In a certain hotel, Song Yi and Lin Mo slept in each other’s arms! This time the two of them didn’t do anything and just fell asleep. I can’t help it, I’m just too tired

For the past few days, they have to go to three or four theaters a day for road shows. After the run, they fly directly to the next city and continue the road show.

By the end, almost everyone was in the car or on the plane, to the point where they could fall asleep as long as they could stay still. If it weren’t for the stimulation of fresh box office every day, a few people might not be able to hold on.

In the end, Lin Mo had kicked Zhou Yan and Xiao Wang away. He was in good physical condition, but Zhou Yan and Xiao Wang would definitely not be able to endure it. There was no need to let them suffer along with them.

As for Song Yi, Wu Jing later became considerate of her and allowed her to follow her for two road shows a day, and she could rest the rest of the time.

It’s not that Song Yi must be allowed to follow the road show, but now Wolf Warrior 2 is the hottest topic in the entertainment industry. Song Yi’s road show with Wolf Warrior 2 is not only promoting the movie, but also promoting herself.

After all, the title of the heroine with a box office of 3 billion is still very important. Well, although the heroine’s role is a bit watery, but it’s hot, a watery queen, right? This is her resume.

When the movie is not good, you ask people to help you promote it. When the movie is popular, you don’t want them anymore. Wu Jing can’t do this.

Finally, the Golden Week was over and the road show was over. Everyone was dismissed on the spot without any food. There is no way, everyone is like a panda, and they can’t eat any delicacies at this time.

Lin Mo and Song Yi found a hotel and fell asleep.

How tired are you?

Let’s put it this way, the two of them took a shower together in order to rest quickly, but they didn’t do anything, they just took a shower, then went to bed, and fell asleep instantly!

This lasted a full day’s sleep. When Lin Mo opened his eyes, it was already past four o’clock in the afternoon the next day.

Turning his head to look at Song Yi, who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Lin Mo stopped disturbing her. He carefully got up and put on his clothes, then washed up, went out and asked for a piece of food, brought it back and put it on the table.

Looking at Song Yi who was sleeping soundly, Lin Mo sat on the sofa aside and picked up his phone to quietly browse the news.

Today’s hot searches are still related to Wolf Warrior 2, and most of them are predicting the final box office of Wolf Warrior 2!

After watching for a while, Lin Mo suddenly found two hot searches related to him. It’s not surprising that Lin Mo is on the hot search. During this period, with the popularity of Wolf Warrior 2, Lin Mo’s acting skills have been on the hot search several times.

To put it bluntly, with a movie like Wolf Warrior 2, Lin Mo got rid of the label of popular acting. Many film critics and even directors praised Lin Mo’s acting!

But today’s hot search is a bit interesting

The first hot search item, Zhang Tianai and Lin Mo’s suspected relationship is exposed!

Lin Mo clicked on it, and the first picture was of Zhang Tianai coming to attend the premiere of Wolf Warrior 2 and Lin Mo hugging her.

There is also a picture from the set of The Princess. I don’t know who took it at the time. In short, it is a photo of Lin Mo playing the role of the young eunuch and Zhang Tianai playing the role of the princess.

This still isn’t even in the feature film, and I don’t know where she got it from.

Then the article talked about people with noses and eyes. Lin Mo and Zhang Tianai have known each other for a long time and were already together when they were filming The Princess.

When Lin Mo was replaced by Zhang Tianai on the set of The Princess, he had a big fight with the director and so on.

Later, Lin Mo was able to join Oupian because of Zhang Tianai’s efforts, and the two have maintained a secret love relationship. This time at the premiere of Lin Mo Wolf Warriors 2, Zhang Tianai once again appeared in the same frame as Lin Mo, which was also a bold attempt.

In short, what he said is more true than what he acted. That’s not all. Interested people also discovered that Zhang Tianai and Lin Mo use the same phone case, wear the same clothes, and wear the same accessories.

After all, in a word, Lin Mo and Zhang Tianai are definitely having an affair!

Lin Mo was speechless. When Zhang Tianai hugged him that day, he was thinking that this bitch was coming for him, but he didn’t expect that the words came true!

Take a look at the comments below, there’s a lot of nonsense

“Damn it! Is Lin Mo going to collapse the house?”

