Chapter 333

The chief’s approach is fairly wise, and he doesn’t do his own way.

This matter is definitely a big trouble. From the beginning, a slight suppression of Qin Zhong has directly become an international issue.

I don’t know how many people in Country M and China are paying attention to this topic.

After the secretary of the chief called the reporters, the chief of Hollywood began to apologize publicly for the matter.

“First of all, I feel ashamed of my recklessness. I haven’t fulfilled the responsibilities that should be fulfilled by the chief executive…”

Faced with these media reporters, the director of Hollywood began to talk about the matter in a lengthy manner.

I made it clear that I just wanted to go through a program to solve this matter.

In a press conference for more than an hour, the director of Hollywood said that he would lift the delisting of “Joker” and “Cry of the Chainsaw” and let the two films be released again.

After all, he will no longer interfere with the nationality of Qin Zhong’s son.

After the incident was said, the media began to report.

Qin Zhong didn’t pay much attention to this matter. For him, how Hollywood loves, as long as it doesn’t affect the shooting of his new movie.

What the director of Hollywood 08 did is just a joke in Qin Zhong’s eyes.

But everyone has already apologized, and Qin Zhong has to do something.

So Qin Zhong expressed on his social platform that he forgave the secretary’s impulse, and would make good film and other polite words in the future.

After all, Qin Zhong has no time to waste with this chief.

“Qin Zhong, you have been at home for a month. You don’t need to take care of me all day.”

Since Qin Wushuang was born, Qin Zhong has stayed at home, guarding his wife and children almost every step of the way.

But Monica wants Qin Zhong to take care of her own affairs. After being at home for so long, Qin Zhong probably hasn’t done a lot of things, right?

“In fact, it doesn’t matter.” Qin Zhong waved his hand.

At this time, “Avengers 3” is being filmed, and each character has its own role.

Qin Zhong wanted to stay at home for a while because of the birth of his child. People at Marvel knew that, so they didn’t urge Qin Zhong.

Let the other actors finish shooting their scenes first, and when Qin Zhong is free, let Qin Zhong shoot Spider-Man scenes.

This matter is not a big deal, the Marvel executives have no objection, and Qin Zhong feels more relaxed.

But Monica knew that it wouldn’t work to keep Qin Zhong at home all the time. Qin Zhong would be busy with his affairs sooner or later.

I don’t even care about my job, watching my children at home all day, and telling people to laugh at me.

“There are so many babysitters at home, as well as the medical staff in the hospital. I’m really fine. Just go and do your own work.” Monica said.

“Well, I will go back to Marvel Company tomorrow.” Qin Zhong said.

The question of Qin Wushuang’s nationality is not too much trouble at this time.

I was thinking that after Qin Wushuang’s full moon, he took them to China for nationality.

It can be seen that Monica’s body has not been adjusted, so she can only postpone it for a few months, hoping that there will be no trouble.

On the next day, Qin Zhong left home and went to Marvel to participate in the filming of “Reunion 3”.

After all, Qin Zhong also has the skills of a well-known director. Even if it is not yet Qin Zhong’s turn to start, Qin Zhong can also help when filming.

“Joker” and “Chain Saw” started to be released again, because in the days before it was taken off the shelves, Qin Zhong fans knew that Qin Zhong had suffered a lot, and the movie was released again, and they all went to the cinema to contribute to these movies. box office.

However, Disney was very upset. The president of Disney was very happy after seeing Qin Zhong’s movie being taken off the shelves.

But later, under the pressure, the chief executive apologized to Qin Zhong and lifted the movie from the shelves.

The Disney president is inevitably embarrassed and uncomfortable. He always wants to teach Qin Zhong a lesson, but he can’t help it with Qin Zhong.

Eventually, a long time came to deal with him, but in the end this matter was still not solved.

“It is said that they are filming “Reunion 3″ and this time they can’t be left behind by Qin Zhong.” Disney president secretly said.

They can’t deal with Qin Zhong, so their box office will have an impact on Qin Zhong’s movies.

At any rate, their Disney company also has some background. When they used to compete with Qin Zhong, they had not yet shown their true strength.

Let Qin Zhong see the terrifying power of Disney in movies!

Qin Zhong seems a bit slow in the filming progress of “Avengers 3”.

No way, the plot this time is really a bit complicated. In addition to Qin Zhong, other actors also need to have their own roles.

So for two consecutive months, “Avengers 3” hasn’t even finished half of the plot.

The Disney Company also took out their “Mulan” copyright. When it was still in the animation stage, this animated film was very popular.

Disney has considered it for a long time and thinks that a movie that can compete with Qin Zhong is to adapt this animation into a live-action movie version.

The film “Mulan” has a very good market in Asia, especially in China. This time Disney will first target the audience in China. If this film is released, I don’t believe Chinese fans will not like it. .

Disney has very strict requirements for the protagonist of “Mulan”. It has cast castings in many countries in Asia, and entertainment companies in many countries recommend their artists to Disney.

There is no doubt about the strength of Disney. Even Qin Zhong’s Wushuang has become one of the six major movie companies in Hollywood, but no one dares to look down upon Disney.

Although the series of “Screaming Games” made Disney a little joke, they all believed it was just an accident. When Disney takes out its real strength, it will definitely not lose to Wushuang.

The president of Disney also values ​​this movie very much, so in terms of casting, he even came himself.

After more than a month of screening, they chose a role in China.

That is China, and even the most popular female artist in Asia, Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei is called the goddess of costumes by China. Both her appearance and her acting skills are almost impeccable, and since her debut for so many years, she hasn’t had any scandals.

He is a strong, good-looking, and very low-key person.

The Disney Company finally selected Liu Yifei as the protagonist of “Mulan”. As soon as the news was released, China’s fans who were already looking forward to “Mulan” became even more crazy.

They praised the Disney company for its talent selection, and Liu Yifei couldn’t be more suitable for this role. .

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