Chapter 332

The shi of Hollywood did a mean job in this matter, but Qin Zhong didn’t want to fight with him.

Now after the birth of Qin Zhong’s son, Qin Zhong is busy taking care of Monica and the child every day. Even Marvel has not gone to the company, and he is not at all in the mood to make trouble.

It will be removed from the shelves, anyway, it is only removed from the shelves in these cities, and other cities can still be shown in the cinema. It does not matter to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong can bear this tone, and it’s all for his son. After his son gets older, Qin Zhong takes his son back and settles his nationality in China.

There is no need to quarrel with Hollywood now.

Qin Zhong can bear it, but Stan Lee can’t bear it.

His relationship with Qin Zhong is so good, it is natural not to see Qin Zhong being bullied.

More importantly, these two films also have his hard work.

“Qin Zhong, you are still young and the road ahead is long, so there are some things you can bear. But I am so old, there is nothing to be afraid of.” Stan Lee said slowly.

“Hey? What do you mean? Stan Lee, don’t do stupid things!”

Qin Zhong was frightened by Stan Lee’s tone. Wouldn’t he be going to assassinate Shi Chang?

“What stupid thing? You’re afraid of trouble, I’m not afraid of it. I’m looking for news media and reporters to publicize this matter. I see how this shi will deal with this matter.” Stan Lee said.

“No.” Qin Zhong said, “It’s not necessary, you just need to be busy making a movie first.”

“Qin Zhong, you believe me once, I will take care of this matter for you, don’t worry.”

After Stan Lee finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Qin Zhong didn’t know what Stan Lee was thinking. When Stan Lee hung up the phone, Qin Zhong was still a little depressed.

Although Monica did not directly ask Qin Zhong about this matter, she also saw the news on Qin Zhong News.

In addition to the content of Qin Zhong’s calls, Monica also heard it, and she knew exactly what had happened.

“Qin Zhong, are you worried about your child’s nationality now?” Monica asked Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong used to squeeze his son’s face and smiled at Monica: “No, you just need to take care of your health. When the child grows up, we will go to China.”


After Stan Lee hung up the phone, he relied on his contacts to find his reporter friends.

After all, I don’t know how many years I have been in Hollywood. The reporter friends are there in Hollywood or in other cities.

Qin Zhong’s incident is not just a matter of Hollywood, it can even be regarded as the news of the entire country M.

Qin Zhong didn’t change the nationality of his child to country M in accordance with the requirements of the leader of Hollywood. This was suppressed, and it could even be regarded as an international problem.

It’s beyond the scope of the entertainment industry.

After contacting his reporter friends, Stan Lee told the reporters everything he knew.

Regarding Qin Zhong’s affairs, these reporters are more serious than Stan Lee. After all, news is money, and no one can live with money.

And the news is so explosive. If you go bigger, if this Hollywood leader is deliberately suppressed by Qin Zhong because of nationality issues, he will even lose his position.

After recording these things, they went back to their side and publicized the matter.

Anyway, they are not afraid of making a big deal. The bigger the trouble, the more valuable their news will be.

“Qin Zhong, the boss of Wushuang Company, was so suppressed because he did not change his child’s nationality to the nationality of M country in accordance with the requirements of Shi Chang!”

“The Joker and Chainsaw 7 have been removed from the shelves in many cities because of this…”

“On the length of Hollywood, how much energy does it have to remove Wushuang’s movie!”

“Can Wushuang Company persist in Hollywood? Why did the movie be taken off the shelves? Please follow us and give you the right answer!”

On the second day, all the news media that could rank in the M country began to scramble to report the matter.

In newspapers, online news, and television stations, discussions about this matter have all begun.

They even underestimated Qin Zhong’s influence in China. Although Qin Zhong is in Hollywood, he has quite a few fans in China.

Among the male artists in China, if Qin Zhong is the second, no celebrity dares to claim to be the first.

That is, Qin Zhong is now living in Hollywood, and his popularity in China is just low-key.

But after this matter was involved, those fans of Qin Zhong in China could not sit still 0 ……..

Is there a problem with Qin Zhong’s movie? Is there a problem with Qin Zhong’s character?

Because he didn’t change his son’s nationality to country M, he was so suppressed by the leader of Hollywood.

Even some fans of Qin Zhong who are proficient in hacking technology directly hacked a large number of websites in country M to vent their anger.

Even the official website of Hollywood cannot escape the fate of being hacked. It states that the Chief Hollywood should apologize and restore the rights to the two films of Qin Zhong.

In order to cater to the fans of Qin Zhong, many film companies in China have also begun to publicize. If the director of Hollywood does not apologize to Qin Zhong, they will not cooperate with any movie company in Hollywood.

Even in theaters, many Hollywood movies currently being screened have been removed to express their opinions.

Things started to get serious, so serious that the leader of Hollywood didn’t even imagine that things would develop to such a point.


The shi of Hollywood was in the office, and after listening to his secretary said all this, he felt his head split.

He can swear to the sky, he just wanted to teach Qin Zhong a little lesson, he really didn’t want to suppress Qin Zhong.

No matter what Qin Zhong is, it is only a mixed entertainment circle. There are many commercial companies in Hollywood. Where does he spend his time staring at Qin Zhong’s lessons?

However, the development of the matter was different from what he had imagined. It was not only that many media in country M denounced the matter, saying that the chief executive of Hollywood had interfered with Qin Zhong’s human rights.

Even the fans of Qin Zhong can’t stand it. If those spitting stars could spray on Hollywood’s long face, he would have been drowned in spit.

The most important thing is the attitude of the theaters in China, which has pushed Hollywood into the abyss.

Now if he is not careful, he may lose his long-term position.

“Shi long, what are we going to do…”

After the secretary informed this matter, he was also anxious for Shi Chang.

“What else can I do? Call the reporters right away and apologize as soon as possible!” Shi yelled, slapped the table.

The secretary hurried to anxious all media and reporters, so that Mr. Shi could handle the matter as quickly as possible. .

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