircase into dust.

Keep your voice down, I heard movement in Xiao Gao's room. Song Fengfu threw a flashlight on the sofa by the door, and then pulled Lu Jingxuan to squat down.

Seeing them squatting down, Yuan Shaoming and Hao Junnan quickly followed suit.

Is there any movement in Xiao Gao's room? Hao Junnan listened for a while, but didn't hear anything.

However, at the next moment, a strange sound came from Xiao Gao's room, it was the sound of knocking on the door.

The sound was so loud that the house shook.

Let's go back to the room to get ready, and we'll go to the refuge later. Lu Jingxuan said in a low voice, then pulled Song Fengfu back to the room softly.

Listening to his words, Hao Junnan quickly walked into the room.

Yuan Shaoming looked at the crowd, and quickly took out the raincoat, gloves and something to cover his face from the space.

After getting dressed, Yuan Shaoming walked to the middle of the two rooms.

Soon the three of them got dressed and walked out of the room.

Everyone is sure that your body will not be contaminated by rainwater. Lu Jingxuan glanced at several people, everyone was wearing protective clothing and hands.

No, no.

Yuan Shaoming and others shook their heads.

Then let's leave here quickly. Song Fengfu walked into the room and opened the window.

The sound of the rain outside was getting louder, and Song Fengfu sawed off the fence under the window.

Then he walked out quickly.

The outside level is built at the same height as the floor of the room.

As soon as Song Fengfu went out, the people behind him quickly followed him out.

After the platform, the four of them retreated into a cave nearly twenty meters apart.

In the dark cave, there are several people holding hands.

After watching the four of them come in, they couldn't help raising their guns.

Who are you?

We are residents in the wooden house. Lu Jingxuan used wind energy to dry the clothes on the four people and took them off.

What are the residents in the wooden house doing here? The soldier raised his gun and looked at them.

The thing is like this, we found that people who are contaminated by rain will turn into zombies. Lu Jingxuan looked at him and said.

Become a zombie? How is this possible? The soldiers didn't believe what they said.

There are a lot of food and zombie beads in this shelter, and he doesn't want to be taken away by these people in front of him.

If you don't believe me, you can go out in the rain and see if what I said is true. Glancing at the soldier, Lu Jingxuan cut the weapon in front of him in half with a wind knife.

The soldier didn't expect that the weapon in his hand would be split in half, and he was stunned.

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