“Is Zhang Tianai older than Lin Mo? Is this a sibling relationship?”

“Zhang Tianai starts rubbing again!”

“Why does this woman rub against everyone?”

“I’m speechless. Please don’t touch my Mo Mo, okay?”

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“So they are all hugged together, or are they rubbing together?”

“Mo Mo hugged Kun Kun for half an hour. Why didn’t you say they were a couple?”

“Well, in fact, the only thing that has been trending the most in Wolf Warrior 2 these days is the scandal between Lin Mo and Kun Kun!”

“Hahahaha, compared to Lin Mo and Zhang Tianai, I hope he and Kunkun are together!”

“The hug was indeed a bit far-fetched. After all, Lin Mo hugged many people that day, but the two of them had so many couple accessories, so it couldn’t be fake.?”

Look, where did the scandal come from? If you just do it casually like this and take a photo, many people will have no brains to believe it.

Seeing this, Lin Mo opened his personal scarf and sent a scarf:”Kunah@kunkun, didn’t you say that the phone case you gave me was customized? You lied to me!

Soon Kunkun replied:

“Brother @林MO, I can customize it and others can customize it, but there is no copyright on that thing!”

As soon as this scarf came out, there were a lot of comments below:”Hahahahaha, who is Momo referring to?”

“I go! It turns out that Lin Mo’s mobile phone case was given by Kun Kun.

“So Zhang Tianai and Kunkun are a couple?”

“Um, so Lin Mo still loves Kunkun?”

“I’ve said it a long time ago, Mo Mo’s pictures of mobile phone cases and necklaces have been available for a long time, and I bought exactly the same ones. Does that mean I am also Mo Mo’s wife? Oops, I seem to have let slip, okay, let me show my cards, Mo Mo and I have been married a long time ago.”Sisters upstairs, you are dreaming, Mo Mo belongs to Kun Kun!”!!”

“Hahahaha, so is this a clarification? But why does Zhang Tianai keep hyping up all day long? It’s really annoying!”

“People just live on hype.”

Not long after, Zhang Tianai posted a post, offering various clarifications and apologies. Anyway, her team is very skilled in this matter.

If you don’t say anything, I’ll keep rubbing you. If you talk, I’ll apologize and continue to rub you, unless you stop being angry!

There’s really nothing you can do about this, so Lin Mo just explained it and left it alone!

Then the second hot search related to Lin Mo became funny!

Director Feng expressed that he wanted to cooperate with Lin Mo!

Clicking on the article revealed that Wolf Warrior 2 was a big hit recently, and Lin Mo’s acting skills also aroused a lot of topics. So someone found Director Feng and asked him about the previous criticism of Lin Mo’s acting skills.

Director Feng is also a person who has seen big storms. He said very calmly that what he said before was not Lin Mo, but some young freshmen and traffic sects now. Everyone had misunderstood and quoted them out of context.

He has always admired Lin Mo very much. His wife has always liked listening to Lin Mo’s songs and is a fan of Lin Mo. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Lin Mo

Director Feng then changed the topic and congratulated Wolf Warrior 2 on its achievements and box office. He also expressed his optimism for the future prospects of Longguo’s film industry and his affirmation of the general public’s pursuit of good movies.

Finally, he said that his upcoming mobile phone 2 is also a very good work. He is confident that it will surpass Wolf Warrior 2 at the box office. He hopes that everyone will pay attention to mobile phone 2.!

All in all, it still sells movies!

When Lin Mo saw this, he clicked on forwarding and then replied:”Thank you Director Feng for your affirmation. I have always been a fan of Director Feng. It would be an honor for me to work with Director Feng if I have the opportunity!”

Again, he can’t afford to offend Director Feng now!

After taking care of these two things, Lin Mo shook his head gently. There were many famous people, and now he really felt it.

But this also shows from the side that after the baptism of Wolf Warrior 2, Lin Mo is really popular. It is no longer the false fire like before, but real!

Even Zhang Tianai and Director Feng started to take the initiative to ride on his popularity. Isn’t this popular?

Now, I can be considered second-tier!

Just when Lin Mo was thinking this, someone suddenly hugged his neck, and then Song Yi sat in his arms.

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