Lin Mo likes liveliness. He may have enjoyed loneliness when he was young, but when you get older, you always like the excitement at home.

The villa is too big. It was okay if Cheng Xiaoxiao was here when he came back. But if Cheng Xiaoxiao was not here either, he would really feel empty.

Even if Cheng Xiaoxiao was there, the two of them would mostly hide in the bedroom, which would be more fulfilling.

But today was different. The arrival of Song Yi and Sister Reba made Lin Mo feel more lively all of a sudden.

Now that he’s said it, even if he doesn’t have the Hundred Flowers Blooming card, he still has to find a way to keep the two of them here.

In the living room, Song Yi said:

“I still find it a bit unbelievable, but I can’t believe it. Everything he said is really right. Sister Reba, do you think people really have superpowers?”

Sister Reba shook her head and said:

“I don’t know either”

Cheng Xiaoxiao said:

“I have read in the news before that the human brain is less than 10% open. If it exceeds 15%, it will surpass ordinary people. So scientifically speaking, people do have the potential for superpowers.”

Song Yi also said:

“Yes, yes, I have also seen it. It was reported before that a child was pinned under a car, and a mother actually lifted the car up. The explanation given at the time was that the potential was explosive!

This guy in our family is so smart. Could it be that he has developed his potential?”

Sister Reba became more and more serious as she listened, and finally began to hesitate:”Is this really going to happen?”

Song Yi said affirmatively:

“Really, Sister Reba! Seriously, he overpowered Director Wu Jing in his first filming, and even Teacher Wu Gang admired his acting skills. What do you think this is if he’s not a genius?”

“Yes, yes, he can also write songs, dance, play musical instruments, and kung fu. He is also a top student at Peking University. Sister Reba, what is this if he is not a genius?”

Sister Reba looked at Lin Mo who was busy in the kitchen, and then said:”What you said seems to make sense. Then why didn’t he do this before?”

Cheng Xiaoxiao immediately blushed and said:

“Sister Reba, do you think it has anything to do with you?”

Upon hearing this, Sister Reba immediately said:

“Don’t listen to his nonsense, it’s all about me. You still don’t know about his evil thoughts, isn’t he just trying to get us to join him?…Xiaoxiao, don’t be deceived by him”

Cheng Xiaoxiao said:

“No, sister Reba, that’s what I think. Look, he was not like this before, but after he and you…I was wondering if you also have super powers”

“What super powers do I have?”

“That is, after being like you, you will become smarter!

Sister Reba said:

“This, probably not”

Now that she has been talked about like this, Sister Reba is starting to doubt herself a little bit.

Song Yi said:

“Sister Reba, when you are usually like this, have you noticed anything different?”

Sister Reba blushed and said:

“No, it’s just like you, very, very comfortable.”

Cheng Xiaoxiao said:

“No, Sister Reba, what Sister Xiaoyi is talking about is, is there anything different between you and us?”

Sister Reba thought for a moment and whispered a few words into their ears. Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao immediately widened their eyes.

“Sister Reba, you, why are you like that?

Sister Reba said:

“So what happened? Just boudoir fun! Besides, I’m just cooperating with him”

“That’s not right. I’ve seen things like that in short movies. If you could awaken superpowers like that, your life wouldn’t be all about superpowers. Sister Reba, is there anything else?”

Sister Reba hesitated for a moment and whispered a few words into their ears. This time, both Cheng Xiaoxiao and Song Yi blushed.

“Sister Reba, you, you guys really know how to play!

“I don’t think it’s right. It’s also in short movies.”

“Xiaoxiao, you’ve seen a lot”

“Oh, Sister Xiaoyi, I just want to study. Is there still Sister Reba?”

Looking at Cheng Xiaoxiao, he said;

“Xiaoxiao, I can’t see it! You are not old enough to be so curious about this aspect. Are you trying to trick me on purpose?”

Cheng Xiaoxiao immediately laughed. When Sister Reba saw it, she was really trapped by this little girl. She immediately squeaked at Cheng Xiaoxiao. After a while, even Song Yi joined in.

Lin Mo in the kitchen looked at the three people playing in the living room, listened to the laughter of the three people, and sighed unconsciously:

“This is life!

Sister Reba and the three of them were noisy for a while, and they were all out of breath. Song Yi leaned against Sister Reba and stretched out her hand and said:

“Sister Reba, Xiaoxiao, I actually have an idea, but I haven’t said it yet!”


“You said, that’s it, what else can’t be said?

Song Yi glanced at Lin Mo’s back and then whispered something into Sister Reba’s ear. Sister Reba thought for a moment and said:

“It seems true. When I disciplined him, he was very quick and careless. At first glance, he seemed to have no experience…….

Song Yi said:

“Sister Reba, you have also filmed Xianxia dramas. Have you read Xianxia novels?”

“Why haven’t you seen it much?”

“I’ve read some, and there’s a kind of martial arts in the novel, where men improve their martial arts by being with women.

As soon as these words came out, Sister Reba and Cheng Xiaoxiao both widened their eyes, and Cheng Xiaoxiao even blurted out:

“Taoist demon? Yin and yang?”

Song Yi nodded and said,

“Sister Reba, Xiaoxiao, do you think he has that kind of physique? It’s not that he can activate his superpowers by being with women, but that he activates his superpowers by being with women, and the more women he spends time with, the smarter he becomes!”

As soon as these words came out, Sister Reba and the three of them seemed to be enlightened!

So that’s what happened!!!

It seems reasonable to say that Lin Mo became so powerful gradually, not all at once. At least Sister Reba knew that. Although Lin Mo was also powerful at the beginning, she was on a par with him. Coming

But I don’t know when Lin Mo started to stop being a human being.

In this way, Lin Mo is really getting more and more powerful. The only change during this period is that Lin Mo has Cheng Xiaoxiao and Song Yi.

Could it be

The three girls felt they had enlightened themselves!

In fact, their guess was not bad, but Lin Mo’s ability had nothing to do with women, but only with the show he was on.

Sister Reba quickly hugged Song Yi and Cheng Xiaoxiao and said,”Xiao Yi, Xiaoxiao, you must not tell anyone about this now, you have to let him know that I have super powers.””


“You are stupid. If he knew that he would become smarter by being like this with women, he would have to offend many women in the future. Do you still want to break up with others? Cheng Xiaoxiao and Song Yi shook their heads quickly. Cheng Xiaoxiao even covered her mouth and Song Yi said:

“But Sister Reba, he, he is really awesome. I keep asking him to endure it, and I’m afraid that sooner or later he won’t be able to endure it anymore”

Sister Reba said:

“If we go together, I don’t believe that we can’t beat him.”

“ah? This, how can this be done?”

“Silly girl, do you think you have entered this house today and you still want to get out?”

“ah? Aren’t we leaving right after dinner?”

Sister Reba looked at Song Yi, this sister was really a bit naive.

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