“My silly sister, let me ask you, does it usually take him so long to make midnight snacks?”

Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao both shook their heads. Cheng Xiaoxiao’s eyes lit up and said:”Sister Reba, you mean he did it on purpose? He was delaying time on purpose, just because he didn’t want you to go back? Wow, how did he think of it? of?”

Reba snorted coldly and said:

“In this regard, he has always been clever to a fault. However, that’s what I thought at first. You can probably tell that Lin Mo is a person who values feelings and longs for companionship.”

Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao nodded. They could both see that Lin Mo was a bit clingy sometimes.

“But since we are doing this job, we are often far apart from each other. Now that we live together, there will always be people at home. As long as there are people at home, he won’t run around.

But if there was no one at home, he might sneak into some woman’s room. So, from the beginning, I thought about us moving in together and tying him up.”

Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao both nodded.

Cheng Xiaoxiao said:

“Also, Sister Reba, Sister Xiaoyi, although we 07 think so, we can’t let him get it all at once. We have to hang him up and give him a little sweetness from time to time, otherwise the man will lose his sense of freshness. , you will get tired of it soon”

Sister Reba nodded and said yes

Song Yi looked at Cheng Xiaoxiao in surprise and said:

“Xiaoxiao, how come you even know these things?”

Cheng Xiaoxiao smiled and said:

“I have been studying a lot of books on this topic during this time. By the way, one more thing, Sister Reba was right just now. We can’t let him know that his superpowers are related to women. We must lock down the fact that Sister Reba can activate other people’s superpowers.”

“So what to do?”

“We can do this!”

The three of them, Cheng Xiaoxiao, got together and chatted non-stop.

In the kitchen, Lin Mo checked the time and felt that it was almost done. Then he took out the food and put it on the table. He quietly opened a bottle of wine and filled it up.

After doing all this, looking at the three girls chatting together in the living room, Lin Mo suddenly felt that he didn’t need any”Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom” card. Isn’t it good to get along with each other?

“Sister Reba, Sister Xiaoyi, and Xiaoxiao are here for dinner.”

Lin Mo shouted, and the three women immediately came over. When they saw the wine poured on the table, the three women all smiled secretly. Sure enough, they had all been guessed.

The four of them sat down, Lin Mo raised his wine glass and said,”Well, today is the first time our family has dinner together, come, let’s have a drink together, cheers!”

Sister Reba and the three of them raised their glasses and clinked them with Lin Mo. Then, under Lin Mo’s gaze, the three of them drank it all.

Is this trying to get us drunk?

Song Yi looked at Sister Reba. Sister Reba kicked Song Yi but did not respond.

“Come, come, eat, taste my cooking!”

What surprised Song Yi was that Lin Mo didn’t persuade her to drink. Did she guess wrong?

Seeing that time passed little by little, the four of them had finished their late night snacks.

Sister Reba and Song Yi had just put down their tableware when Lin Mo suddenly said in surprise:

“Oops, why is it so late? Sister Xiaoyi, Sister Reba, it’s time for your agents to go to bed, so don’t disturb them. Otherwise, just sleep here today. Don’t worry, there are many rooms and beds here.”

Song Yi and Sister Reba looked at each other, and Sister Reba said:”It’s okay, we can drive back by ourselves.””

Lin Mo said:

“That’s not okay, you just drank, we can’t drink and drive! Don’t drive when you drink, don’t drink when you drive, there are thousands of roads, safety comes first, we can’t break the law knowingly”

Only then did Song Yi understand the purpose of the glass of wine just now. How could this person be so scheming?

Sister Reba said with a smile:

“Okay, Xiaoxiao, then we will disturb you all night. Xiaoyi, let’s go and rest.”

Lin Mo immediately smiled and said:

“Okay, okay, I’ll clean up your room for you

“No, Xiaoxiao can just help us. You can rest for a while. Just put the things here and we’ll pack them up tomorrow”

“Okay, okay, you guys go to bed early!”

Lin Mo was delighted, and the three girls who went upstairs also laughed. Song Yi said:”I thought he was going to get us drunk? I didn’t expect that he would wait for us here, drink and not drive, and drive without drinking. He How did you remember it?”

Sister Reba said:

“As I said before, he is smarter than anyone else in this regard! Okay, Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyi, remember, follow the plan”

” OK!”

That night, in Lin Mo and Cheng Xiaoxiao’s room, after the clouds and rain passed, Cheng Xiaoxiao hugged Lin Mo and said:

“Honey, you seem a little excited today”

“ah? Have it? No, it’s okay!”

“Are you feeling particularly happy that Sister Reba and Sister Xiaoyi are here?”

“It’s very fun, how lively it is. But Xiaoxiao, I really didn’t expect you three to meet secretly”

Cheng Xiaoxiao smiled and said:

“In fact, it was Sister Xiaoyi who contacted us first.

“Sister Xiaoyi?”

“Well, one day Sister Xiaoyi suddenly called me and asked me if I knew you had super powers. Then the three of us met.

We were quite embarrassed at first, but we were all curious about your super powers. Later, Sister Reba said that you seemed to be able to predict the future, because you seemed to be a clairvoyant about Oulian and Zhou Yan’s manager.

There are also entertainment companies that are on their way out, and studios are about to rise. When Sister Reba said this, we felt a little worried. We even thought that you were suffering from some fantasy psychosis.

So we plan to observe you together”

Lin Mo said:

“So, you thought I was mentally ill at first???”

Cheng Xiaoxiao smiled and said:

“yes. But the more Qilai observes, the more something is wrong. After the box office of Wolf Warrior 2 and Sister Reba talking about Zifeng’s humiliating movie, we decided to have a showdown with you.

But dear, I really didn’t expect you to have super powers. It’s really incredible.”

Lin Mo chuckled and said:

“Actually, I was quite surprised myself.”

Cheng Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said:

“Then my dear, did you say that Sister Reba really awakened your superpower for you?”Do you believe this???

“Haha, it should be so. I’m not sure. I’m just guessing. After all, I only got super powers after I met Sister Reba.”

“You mean, you had the superpower to predict the future after you and Sister Reba, so how about your body becoming stronger?”

“Well, that should be when I met you”

“Has your acting skills gotten better?”

“When I met Sister Xiaoyi”

Sure enough, Sister Xiaoyi is right. His superpowers are not related to Sister Reba at all, but the more contact he has with women, the stronger his superpowers are.

no! He must not be allowed to know this secret!

I have to seduce Sister Reba

“Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao?”

“Um? What’s wrong?”

“Why are you suddenly in a daze?”

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