You are all supernatural beings, aren't you? The leader with a scarred face looked at Zhang Xiaoqin and the others.

Seeing the fierce marks on the scarred man's face, Zhang Xiaoqin and the others shook their heads.

Who knows if he will want to kill them or use them after knowing that they are supernatural beings?

They're lying, they're supernatural beings. James looked at Zhang Xiaoqin shaking his head, and his expression turned ugly instantly.

The man with the scar looked at Zhang Xiaoqin, walked up and grabbed her by the hair, Bitch, you won't tell me the truth, will you?

Pain came from Zhang Xiaoqin's head, and Zhang Xiaoqin, who was stunned for a moment, had no idea that he would suddenly grab her hair. Seeing Zhang Xiaoqin being arrested, Shen Cheng wanted to help, but he didn't want to be the one who stepped forward. At that moment, the man with the scar shot Shen Cheng in the head.

He never expected that Shen Cheng would end his life with such an ending. When Lu Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu were shocked, the others were also shocked.

Killed, killed. Zhang Xiaotao looked at Shen Cheng in front of him and fell down.

I was stunned.

All along, she thought that she might accompany Shen Cheng to the end, and even raise children for him.

I didn't know that such a situation had appeared now.

The death of Shen Cheng meant that once they returned to the crystal base, they would also lose a backer.

Zhang Xiaotao's face turned pale in an instant, and her pale face made her clearly realize that she had to find a better backer right away.

Damn it, this bitch screams so badly, cut off her tongue. The man with the scar said to the person next to him.

Hearing that the man with the scar was going to cut off his tongue, Zhang Xiaotao hurriedly ran to the side of the road, hoping to escape the man with the scar.

However, before she escaped from the road, a man stretched out his hand and grabbed her.

No, no. Zhang Xiaotao shouted.

Boss, I haven't played with a woman for a long time, let me play with this woman. The man shouted at the man with the scar.

No problem, you can choose any woman here. After the man with the scar finished speaking, the man who grabbed Song Fengfu stretched out his hand, and touched Song Fengfu evilly.

Just when his hand was about to touch Song Fengfu, a wind knife cut his hand in two instantly.

Ah... There was a scream in an instant, the man didn't know what happened, he just felt a gust of wind blowing by quickly, and his hand just disappeared.

Bright red blood sprayed out, and countless blood flowers flew past Song Fengfu's eyes.

After the man took a few steps back in pain, the leading man with the scar looked at him, What's going on, why did your hands become like this.

I don't know, Boss, it must be someone with a supernatural power. It must be someone with a supernatural power who saw this matter. Several men around the man hurriedly surrounded him, but before they got close to the man, the wind knife slashed across their heads.

After the neatly cut heads slid off the necks of these people, blood splashed everywhere in an instant.

Lu Jingxuan pulled Song Fengfu and ran forward a dozen steps away from the bloody flowers and fog.

Seeing the inexplicable and tragic death of his subordinates, the man with the scar was furious. Who is it, who is it, get out of here.

While the man with the scar was yelling, a gust of wind sent the smell of blood to the breath of the nearby zombies, and all the zombies were agitated for a moment.

Ho, ho.

The screams of zombies came from a distance.

Boss, the zombies are coming. The man on the tall building shouted.

It turned out that they had dealt with the zombies nearby, but they didn't expect this zombie to...

There are mice, there are mice. Zhang Xiaotao heard a strange voice, turned her head to look, and was completely shocked.

This is how the same thing?

Mice, where did the mice come from? Why are there so many mice?

After Zhang Xiaotao screamed, countless mice ran towards Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu.

Get in the car. Lu Jingxuan grabbed Song Fengfu's hand and quickly got into the car.

After everyone's attention was drawn by the zombies, Song Fengfu closed the car door.

Lu Jingxuan sat in the driver's seat.

Let's go.

Song Fengfu came to the back of the RV and took out the space car and covered it.

Lu Jingxuan didn't care about the people in front, he stepped on the gas pedal and rushed up.

At this time, they couldn't take care of so much, not to mention that if they didn't leave here, they would become food in the mouths of zombies.

After Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan got into the car, the others also got into the car impatiently.

As for the scarred man who stayed outside after being sprayed with blood on his face by his brother, before he could escape in a hurry, groups of rats crawled towards him.

Rats have very sharp teeth.

After the scar man screamed, he didn't care about the life or death of his brother next to him, and wanted to escape here quickly, but he was swallowed up by the rat in the next second.

Zhang Xiaotao was pulled into the car by Zhang Xiaoqin, and before she could speak, Yuan Shaoming in the driver's seat stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

His Royal Highness, let's get in the car quickly. James was already in the car while Jack yelled.

Watching James' car leave, Louis and others were not to be outdone.

As for the Scar Man's companions, how can they be cared about now, it is already very good to be able to find a way to get out of here.

They left one after another with the cars in front, but unfortunately, the zombies had already arrived, and the army of mice surrounded the soldiers of the two heavy trucks.

Zombies kept running towards here, Lu Jingxuan knocked away zombies one after another, and found that the space car went deep into the depths of the city.

Groups of zombies rushed towards them continuously, no matter how powerful the car was, it was impossible to knock them all out.

Lu Jingxuan saw that the caravan was set up in a rather unique way, divided into upper and lower floors.

The space above the cab is nearly one meter high, and its design is somewhat similar to the principle of a convertible car.

Lu Jingxuan left the driver's seat of the car, climbed upstairs of the driver's cab, and opened the corresponding sunroof.

Lu Jingxuan took out a grenade, pulled the safety off and threw it directly into the pile of zombies.

Boom after boom sounded in everyone's ears.

As the bodies of the zombies were blown away, the road ahead became much easier.

It's just that zombies are still eroding here.

After Lu Jingxuan threw one grenade after another, there were still many zombies left behind who were knocked into the air by the people behind.

Lu Jingxuan had to go back to the car until the grenades ran out.

The sweat on his handsome face drenched his white shirt.

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