Chapter 81

Time passed quickly, and the crew once again devoted themselves to the intense shooting.

The plot of “Slaying the Wolf” has slowly entered the most exciting part. Qin Zhong found a police officer in the Taiguo Dynasty who had a problem, and then forced a confession. Among them, Cui Jie’s father-in-law was pressured by high-level officials to force Cui Jie to abandon the investigation.

Qin Zhong touched the slaughterhouse alone, which might be the site of organ digging, rushed into the slaughterhouse and fought with the villain.

On this day, the crew shot a highlight. As an action movie, of course martial arts scenes are indispensable. At the time of filming, Tony Jia was teaching Qin Zhong’s martial arts moves.

In everyone’s surprised eyes. Qin Zhong quickly mastered a complete set of movements.

“Qin Zhong, I didn’t expect you to have a talent for martial arts. After this set of actions, you are almost more beautiful than Tony Jia’s!” Gu Zai kept admiring this and said.

Qin Zhong smiled embarrassedly.

“It’s just that I think something is missing!” Ye Weixin frowned and said 08.

Tony Jia also came over and explained: “There will definitely be less things. Muay Thai emphasizes fast, accurate, and ruthless, but the time is too fast, so the viewing is not so good! If it is in the movie, although it is more vigorous, But I’m afraid that the audience will not be too addicted to it!”

“Yes, yes, that’s what I meant!”

Ye Weixin thought for a long time, and felt that Tony Jia’s words made sense.

But in reality it is difficult to do it,

The most fearful thing is that not only Qin Zhong does not do well, but also lets the substitute come over to do it. That is, all the actions must be broken down and completed one by one, and the continuity will be compromised.

In fact, Ye Weixin had already prepared a substitute for Qin Zhong. After all, Ye Weixin was still very worried about Qin Zhong’s play.

Hearing Tony Jia’s words, Ye Weixin’s heart began to move again.

Qin Zhong thought for a while and said, “This can be solved by a photographer! To take a long shot, I am going to slightly change some of the fighting moves in it.”

Ye Weixin said: “To be honest, I had this idea a long time ago. When a long lens is taken, several cameras will start shooting at the same time! This effect will definitely be very shocking!”

“But, change the action, can you do it?”

Tony Jia touched his nose: “Long shots, in fact, I have always had images in my mind. These five or six sets of actions are taken together. It must be amazing for the audience. Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s easy to say, so I can do it. difficult!”

Gu Zai shouted: “It’s hard for a strong man. A set of shots must be shot for a week. You guys actually shoot five or six sets of actions at the same time!”

The few martial arts behind him were pursing their mouths, obviously not believing that Qin Zhong could do it.

However, Ye Weixin did move a little bit. If he could really like what Tony Jia said, it would not only greatly speed up the progress of their team, but at the same time it would be a new attempt!

Shooting again and again, the feeling is fierce, but I always feel that it is not coherent.

Suddenly, Tony Jia said: “I agree with Qin Zhong’s doing this. Our actors have to continuously improve and innovate!”

Everyone looked at Qin Zhong.

But they didn’t even know that Qin Zhong was completely ready.

Qin Zhong said, “Look at what I am doing, anyway, I am fine!”

With the blessing of the system, his sense of lens and his control of strength are definitely more accurate than anyone on the scene.

This is definitely very beneficial for shooting action movies.

Qin Zhong is thinking about how to present it perfectly.

Every martial arts star has his own fixed routine. For example, Van Loon has his ability to jump in the air, reverse movement, and Tony Jia is a signature action in the air kick, which has also been used in previous movies.

If you want to play well, you must have a point that the audience can remember.

Qin Zhong thought about it for a while, thought about all the actions, and then stood on the field. If all the actions were guided by Tony Jia, the effect would not seem to be particularly good.

Moreover, the articulation skills that Qin Zhong learned in the system before can be said to be very powerful.

By hitting the joints of others, the joints, as the most vulnerable part of the human body, can make those viewers feel pain.

If you clip Tony Jia’s movements with your own articulations during a fight, not only will it look very mighty, but the movements will also be fluent, which greatly increases the appreciation.

After all, this is just a show, not a competition. Qin Zhong will control her own strength and will not cause any harm to others!

“Okay, director, we can start shooting, I’m ready!”

At this time, Qin Zhong has attracted people from the entire crew to watch.

After all, according to Qin Zhong, he not only has to take a long shot, but he also has to break the previous routine and add his own things!

Ye Weixin is still a bit hesitant. He doesn’t believe that Qin Zhong has completely memorized so many movements in such a short period of time. Remembering that movements are one thing, can they show those movements perfectly? It’s one thing.

Ajie, the owner of the slaughterhouse, who plays the ultimate villain, walks over. He is strong and used to be a very good mercenary.

“Qin Zhong, do you want to try with a double first?” Ye Weixin asked.

Qin Zhong shook his head.

“Director, there is no need for a trial, let’s start filming now!”

If I changed to another actor, I would have been scolded to death by the director a long time ago.

But Qin Zhong is privileged.

“You all come and take a look!” Ye Weixin said very excitedly.

This play is very important, and it can be said that it directly determines the success or failure of this step.

An action scene came down.

It burned.

Ye Weixin was lost in thought.

He didn’t expect Qin Zhong to complete the five sets of action scenes just now.

The villain’s boss is almost perfect to show the ferocity of a bad guy. But what about Qin Zhong?

Every action he made was so angry.

Even if it is required by the plot, the feeling of falling to the ground is full of explosiveness.

When he was knocked down by the enemy, his hideous face made people feel heartache and bitterness even more.

In order to find the whereabouts of his daughter, he took the sledgehammer, blindfolded, and smashed it at a black-hearted policeman.

Rushing against the boss, the creaking sound of the other’s joints crushed, making the scalp numb.

Especially in the end, his eyes were blood-red, and after he finally killed the enemy, he burst out of feelings that would be revenge for the future, and then Ya suppressed himself, holding himself very well.

Ye Weixin looked so nervous that he held his breath.

PS: The eleventh update, please first order…….

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