Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 307 Something is wrong

The sound of the rain was getting louder, and Xiao Gao felt that he could hardly hear other sounds besides the sound of rain.

Yuan Shaoming, where are we going now? Xiao Gao followed behind Yuan Shaoming, feeling very uncomfortable from the rain on his body.

Go to Lu Jingxuan and the others. Yuan Shaoming stepped up the stairs of the wooden house. Fortunately, there was a shelter outside the wooden house here, so Yuan Shaoming put away his umbrella and walked to the front of the wooden house.

He remembered that the house where Lu Jingxuan and the others lived happened to be near here.

Looking for them? Why? Xiao Gao didn't understand. Is it because they have food?

They have an unusual relationship with the city lord of the crystal base. If there is any danger, they will definitely leave immediately. If we are not with them, you say...they will be brought back to the crystal base by then, and we can only If you stay here, how difficult do you think it will be to return to China?

Yuan Shaoming knocked on the door in front of him.

One after another, Yuan Shaoming knocked on the door, but finally knocked on the door.

The sound is very loud.

Hao Junnan was sleeping upstairs and was completely unable to sleep because of the noise.

Going downstairs, Hao Junnan didn't open the door.

Who is there?

I'm Yuan Shaoming, I'm looking for Song Fengfu. Yuan Shaoming shouted.

Look for Ms. Song, she's asleep now, you'd better come back tomorrow. Hao Junnan walked to the door and listened to the voices outside.

No, Hao Junnan, if you don't open the door for me, I'll hit the door. Yuan Shaoming shouted.

Hit the door? How can that work?

They broke the door, what if there are thieves or zombies at night?

Don't hit the door, don't hit the door, I'll open the door now. After Hao Junnan finished speaking, he quickly moved the cabinets behind the door.

Opening the door, Yuan Shaoming and Xiao Gao walked in one after the other.

Do you know that this is very immoral, you are breaking into a private house like this. Hao Junnan glared at the person in front of him, aiming the gun at Yuan Shaoming.

Yuan Shaoming looked at the muzzle of the gun and smiled wryly, Don't worry, we have no malicious intentions, we just want to follow you.

Follow us? What are you doing with us? Hao Junnan frowned.

You must have seen the rainwater outside. I'm worried that there are zombie viruses in the rainwater. Yuan Shaoming remembered the time in the service area, the rainwater turned people into zombies.

So when he came out, he put on a pair of rain boots carefully to avoid being drenched by the rain.

So you're worried about this? But what does this have to do with us? Hao Junnan found it very funny. If he is worried, he can worry about it. What does it have to do with him?

Hao Junnan sneered.

Immediately there was a sound of walking on the second floor behind him.

As early as when Yuan Shaoming came, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan had a feeling. After all, the wooden house is within 50 meters.

Song Fengfu, who went downstairs, had her long hair loose, and she looked lazily as if she had just woken up.

Song Fengfu looked very refreshed after changing her clothes.

Hao Junnan, how did they get in here? Song Fengfu glanced at Yuan Shaoming and Xiao Gao.

Didn't expect them to actually come in.

Hao Junnan smiled wryly, If you don't let them in, they will knock on the door.

Yuan Shaoming, I didn't expect you to be so barbaric. Song Fengfu didn't expect him to do such a thing.

’ How can one live a life if one does not think about oneself? Yuan Shaoming met her gaze.

He can do anything to keep himself alive.

Then what do you want to do? Song Fengfu frowned. What did he want to do here?

Looking for her?

They broke up a long time ago, what to do with her.

I can give you half a catty of food a day and rent your house. Yuan Shaoming knew that the house was very big, and the three of them couldn't live in such a big house.

Rent a house?

Song Fengfu sneered, what did he come here for, don't they know?

Hao Junnan, take half a catty of food from him and let them stay here for a day. If they want to stay here any longer, let them give food.

No problem. Hao Junnan nodded, watching Song Fengfu turn around and walk upstairs.

If he read correctly, Song Fengfu should have washed her hair.

That flowing long hair doesn't look like it hasn't been washed for a few days.

Come in, I'm going to close the door. After Hao Junnan finished speaking, he walked to the door and closed it, then quickly moved the cabinet behind the door.

At the same time put more heavy objects on it.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Gao couldn't help frowning.

Is this anti-theft?

Are you guarding against thieves or against your own people? Xiao Gao looked at Hao Junnan in front of him, he moved all the things in the living room to block the door.

Of course it's a thief or a zombie. Hao Junnan rolled his eyes at him, You live downstairs, the upstairs is my and Mr. Lu's territory, you are not allowed to go up.

No problem, can we choose the room downstairs? Yuan Shaoming took out a catty of food from the space and handed it to Hao Junnan.

That's right, you can live wherever you want. Hao Junnan nodded.

Just right, we want to rest now, Yuan Shaoming, let's go, let's go to rest now. Xiao Gao patted Yuan Shaoming on the shoulder.

He felt that his soaked feet were very uncomfortable, as if something was crawling up under his feet.

Go and pick a room first. Yuan Shaoming glanced at him.

Xiao Gao's feet have been soaked, so it is not known whether he has been infected with the zombie virus.

If he was infected, he should be careful tonight.

Xiao Gao nodded, it was so uncomfortable to live in that tent tonight.

Never smelled like that.

It stinks to death.

He wouldn't want to smell that smell again if he could.

Entering the room, Xiao Gao looked at the wooden bed in front of him, but there was nothing there.

Damn it, it's just an empty house, not even a single bedding, damn it.

Xiao Gao glanced around, how could he sleep without anything?

Sitting on the plank bed, Xiao Gao took off his wet clothes.

Without the lights, Xiao Gao didn't even know that something was wrong with his feet.

He just felt that his feet were very itchy, to the point where he couldn't stand it.

Constantly crawling on his feet, Xiao Gao felt his head was very heavy.

He shouldn't have a fever, right?

Xiao Gao felt that his body was really bad.

No, no, I can't die like this.

Xiao Gao shook his head, when he stood up from the bed and planned to walk outside.

His feet froze, and he fell to the ground.

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