Chapter 82

Not only because Qin Zhong played so well, but also because of that kind of emotional burst.

Since he looked for his daughter, time is pressing and the wicked are arrogant. Every minute, every second, his daughter is facing this more dangerous situation.



I have to say that Qin Zhong’s play was perfect, and after he finished playing, he was very relaxed, not panting like other actors.

It makes people suspect that he hasn’t done his best yet!

After a period of play, the eyes of Qin Zhong in the entire crew changed.

A person with strength will be taken a high look wherever he goes.

Especially Tony Jia. Since this scene, he has been thinking about staying with Qin Zhong all day long, wanting to learn from Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, your martial arts in China is really amazing!” Tony Jia praised sincerely.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “China’s martial arts is extensive and profound, and I am just one of the very ordinary disciples. I can’t learn well!”

Suddenly, Tony Jia felt a sense of frustration.

He always thought he worked very hard.

But what he did was not good enough.

Compared with Qin Zhong, it is nothing short of a big deal.

What makes him admire is that Qin Zhong’s lens feel is simply born for a lens.

The few martial arts around who were waiting to see Qin Zhong’s jokes wiped their eyes over and over again.

It’s like seeing a ghost.

But Ye Weixin was shocked, watching the playback in the camera repeatedly.


Terribly quiet.

Qin Zhong let out a big breath, and you’re done.

It’s really not wasted that I deliberately spent my thoughts and changed this scene.

He turned his head and saw countless pairs of eyes, all looking towards him.

Especially Tony Jia’s eyes, he couldn’t wait to rush over and study Qin Zhong thoroughly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

When this round of filming is over, their scene can come to an end.

After the silence, everyone around began to applaud enthusiastically.

Obviously you can rely on appearance, but you must rely on talent for food.

Really a good shooter of martial arts.

Ye Weixin originally thought that Qin Zhong would definitely not be able to complete this action, but now, his worries are in vain.

With this paragraph, Ye Weixin is confident in Qin Zhong.

He has a hunch that this movie will be a big hit in the future.

With a sip of tea, Ye Weixin’s heart was full of joy.

The literary drama is powerful enough, and the martial arts is so explosive, I really picked up a treasure.

Young people nowadays, filming action scenes is simply killing them. If the action is more complicated, it is simply killing them.

Generally, they only focus on the shape of the mouth, and then take a close-up of the face.

And the rest of the content is all done by the substitute,

Even Zheng Zidan and the other real kung fu stars occasionally use a substitute.

But Qin Zhong, in such a long period of play, did not even rest once.

Such a good actor was unexpectedly found by him.

With this attitude, Qin Zhong will definitely develop better in the future.

When Ye Weixin looked at Qin Zhong, his eyes became close.

Gu Zai exclaimed: “Awesome, Qin Zhong, your martial arts scene is the most powerful person I have ever seen. ¨!”

Tony Jia’s eyes widened and said: “Gu Zi, you didn’t say that last time! You clearly said that I am the most powerful star you have ever seen.”

Gu Tsai pointed to Qin Zhong and said, “I can’t blame me. I haven’t met Qin Zhong before. After meeting Qin Zhong, your first position fell to second!”

Tony Jia also laughed. He was ranked below Qin Zhong and was convinced.

Tony Jia used to be more or less arrogant in front of Qin Zhong.

But after Qin Zhong performed it. Tony Jia felt that he might not be as good as Qin Zhong in actual combat!

But this is in the movie after all, they can’t really fight it.

Tony Jia began to wonder how this guy promised to compete with himself!

Qin Zhong also laughed.

It may be that martial arts practitioners are relatively simple in mind, and if you are better than him, he will respect you instead.

And Tony Jia also developed a kind of sympathy for Qin Zhong.

Next is the second scene of recognizing the corpse.

After this scene, Qin Zhong also completed it very wonderfully.

Standing in the morgue.

He kept pulling open those freezers.

Until a pale corpse appeared in front of him.

The look on his face can read his inner struggle.

A fierce battle has just ended, but the pain in the body is far less than the pain in the heart.

Will it be?

Don’t be!

I opened the cloth a little bit and saw what it looked like inside.

seems like it……

The skin, hair, and forehead all look like.

No, it won’t be hers!

She can’t die.

Finally, Qin Zhong finally saw his daughter.

He was desperate.

Wailing loudly. Sad tears flowed.


Dad was wrong.

Dad shouldn’t force you to do things you don’t like.

You shouldn’t separate you and your boyfriend…

Finally, he calmed down and slowly brought the bracelet on to his daughter.

Here, the tattoo appeared on the daughter’s hand.

It means goodbye in Spanish.

From then on, he really lost his daughter.


This passage is very touching. Qin Zhong fully interprets the sadness of a middle-aged man who has lost his dependent daughter.

Touching people’s hearts.

The crew members who watched were all moved.

They almost watched the scene that Qin Zhong finished playing in silence.

Qin Zhong’s eyes were bloodshot, and his face was unshaven.

He slumped to the ground.

No matter how hard he fought the villain, he was never afraid.

But when he saw his daughter’s body, he was desperate.

At the end, Qin Zhong stood in front of the secretary.

“`(Receiving money)” Is it someone else’s fate? In front of you, it’s not fate? ”

The secretary said calmly: “The world is not benevolent, but it happens that your daughter is there!”

It just so happens that they need a heart, that’s all.

Qin Zhong asked again: “Did I die and Cui Jie’s family will be fine?”

The secretary thought he had grasped Qin Zhong’s weakness, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and nodded.

Qin Zhong stood there incomparably disappointed.

In the room behind him, a large group of children came to help Shi grow up his birthday.

They sang birthday songs, they sang and laughed, and came over here to bring out Qin Zhong’s sadness.

Qin Zhong slowly closed the door.

He has a heartache on his face.

In the next second, he shot the secretary to a headshot.

The secretary died, Qin Zhong looked at the shi who just woke up, and he pointed the gun at his head.


PS: I beg everyone for your support! Thanks! .

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