Chapter 266

Monica was familiar to many viewers in “The Beautiful Legend of Sicily” last time.

This time Monica performed very well in “Resident Evil”. Three days after the release, Monica received kind invitations from many companies.

Basically, they want Monica to appear in a movie or TV series, but they are not necessarily at ease. The box office of “Resident Evil” is so successful, they also want to learn to continue shooting biochemical movies, and they want Monica to come. Be the protagonist.

Before the release of “Resident Evil”, many companies were enthusiastic about this theme. After the film was released, they still wanted to rely on this film to allow their company to shoot this type of film and make a lot of money. Pen.

Monica naturally knew the reason for this, so in the face of the invitation of these companies, Monica rejected all of them-.

In Qin Zhong’s view, “Resident Evil” can only be said to be a type of movie. As long as other companies do not copy the content of “Resident Evil”, how they want to shoot zombie-type movies has nothing to do with Qin Zhong.

One week after “Resident Evil” was released, it was time for “Infinite Walker” to be released.

There is an example of “Resident Evil” in the front. The company of “Infinite Walker” puts a lot of pressure on box office performance.

But Lyon has already agreed with Qin Zhong to release it at the same time, so naturally he can’t just go back on it.

With almost sorrow, Lyon arranged for the release of “The Infinite Walker”.

But when “The Infinite Walker” was released, Leon was stunned.

He did not expect that the box office would be so good. Although the box office of “Infernal Walker” is behind “Resident Evil”, it is not difficult to exceed the box office of Resident Evil depending on the box office of the day and the next day.

More importantly, the quality of “Infinite Walker” is very hard. There are Qin Zhong, Xiao Li and Jack Nicole. Both Qin Zhong and Jack Nicole are the actor. Although Xiao Li has not achieved the achievements of the actor for the time being, look. His strength, winning the Oscar winner’s award, is only a matter of time.

With the delay of time, a week later, “Infinite Walker” unexpectedly surpassed “Resident Evil” miraculously.

Lyon immediately called Qin Zhong. Whether he wanted to show off his results or give Qin Zhong good news, this matter must be shared with Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, have you seen the box office of “Infernal Walker” today? It surpassed your “Resident Evil”!” Leon said excitedly on the phone.

“Of course I saw it. I have been paying attention to the results of these two films. Congratulations, Leon.” Qin Zhong smiled.

The results of these two films are both successful, no matter who has a slightly higher box office, there is no problem for Qin Zhong.

He would like to see good results in both films.

“Then we have to make an appointment to celebrate, you call Monica also, I invite you to the best hotel in Hollywood!” Leon said.

“No problem, then you are going to spend money.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Small, then you can definitely come!”

Qin Zhong just thought that Lyon would be a little polite with him. He didn’t expect that on the third day, Lyon really called Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, I have found a hotel, come here tonight…” Leon said.

“Well, you are really fast.” Qin Zhong said.

“It’s okay, waiting for you tonight!”

Now that Lyon had said on the phone that Monica should be called, Qin Zhong contacted Monica, and the two went to the place Lyon had agreed.

This hotel was reserved by Lyon. Many people came here, not only actors, but also many executives and presidents of entertainment companies.

After Qin Zhong came here, regardless of whether he had met Qin Zhong or not, he enthusiastically came forward to greet Qin Zhong.

Now Qin Zhong is the most promising person in Hollywood, so they hope to cooperate with Qin Zhong next time.

“Qin Zhong, let me introduce some friends to you…”

After seeing Qin Zhong coming, Lyon introduced many company executives to Qin Zhong. They wanted to get to know Qin Zhong and make friends. Naturally, this matter must be left to Lyon.

Qin Zhong did not show any impatience with this matter. For Qin Zhong, it is good to know more people.

The more people you need to know for future development, the better, and it will do no harm to Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, what are your plans for some time?” Leon asked Qin Zhong.

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Qin Zhong hasn’t spoken yet, and many people in the hall are waiting for Qin Zhong’s answer.

Now Qin Zhong has not only completed the “Resident Evil”, “Infernal Walker” is also in theaters.

If they want to know Qin Zhong, they naturally have to know the habits of Qin Zhong. Basically, Qin Zhong has no time to spare.

Once a movie is released, Qin Zhong will go to prepare for the next movie.

Qin Zhong said to Lyon: “I’m thinking about it, but it’s still making a movie.”

Qin Zhong also thought about filming TV series, but with Qin Zhong’s time, there is not so much time to waste.

For Qin Zhong, movies not only make a lot of money, but also easily accumulate fame.

“Qin Zhong, what kind of movie do you want to make and do you have any plans?” Leon asked.

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“Of course, the second part of “Resident Evil” has not yet begun production and shooting, of course, it must be shot as soon as possible. Moreover, the film “Invincible Hulk” was made by Norton. I have not participated in it yet, and occasionally I need to see the crew. Situation.” Qin Zhong said.

“that’s it?”

Leon frowned. Qin Zhong was talking about other movies. It seems that Qin Zhong hasn’t figured out what movie he wants to shoot himself.

“Well, there are only these movies for the time being,” Qin Zhong said.

For Qin Zhong, the situation on Marvel alone has caused Qin Zhong a headache.

“Resident Evil” will also be filmed for the second part. Of course, the heroine is still Monica. If Monica wants to rest for a period of time, Qin Zhong can also listen to her. I am not in a hurry for “Resident Evil” to be filmed second. Department.

But Marvel’s movie still has to continue. Both “Spider-Man” and “Iron Man” have been filmed. Qin Zhong plans to shoot “Captain M” and “Thor” again, and then “Avengers” The first part can start smoothly.

After hearing what Qin Zhong said, the executives of other companies were a little disappointed. They still thought about working with Qin Zhong.

But looking at Qin Zhong’s appearance, I don’t plan to make my own movies anymore in the short term.

Qin Zhong decided to cast the roles of “Captain M” and “Thor” as quickly as possible. It would be better if they were the protagonists of the previous movies. Ding.

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