Chapter 352

“Yes, the director of this movie is Nolan, you two are old acquaintances, don’t make trouble for me.”

Qin Zhong said to Norton.

“Don’t worry, I’m very honest.” Norton smiled.

“Believe you a ghost, don’t make me trouble, take a good shot.” Qin Zhong asked.

“Okay, don’t worry about this.” Nolan patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder and said, “When will you arrange the crew for me? By the way, there are other actors to be recruited.”

“You can find the crew at any time. It’s a phone call. You can recruit other actors. I trust your vision.” Qin Zhong said.

“Ok, no problem.”

Now that Qin Zhong agreed to this matter, Nolan seemed to be in a good mood.

After discussing the movie with Nolan, Norton and others for a while, Qin Zhong went home in the afternoon.

In the next few days, Nolan earnestly recruited characters to prepare for the filming of this movie.

On the other hand, the lawsuit between Qin Zhong’s team of lawyers and Disney is also over.

Even though Disney came up with a lot of ways to deal with it, they still lost in the end.

The team of lawyers sued Disney and earned a full 80 million dollars. The team took 30%, and all the rest belonged to Qin Zhong.

08 Disney was also frustrated by this incident, and its evaluation on the Internet was very poor.

But this is not enough to kill Disney, the company’s background is still very strong.

Originally, Nolan wanted Qin Zhong to star in the movie “Fatal ID”, but Qin Zhong had no interest and could only refuse it.

Qin Zhong is really going to become an idler now. There are other directors to shoot the movie. Qin Zhong also corrects the company’s documents all day long, and has nothing else to do.

“It seems that I’m going to waste it after I’ve been so idle.”

Qin Zhong is lying on the sofa at home. Qin Wushuang has already taken a nap, and now he is very free.

When he is busy, Qin Zhong feels a little too busy and wants to take a vacation.

But once he rests, Qin Zhong feels very boring again, maybe his personality is like this.

Monica is even more boring than Qin Zhong. After she became pregnant, she didn’t have anything to do. Qin Wushuang has been for several months now. Monica takes her children at home every day and feels that she will be blessed if she doesn’t exercise.

“Qin Zhong, maybe I can go back to China to make a movie or TV series.” Monica suggested to Qin Zhong.

This time Monica wanted to accompany Qin Zhong to play in China, because it was so boring in Hollywood.

And Qin Zhong has nothing to develop now. Qin Zhong is firmly seated in the position of the six major entertainment companies in Hollywood.

Although it is said that it wants to surpass Disney and become the largest film company in Hollywood, it is impossible for Wushuang to surpass it within a few years based on the background of Disney.

Instead of this, it is better to let Qin Zhong slowly take pictures of what he likes.

“I do have the idea of ​​filming a TV series.” Qin Zhong said to Monica.

Since Qin Zhong’s “Grave Robber Notes” and “Zhu Xian” were filmed, Qin Zhong has not filmed any TV series in China.

But not shooting does not mean not paying attention. Qin Zhong also pays attention to those TV series in China occasionally.

Unfortunately for Qin Zhong, China has not produced any good-looking TV series for so long.

All of them were filmed to fool people.

“Qin Zhong, we will go to your company in China next day. I just want to go to China to play. You can develop in China for a while.” Monica said.

“Can consider it.”

Qin Zhong touched his chin.

Anyway, there is no Qin Zhong thing in Hollywood now, and those films can only be taken slowly by the people of the company.

“What are you thinking about? Don’t forget your son. He is of Chinese nationality now. I haven’t contacted a few Chinese people for several months. I will learn Chinese in the future…”

When I heard that Qin Zhong had to think about it, Monica began to reason with Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong was so annoyed that he hurriedly said, “Okay, then buy a ticket to China tomorrow, and we will leave tomorrow!”

“Say it early.”

Monica made a heavy kiss on Qin Zhong’s face and said: “It’s always more interesting in China than in Hollywood.”


Qin Zhong wiped his face and said, “Then I will arrange it first. You can book the ticket online.”


Qin Zhong called his assistant and told him that he would go to China tomorrow.

At the same time, I contacted the company in China and told them what I would pass tomorrow.

After all these things were arranged, Qin Zhong and Monica packed up the next day and brought Qin Wushuang to the Wushuang company in China.

In order to welcome the arrival of their boss, the people of Wushuang Company are ready to welcome the ceremony.

Qin Zhong went to Hollywood in such a short time, and he developed the Wushuang company in Country M into one of the six major movie companies in Hollywood. It is not wrong to follow Qin Zhong.

But the company that Qin Zhong came to China was not for fun.

He also has to be busy with business matters. Qin Zhong plans to shoot a TV series first to reopen his reputation in China a bit.

It’s been so long since Qin Zhong filmed “Zhu Xian” in China last time. This time we will re-shoot the TV series and it will take a lot of publicity.

Qin Zhong chooses TV series in the system. There are not many domestic TV series in China with high quality.

Qin Zhong has filmed several movies before, and this time I chose a TV series called “The World Is Number One”.

When this TV series was broadcast on the TV station in its previous life, it had a very high ratings of 5.1, and the cast was also very strong.

“I’m here to play the role of the protagonist, Cheng right and wrong, and try to find the original crew for other roles. By the way, the role of Princess Yunluo can be played by Liu Yifei, and her temperament is very suitable.”

Qin Zhong thought about it for a while, and felt that it was okay.

So Qin Zhong arranged things in his company and began to contact his intended actors.

At the same time, Qin Zhong came back to China and the news of the filming of TV series resumed. Every time Qin Zhong came back to China, it was considered a big news.

This time I’m still shooting a TV series, which makes people unable to help but pay attention.

One night, the news that Qin Zhong was going to film a TV series spread, and they all looked forward to Qin Zhong’s new TV series.

The TV series produced by Qin Zhong Wushuang Company is definitely a boutique, which is nothing to say.

And Qin Zhong also contacted Liu Yifei, preparing to let her play the role in it.

But before Qin Zhong could call Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei contacted Qin Zhong first.

Qin Zhong returned to China. As a friend of Qin Zhong, Liu Yifei had to make a phone call to say hello.

“Qin Zhong, you are welcome to come back to China. If you have time, ask your sister-in-law to have a meal together.” Liu Yifei smiled on the phone. .

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