After three drinks and five dishes, Wu Jing was already a little dizzy. She looked at a circle of people and finally fell on Xie Nan:”Wife, thank you.”

Xie Nan was surprised, but she didn’t stop Wu Jing. She knew that Wu Jing was under the most pressure now, so she asked him to say a few more words to vent.

“Wife, thank you for being so supportive and considerate of me. Meeting you is the happiest thing in my life.”

Xie Nan was very touched by her husband’s sudden confession, especially since Wu Jing was not the kind of person who knew how to talk about love, but she was still a little shy in front of so many people.

“Oops, why are you talking about this? We are a couple. If I don’t support you, who will support you?”

“No! Wife, there are too many people in this circle who are separated because of money. It is my greatest happiness to meet you!”

Xie Nan’s cheeks were hot as he was being looked at by a circle of people. He was just thinking about whether he should express his feelings a little when he heard Wu Jing say:”Honey, if I go bankrupt, let’s get a divorce!” I can’t delay a woman like you!”


Lin Mo squirted out a mouthful of wine, and then said quickly

“sorry Sorry”

Although the others were not as exaggerated as Lin Mo, they all stared at Wu Jing.

My brother, didn’t you just say something very good? Why did your brain suddenly short-circuit? What are you talking about?

Xie Nan was no longer moved at all. He gritted his teeth and looked at Wu Jing and said:

“What do you mean? I, Xie Nan, am the kind of person who can only live a good life with you and cannot live a hard life with you. In your mind, I am the kind of person who despises poverty and loves wealth.!”

Wu Jing was sober from drinking all of a sudden that she didn’t even care about the box office and stammered:

“No, wife, I, I didn’t mean that. I, I mean you are very good, very good, and you should not live a hard life. I, I didn’t mean that.”

After Wu Jing finished speaking, he turned around and looked at everyone for help, only to find that everyone turned their heads and refused to look at him.

“snort! There are so many people here today. If I don’t tell you, you are waiting to go home. You must explain it clearly to me when you get home!”

Wu Jing scratched his head, why did this happen?

A tough guy doesn’t know how to be romantic, and he doesn’t know how to accept a softie, but a tough guy can take the blame and take refuge. Wu Jing saw that Xie Nan was angry and didn’t know how to comfort his wife for a moment. She turned around and saw Lin Mo. She said to Lin Mo in her heart:”Xiao Mo, I really want to thank you.”

But, is Lin Mo the kind of person who would easily let others down? So just when Wu Jing opened her mouth, Lin Mo said:

“Brother Jing, don’t worry! Even if you really go bankrupt, I will never divorce you, ah, even if we break up, we will always be good brothers!”


After Lin Mo finished speaking, everyone burst out laughing. Brother Qian even smiled and gave a thumbs up to Li Mo. Only Wu Jing couldn’t cry or laugh.

In the end, it was Xie Nan who patted Lin Mo and said:

“Don’t say that about you, Brother Jing!”

All joking aside, my husband still has to hurt himself

Wu Jing would also borrow the donkey from Poxia, turned to Xie Nan and said with a smile:”Thank you, wife, you are so kind!””


Everyone looked disgusted, and Lin Mo kept rubbing his arms.

Wu Jing didn’t mind either, but looked proud.

Just when everyone was in harmony, suddenly, a loud cell phone rang.

Everyone who was still laughing suddenly seemed to have their throats strangled, and they all looked at their phones.

Wu Jing trembled all over, and then picked up the phone, her hands trembling

Line connected

“Hey, are you out?”

Everyone is looking at Wu Jing, even Lin Mo. Now he doesn’t know whether he will have any impact on Wolf Warrior 2.


Wu Jing’s cell phone suddenly fell on the table, and she suddenly sat on the chair

Everyone’s heart sank when they saw it, and Lin Mo was even more dizzy. Could it be that he really messed up?

“husband? Husband, what’s wrong with you? ??It’s okay, I’m here, you still have me!”

Xie Nan hugs Wu Jing

Wu Jing hugged Xie Nan, and then kissed Xie Nan hard on the mouth regardless of everyone’s eyes, and then shouted to everyone:”Statistics, the statistics are not over yet, but, three Hours, three hours to break 100 million!!!”

Everyone was stunned, Zhou Yan even pulled Lin Mo and asked in a low voice:”Xiao Mo, did Wu Jing just say over 100 million or over 1 million?”

These days, a box office of more than 10 million is considered a high box office, and many movies can’t even get close to 100 million.

Breaking 100 million in three hours, is this a joke?

But Lin Mo knows that this is not a joke. In his previous life, Wolf Warrior 2 did not have such a big publicity, and it was not on the National Day release. The result was that it broke 100 million in 4 hours. Now it has its own popularity and it is the National Day release. 3 Breaking 100 million in an hour is definitely possible!

“Man, please make it clear. How much is it?”

Brother Qian is the calmest and has the best relationship with Wu Jing. He asked everything directly.

Wu Jing shouted loudly:

“Breaking 100 million!!!Breaking 100 million!!!Three hours!!!Breaking 100 million in three hours!!!Now all theaters are increasing their film schedules overnight, exceeding 100 million!!!!”

“Damn it!!!”


“I go!!!”

After Wu Jing said this, Yu Qian, Wu Gang and Chunyu Shanshan all shouted loudly”National Essence”……

Song Yi and her agent were also full of excitement, especially Song Yi’s agent. Originally, she asked Song Yi to take this book just because of Lin Mo’s popularity.

Now, if it breaks 100 million in three hours, the final box office will be no more than 3 billion!!!

The heroine with a box office of 3 billion, my God, isn’t she making a fortune!!!

Song Yi’s manager hugged Song Yi excitedly

Zhou Yan also widened her eyes. Like everyone else, she broke 100 million in three hours. She was thinking about the final box office in the future.

Then she looked at Lin Mo and saw that although Lin Mo was also happy, he was not that excited.

Then she thought that in fact, she had been opposed to Lin Mo taking this movie. It was Lin Mo who told her time and time again, believe him, this movie will be a hit!

I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect, that this military-themed movie would really become a hit.!

“Wife, add some food! We won’t come back until we get drunk today!!!”

Wu Jing shouted, and Xie Nan also smiled and said:”Okay!!! I’ll add more!!! You guys can go ahead and drink!”!!”

Suddenly, the entire lounge burst into laughter!

And this is just the beginning of everything. The big hit of Wolf Warrior 2 was something that no one expected. But if the box office was shocking, then the big bang that followed was completely shocking!

Breaking 100 million in three hours!

Breaking 400 million in 22 hours!

Breaking 500 million in forty hours!!!

The most terrifying thing is that on October 6th, the box office of Wolf Warrior 2 in just one day was 39.2 billion, which directly broke the single-day box office record of Chinese film and television with 3.4!

During the entire National Day period, Wolf Warrior 2 took in a box office of 3.153 billion in one week!!!It shocked everyone’s attention!!!

In the past seven days, the Internet has been full of hot searches for Wolf Warrior 2, and all the box office reports of Wolf Warrior 2. As the box office continues to refresh, the reputation continues to explode, and people’s enthusiasm for watching movies has reached an unprecedented high!

During this period, Wu Jing and his team of creative staff were the busiest. For seven days, they continued to go to various cinemas to conduct roadshows for promotion, and were busy almost 24 hours a day.

Whether it’s Song Yi or Lin Mo, their two studios have postponed all their schedules and are fully promoting Wolf Warrior 2.!

Very excited, very excited, but also very tired!

Finally the Golden Week has passed and the road show is finally over!

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