Chapter 265

He really didn’t want to go head-to-head with “Resident Evil”, so he could only ask Qin Zhong for help.

Qin Zhong plays a protagonist in “Infinite Walker”, and the owner of “Resident Evil” is also Qin Zhong.

If two movies are released at the same time, it will not be of any benefit to Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Lyon, I feel there is a problem with your idea.” Qin Zhong said.


“I think it’s okay to have these two films released at the same time. I only care about the quality of the films. The quality of these two films is very good. If they are released at the same time, you are afraid that one film will receive another at the box office. The suppression of the Ministry?” Qin Zhong asked.

“Of course, this has always been the case. If there is a movie of very good quality and a strong lineup, there are not many movies that dare to be released together in the same period. I am afraid that if the two movies are released at the same time, there will be The box office of the other movie was affected, which is not a good thing for Mr. Qin Zhong, is it?” Leon said.

“Of course not, Mr. Lyon, why would the box office of the other movie be affected when the quality of the two movies is good? The audience just wants to watch the movie that satisfies them, and both movies satisfy the audience. If this is the case, the box office will not be affected, unless Mr. Lyon is not confident enough in the quality of “Infinite Walker”.” Qin Zhong said.

“Of course not, I think the quality of “Infinite Walker” is very good.” Leon said.

“That’s fine, I also think the quality of “Resident Evil” is very good.” Qin Zhong said.

“Qin Zhong, do you really want these two movies to be released at the same time?” Xiao Lizi asked.

With regard to this matter, Xiao Lizi thought that it was not too big of a problem.

No matter what, it won’t have much impact on the actor Xiao Lizi.

If the two movies are released at the same time, he can also watch a good show.

“You guy.”

Of course Qin Zhong can see Xiao Li’s thoughts, after all, he has been in contact for so long.

Qin Zhong said to Xiao Lizi: “Of course, after the shooting of “Resident Evil”, I feel that these two films should be released at the same time. I have no problem. If Mr. Lyon feels that the quality of “Infinite Walker” is not as good as “Biochemical” In the case of “Evil”, then I can barely let “Resident Evil” be screened at night for one month.”

After listening to Lyon, he immediately became unhappy and said to Qin Zhong: “Qin Zhong, you cunning kid, your aggressive method is in effect, I can let the two movies be released at the same time, but I have to ask. The opinions of those partners.”

“I believe that with Mr. Leon’s ability, it is very simple to persuade them.” Qin Zhong said.

After all, Lyon is the boss of this “Infinite Walker” movie. If he makes a decision on the release date of this movie, it won’t matter if other partners have opinions.

“Well, I will try to persuade them, you wait for my news.” Leon said helplessly.

“It’s enough to have your sentence, then our release dates are set together, I will let my company to promote, and believe in my company’s ability to promote.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Well, since you are so confident, I will leave it to you,” Leon said.

Afterwards, Lyon left here, and he was going back to deal with the company’s affairs.

At this time Qin Zhong is in the company, and these actors are left.

“Qin Zhong, your idea is really bold.” Jack Nicole shook his head.

He has no opinion on the issue of simultaneous releases. As long as Qin Zhong has enough confidence, Jack Nicol believes that nothing will happen.

“Of course, I am an adventurous person myself.” Qin Zhong said.

“Then you can tell the truth now, which of these two movies do you prefer?” Xiao Lizi asked.

“I am more optimistic about both of them. If I have to pick one out, I think “Resident Evil” will have a higher box office.” Qin Zhong said.

“Thank you so much for watching this movie so well,” Monica said.

“Resident Evil” only has Monica as the starring role, but the film “Infernal Walker” has three people, Qin Zhong, and each of them is a powerful faction.

For Monica, the two films are released at the same time, which puts a lot of pressure on her.

Monica doesn’t believe that she can surpass Qin Zhong in the movie “Resident Evil”, “The Infinite Walker,” which the three of them played together.

“Monica, you have to be more confident, “Resident Evil” is a series of movies that I am very optimistic about, and you can get a good box office with your starring.” Qin Zhong said.

After all, there is only one “Infernal Walker”, and there is no way to shoot a sequel.

And “Resident Evil” is a whole series of movies. Even if the first Resident Evil does not surpass Infernal Walker, the box office for future sequels will not be much worse.

Qin Zhong is very confident about this movie. Even if the two movies are released at the same time, it doesn’t matter to Qin Zhong.

As Qin Zhong said before, the quality of these two films is very good, so even if they are released at the same time, Qin Zhong is not afraid that the box office of one film will be suppressed by the other.

Within two days, Lyon called Qin Zhong and told Qin Zhong that the two films could be released at the same time. He had already made it clear on the investor side.

In this way, there are basically no other problems for Qin Zhong.

Time passed quickly, and finally it was time for the movie to be released.

Except for “Resident Evil” and “Infinite Walker”, in Qin Zhong’s view, there are no notable movies.

Even if some companies have produced some more promising movies, they still honestly waited for the two movies to be released before they were released.

Needless to say, the quality of these two films is also related to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong often received interview invitations from reporters before the two films were released, but Qin Zhong declined both.

“Resident Evil” was first released. After all, it was this movie that had such words as biochemical and zombies, although many copycat movies secretly used this idea to shoot movies.

But at any rate, there are still patient audiences waiting for Qin Zhong’s “Resident Evil” to be released.

After holding back for so long, when “Resident Evil” was released that day, it immediately got a good box office.

For three consecutive days, “Resident Evil” even surpassed the records of “Iron Man” and “Spiderman” at the time.

This time not only Qin Zhong was surprised, even the people at Marvel had no idea that “Resident Evil” would have such a good box office. This movie is going to surpass the rhythm of the Marvel universe. .

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