Prince, don't worry, these people want to live more than us, so they will never die. We don't have any supernatural beings to protect us now except soldiers, so we will be safer if we follow them. And there are still people among them. There is a person with a space ability, there is land and water in this space, with this space person, the prince will definitely be able to make a comeback.

Jack smiled and looked at James in front of him. The young prince wondered if he would make a comeback.

Okay, just follow your arrangement and follow them.

James closed his eyes and thought about it. There were only a few people who came out of the shelter, and the soldiers didn't bring much food.

With their abilities, it is almost impossible to get food now.

What's more, it has been more than half a year since the end of the world, and it is much harder to find food and water than before.

If you catch the space power user, they won't have to worry about eating and drinking in the future.

Car after car drove from London.

Avoid the city and avoid the main road, and the zombies are much less.

When Song Fengfu woke up, she took off the mask on her face, yawned and sat in the passenger seat, staring at the road in front of her, which was already half of the distance on the map.

Are you awake? Lu Jingxuan turned his head and looked at her lightly.

Well, I slept well, you go and have a rest, I'll watch here. Song Fengfu stared at the road in front of her and the car that followed them all the way in the rearview mirror, did she really plan to follow them for the rest of her life?

Nodding, Lu Jingxuan walked to the back of the car and lay down.

One day, almost a day, the sun did not set, the night did not come, and people were tired besides being tired.

The city under the high temperature does not see a drop of water.

Song Fengfu looked at the barrenness outside the car, which looked more and more like a ghost town and a scene from a ghost movie.

The car started to go from the suburbs to the city. Just as the car was about to approach the city, one car after another got out from nowhere.

Song Fengfu frowned, what's going on?


Jingxuan, Jingxuan, there is a situation. Song Fengfu yelled, and Lu Jingxuan, who was sleeping behind the RV, jumped up.

What happened? Lu Jingxuan walked in front of her, watching the scene outside the car window.

Two vehicles pulled side by side from the intersection, blocking the RV's path.

Then a group of men with guns quickly got out of the car.

Lu Jingxuan looked in front of him, Is it robbery?

It looks like it is. Song Fengfu put away the space car and cleaned up the food in the backpack, and a person outside the RV came up to them with a gun on his back and shouted at them, The people inside, come out and bring your food come out.

Let's go out. Lu Jingxuan's expression froze. They could kill zombies, but they had never done so.

After cleaning out the backpack at the same time, he walked to the RV and opened the door.

The people behind the car frowned when they saw the scene in front of them. Zhang Xiaoqin and the others wanted to exit by another road, but it was a pity that at the end of the car, there were also two cars blocking the retreat.

At the same time, one person after another with guns appeared on the buildings on both sides of the road.

They are dressed in the clothes of ordinary people, but they act like fast-trained soldiers.

Everyone get off, everyone get off.

The man who pulled Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu out of the car handed them over to his subordinates, and then shouted at the people in the car behind.

Facing the scene before them, Zhang Xiaoqin and others had no choice but to get out of the car.

What are you doing, what do you want to do, don't you know that I am a prince? James got out of the car, staring at rows of people with guns and shouted.

The leader glanced at James and said with a half-smile, Prince? The country is gone. Where did the prince come from? It's so funny.

Jack, he dared to laugh at the prince, what do you think?

James frowned and stared at the leader. After all, he was the prince of this country. He dared to laugh at himself, which clearly did not take him seriously.

Yoyo, His Royal Highness actually said that we laughed at him, what do you think we should do? There was a faint smile on the leader's face, but after the faint smile, there was a cold and heartless face.

Chop up and eat the meat, hasn't it been a long time since we tasted meat?

After the leader's words came out, James and the people around him turned very ugly.

They actually eat people?

In a place only a few hours away from London, such a brutal thing happened. As a prince of a country, James does not want such things to continue to happen.

Jack, Jack, kill these people. James pointed at the leading man with a scar on his face with an ugly expression.

Kill us, did you hear? He wants to kill us. The leader pointed at James and laughed, and then shot James' arm with the gun in his hand.

A burning sensation came from his left arm, and James felt a pain.

His complexion became very serious.

How dare you hurt me? You don't want to live, don't you? James' face changed, and as soon as he waved at the soldiers behind him, everyone on the roof immediately fired at those soldiers one after another.

The rattling sound continued, and many soldiers immediately hid in the car.

After seeing the scene in front of him, James knew that he couldn't fight the team led by the person in front of him, not to mention that among the people he just discovered, there were actually escapees from prison.

Compared with soldiers, the escapees in the prison are more ruthless than these soldiers, and they do things more absolutely.

They haven't thought about eating people yet, but the person in front of them wants to chop them up and eat them.

He said we don't want to live, what do you say brothers? The leading scarred man looked at the people around him with a fierce look on his face.

Eat him, eat him. The voices of the crowd spread around, and the chilling voice seemed to envelop them all together.

Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu looked at a group of people saying these three words loudly, but felt that this was not something that one person would do at all.

If it is said that the end of the world has really reached this stage, human beings will have no way to survive.

Don't eat me, don't eat me. Don't you supernatural beings hurry up and attack them? Don't you want to be eaten too? James looked at the indifferent people in front of him. When they heard what this man said, could they just Not a little moved?

Zhang Xiaoqin and the others frowned when they heard his words.

Is this the rhythm of betraying these supernatural beings to this person?

The leading man with the scar looked at Zhang Xiaoqin and the others after listening to his words, did they have supernatural powers? That's just right, he still lacks supernatural beings here.

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