Chapter 353

“This is easy to say, where are you now?”

“At home, after I returned to China from Hollywood, I didn’t pick up the show. After a while, I might ask the company to pick one up for me.” Liu Yifei said.

When Liu Yifei returned to China from Hollywood, her value skyrocketed.

There are many companies that look for Liu Yifei to shoot movies and TV series, but Liu Yifei is not in the mood and rejects them all.

I plan to talk about filming after a good rest.

“It’s great that you haven’t taken the show now. Do you know the news that I am going back to China to shoot a TV series?” Qin Zhong asked.

“I don’t know, I haven’t followed the news recently. Do you mean you want to appear in your TV series?”

Liu Yifei can understand the meaning of Qin Zhong’s words. As long as she can appear in Qin Zhong’s TV series, it doesn’t matter what role she plays.

The important thing is that Qin Zhong’s TV series can definitely guarantee the quality. This is the most important point for Liu Yifei, who is not short of dramas.

And cooperating with Qin Zhong is better than cooperating with other messy directors.

“Of course, I have a very important role I want you to play. This position has been reserved for you. Can I come to Wushuang company tomorrow?” Qin Zhong asked Liu Yifei.

“No problem, how am I going by tomorrow morning?”

“Sure, I’ll wait for you.”

Qin Zhong said with a smile.

After the call was hung up, Qin Zhong wanted to leave Wushuang Company, but at this time someone came to the office to inform Qin Zhong that an actor of Qin Zhong’s intention had arrived.

Qin Zhong had already planned Huo Jianhua’s role as Guihai Yidao.

It was Huo Jianhua who came here. He wanted to know what TV series Qin Zhong asked him to film.

After all, for him, it is okay for Qin Zhong to shoot a TV series, and he also wants to be a character in Qin Zhong’s TV series.

But I haven’t seen the script yet, and Huo Jianhua doesn’t know what role he wants to play.

After he understands everything, he will see if he wants to pick up the TV series.

Qin Zhong came to the reception room. Huo Jianhua was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. When he saw Qin Zhong came in, he quickly stood up and stretched out his hand to Qin Zhong: “Hello, Mr. Qin, I am Huo Jianhua, I am glad to meet you. ¨.”


Qin Zhong and Huo Jianhua shook hands and took a serious look at Huo Jianhua.

Qin Zhong had never seen Huo Jianhua in China before. Now he has taken a closer look, and he feels that his facial features are very tough and he is a handsome person.

“Sit down and talk, it just so happened that I also took the script.”

Qin Zhong motioned to Huo Jianhua to sit down.

Huo Jianhua sat next to Qin Zhong and couldn’t help but ask Qin Zhong: “Mr. Qin, we didn’t seem to know each other before, why would you want me to film your TV series?”

For this, Huo Jianhua is very curious.

He and Qin Zhong are not acquaintances, and have never seen them before.

Although in terms of fame, no actor in China does not know Qin Zhong, but Huo Jianhua also wants to know why Qin Zhong asked him to film a TV series.

“Haha, because you are handsome.” Qin Zhong said haha.

“I’m handsome? No, no, there is absolutely no handsome Mr. Qin.” Huo Jianhua said with a smile.

The two briefly entered the commercial mutual blowing mode, and when both of them were tired, the matter entered the topic.

“You can read this script casually. It mainly depends on the setting of the character Guihai Yidao. If you like it, play this role.”

Qin Zhong handed the script to Huo Jianhua.

This script is very thick. After all, there are thirty-five episodes. It is obviously impossible to watch Huo Jianhua all.

Let him take a look at the character of Guihai Yidao. If Huo Jianhua is not satisfied and doesn’t want to shoot, then Qin Zhong can’t help it.

Huo Jianhua, Qin Zhong’s script, seriously looks like the setting of the role he is going to play.

There are not many settings for Guihai Yidao. Huo Jianhua finished watching it in just a few minutes, and then said to Qin Zhong: “I like this character very much, so I will shoot this character!”

“Okay, but the contract is not ready yet, and the contract cannot be signed for the time being. The contract will definitely be prepared before the start-up.” Qin Zhong said.

“It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry, can I take this script away?” Huo Jianhua asked.

“Of course, you can read it if you have nothing to do. Familiar with the script will be good for you to shoot in the future.” Qin Zhong said.

Huo Jianhua nodded.

“Why don’t you discuss the salary now? I can just write it into the contract at that time.” Qin Zhong asked.

“The pay is not important, just enough to eat.” Huo Jianhua said jokingly.

Being able to play a role in Qin Zhong’s TV series, even if it is a supporting role, is enough for Huo Jianhua to brag about it.

It doesn’t matter what the pay is, the higher points can make Huo Jianhua feel okay.

“Don’t worry, the pay will not be less.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“`” Then I’ll go first, we often contact. ”

Qin Zhong and Huo Jianhua exchanged contact information, and then Huo Jianhua left.

Successfully recruited a supporting role, Qin Zhong feels in a good mood.

For other roles, Wushuang Company will gradually contact you.

With the current reputation of Wushuang Company, I don’t know how many people want to rush to play roles in the TV series shot by Wushuang Company.

On the second day, Liu Yifei came to Qin Zhong’s office in the morning as scheduled.

“Qin Zhong, long time no see.”

Qin Zhong and Liu Yifei shook hands, and Liu Yifei smiled and said, “I can think of me when filming a TV series. I didn’t make you a friend in vain.”

“Just kidding, I’m afraid the pay is too low to invite you.”

“Well, no matter how much I pay, I will play it.” Liu Yifei asked: “Is the script here? Let me see.”

“Give you.”

Qin Zhong picked up the script on the table and handed it to Liu Yifei, and said to her: “I want you (Good King Zhao) to play the Yunluo Princess in it. This character has a very lively character. You have to adapt it to a cold beauty. Style.”

The beautiful women in period costumes Liu Yifei played are all very elegant and glamorous, but the image of Princess Yunluo is different from the characters played by Liu Yifei before. He is a very lively person.

This kind of imagination may subvert Liu Yifei’s previous perceptions in the hearts of fans.

“Do you think the audience will like it if I change my image?” Liu Yifei asked.

In fact, Liu Yifei is more concerned about her personality.

She likes to star in costume movies or TV series, and her image is relatively high and cold.

And do not accept so-called kiss scenes and so on.

Changing her imagination in the costume drama without authorization, if changed well, can indeed bring Liu Yifei a lot of help.

But if there is no change, it may have a bad influence on Liu Yifei’s image. .

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