Chapter 262

“Mr. Qin Zhong, do you really want this kid to play Banner?” Stan Lee asked.

“Of course, I think he is very suitable for this role.” Qin Zhong said.

“Well, you are such a lucky kid. Since the major shareholders have said so, then we will find ways to improve the script.” Stan Lee said helplessly.

“Thank you, Mr. Stan Lee.” Norton quickly thanked you.

“Thank me for what I did? You should thank Mr. Qin Zhong, otherwise I don’t bother to do such troublesome things.” Stan Lee smiled.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, thank you so much.” Norton was anxious to give Qin Zhong a bear hug.

“Well, I’m just thinking about the movie. Stan Lee agreed. No one at Marvel will have any more opinions.” Qin Zhong said.

“Then Mr. Qin Zhong, I hope you can study that troublesome script with me. I don’t want to bother my brain alone.” Stan Lee said helplessly.

“No problem, Norton, you can join us, let’s discuss the script together.” Qin Zhong said.

“no problem!”

Even if Qin Zhong doesn’t have a ready-made script in his hand, the first Hulk’s “Invincible Hulk” actually has a lot of content, and the content of the whole movie is very simple.

The plot is not very brilliant, even a bit old-fashioned.

But at the end of this movie, an easter egg appeared, that is, Iron Man appeared in a bar.

Relying on this one of the indispensable movies to open “Avengers”, even if the plot is not good, Marvel will shoot it.

But Qin Zhong doesn’t intend to make the plot of “Invincible Hulk” so boring this time. It has to make some changes in the content.

Qin Zhong and the others discussed it all night, and only in the early morning did they prepare to go home.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I swear, this is the first and last time to stay up late with you to discuss the script.” Stan Lee said with a smile.

Although it made Stan Lee feel very tired, Qin Zhong’s understanding of the Marvel universe and plot really convinced Stan Lee.

“Of course, you can be regarded as an old man. Naturally, you won’t be allowed to stay up all night like this in the future.” Qin Zhong said.

Asking Stan Lee to stay up all night discussing the script, Qin Zhong felt a little uncomfortable.

But when I talked about this issue, all three of them were a little addicted. I didn’t expect it to be so late after the end.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, after I go back, I will prepare the script according to my own ideas, and then you can help me with some comments?” Norton asked.

Norton took the initiative to take the task on himself. Of course, Qin Zhong felt okay.

After all, Norton is the target that Qin Zhong wants to actively cultivate, so the script will be given to Norton to try.

The name of the movie, they have already figured it out, is called “Invincible Hulk”.

“Okay, after you finish the script, send it directly to my email address, and I will contact you after I read it.” Qin Zhong said.

“Okay, then Mr. Qin Zhong, Mr. Stan Lee, goodbye!”

Norton left happily.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, Norton is a nice boy.” Stan Lee said with a smile looking at Norton’s back.

“Yes, he worked very hard. If he can play the image of Dr. Banner well, he will always appear in the Hulk series of movies. I am very optimistic about him.” Qin Zhong said.

Marvel has launched so many superheroes, basically preparing for the future “Avengers”.

This also contributed to the global popularity of the previous “Avengers” after its release.

In the previous life, Marvel sold the superhero IP of “Spider-Man”, but now Marvel has no shortage.

So when filming “Avengers” in the future, there will be an extra Spider-Man.

The scripts certainly cannot follow the previous life, and it is useless for Qin Zhong to buy the “Avengers” script in the system store.

At that time, you still have to re-create the script by yourself.

The next day, after Qin Zhong came to the company, he found an email in his mailbox, which was the script of “Invincible Hulk” prepared by Norton.

The email was sent at 7 o’clock in the morning. It seems that after returning home, Norton went straight to prepare the script all night.

Qin Zhong clicked on the email and looked at it. After all, the three of them discussed it for a long time last night.

Norton’s script is also very complete in content, which makes Qin Zhong feel very satisfied.

Although there are shortcomings, you can change it temporarily during the shooting, and it can be 0……..

Qin Zhong didn’t make any comments. Since Norton starred in the movie The Hulk, it would be fine to make the script according to Norton’s writing. Qin Zhong didn’t have any hope for the box office boom, just transitioning to the plot of “Avengers”.

Qin Zhong was thinking of calling Norton now, but thought that Norton was still sleeping at this time, so he didn’t bother.

In the afternoon, Qin Zhong called.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, have you read the email sent to you?”

Norton asked expectantly after receiving Qin Zhong’s call.

“Of course I read it. Your script is very well written. The movie “Invincible Hulk” can be made according to your script.” Qin Zhong said.

“That’s great!”

After all, with this statement, Norton’s talent has been affirmed by Qin Zhong.

“Norton, starting from today, your leisure time is over. Tomorrow I will arrange the shooting of “Invincible Hulk”. After all, you have also been a director. You are the main director of this movie. Self-direction and self-acting are all right? Qin Zhong asked.

“Hmm…it should be fine.” Norton felt a lot of pressure suddenly.

“If there is a problem, there is a problem, and if there is no problem, there is no problem. Are there any problems?”

“Of course no problem, boss, then I will go to the company to find you tomorrow.” Norton said quickly.

“Okay, there is still one night for you to have a good rest today. I will adjust my condition tomorrow and come to my company to find me in the morning. Let’s go to Marvel together.” Qin Zhong said.

“Ok, contact tomorrow!”

After Qin Zhong hung up the phone, he rubbed his forehead. Now it really makes Qin Zhong feel a little stressed.

At this moment, Qin Zhong received a call from Monica.

“What’s wrong, Monica, is the shooting going well?” Qin Zhong asked after receiving the call.

“It seems that you only care about your movies.” Monica said displeased.

“Of course not. I feel that you must have something to tell me when you call.” Qin Zhong said.

“Your sixth sense is very accurate, and there is indeed something to tell you.”

“what’s up?”

“Today is my birthday. I want to invite a few friends to celebrate. Can you come together?” Monica asked.

“Of course, I will definitely attend your birthday. What time is it tonight?”.

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