Chapter 261

Qin Zhong discussed with Lebo Weitz for a long time, but Lebo Weitz’s intention is very firm, no matter what, Qin Zhong is not allowed to buy shares.

“You are really a stubborn old man.” Qin Zhong said helplessly.

“Haha, although Mr. Qin Zhong cannot be a shareholder, you can come to our company as an actor in the future. I hope you will appear in the company’s movies.” Lebo Wiz laughed.

“That’s right, I want to play the Joker in the Dark Trilogy.” Qin Zhong said.


Lebo Weitz just talked casually, but he didn’t expect Qin Zhong to promise so happy.

The filming of “The Mystery of Chivalrous Shadow” has not yet started. The role of the Joker only appears in the second “Dark Knight”. It will take a long time for Qin Zhong to assume the role of the Joker.

At the very least, it will take a year or even two years, which is still less.

If there are any accidents in the development of the DC company, this matter will need to be shelved for a long time.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, if you really want to shoot a DC movie, there are many characters to choose from, there is no need to wait for Batman’s second filming.” Lebo Wiez said.

“It doesn’t matter, I can afford to wait-.” Qin Zhong smiled.

For the other characters, Qin Zhong is not interested, but only interested in the role of the clown.

If you can’t shoot the role of the clown, of course Qin Zhong has no other interest. Rather than taking part in other roles, it is better for Qin Zhong to make money faster by shooting movies on his own.

“Since Mr. Qin Zhong said so, he can only wait for a while.” Lebo Vitz sighed.

Qin Zhong shrugged and said, “It doesn’t matter, I am not in a hurry to shoot. When you need to shoot, you can call me to look in the mirror at any time.”

“Mr. Qin Zhong is polite. In terms of acting, I don’t think many actors can surpass you.” Lebo Wiz laughed.

“That may be true, let’s get in touch then.” Qin Zhong said.

“I hope Mr. Qin Zhong will not let me dove.” Lebo Weitz said.

“Well, you guys don’t want to release my pigeons either.” Qin Zhong said.

Although the plan to become a shareholder in DC was unsuccessful, Qin Zhong had an appointment with Lebo Vitz for the role of the clown.

At that time, it is still unknown whether or not he can participate in the performance. At least Lebo Weitz already knows Qin Zhong’s intention to participate in the performance.

After Qin Zhong returned to the company, Norton came to Qin Zhong’s office.

Ever since Norton finished filming “Brooklyn Orphans”, the whole person has been panicking.

Qin Zhong arranged some supporting roles for Norton, but Norton also finished those roles.

Seeing “Resident Evil” is being filmed, and I don’t know when the next movie will be, Norton can’t wait.

He can accept movies from other companies, but in Norton’s view, there is no future for him to accept Qin Zhong’s movies.

The box office of “Brooklyn Orphans” is average. Norton plans to work as an actor at Qin Zhong for a period of time, so he can learn from the experience.

“Boss, I want to continue acting in movies.” Norton said in Qin Zhong’s office.

“I know, you have always been a troublesome kid, do you have any ideas? For example, what scripts do you have in your hands?” Qin Zhong asked.

Norton shook his head and said, “Not yet. I intend to be an actor for the time being, and I will talk about the director.”

“Then there is no way, I plan to take care of the shooting of “Resident Evil” first, other movies may have to be postponed.” Qin Zhong said.

Norton’s face is ugly. According to this, I don’t know when he will be able to participate in Qin Zhong’s movie.

“What about Marvel? Maybe I can serve as one of the comics heroes.” Norton suddenly remembered this and asked Qin Zhong.


Qin Zhong thought for a while, it really reminded him of a movie.

That is the movie about the Hulk. In the first “Invincible Hulk” in the previous life, Norton played the protagonist of the Hulk Banner.

Later, because of some things, the Hulk was replaced by Mark Ruffalo to play.

If Norton had to make a movie, then the Hulk’s movie shooting would be earlier.

“How do you feel about being the comic hero of the Hulk?” Qin Zhong asked.

“The Hulk? I feel a little suspended…”

Norton thought of the recklessness of the Hulk, and felt that he was too embarrassed to control this role.

“I may have a very different personality from the Hulk, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to play this role.” Norton said.

“It’s okay, you have to try it before you know it, and I feel that you will act well.” Qin Zhong smiled.

0 ········Find flowers···

The Hulk’s name is Hulk, and he is grumpy and reckless.

But this role was not played by Norton.

He only needs to play his Dr. Banner well.

“Now go to Marvel with me and we will study the script together.” Qin Zhong stood up and said.

Without giving Norton any other time to consider, Qin Zhong took Norton and left.

After arriving at Marvel, Qin Zhong called Stan Lee to the office.

“Stan Lee, I want Norton to play Dr. Banner in the Hulk, what do you think?” Qin Zhong asked Stan Lee.

“Oh? Is Mr. Qin Zhong so anxious about shooting the Marvel movie?” Stan Lee asked.

“Iron Man” is still in theaters, and when the peripheral products of “Iron Man” are about to sell, it’s not too late to talk about the shooting of other heroes.

… 0 …….

Qin Zhong was a little worried.

“It’s not that I was in a hurry to make a movie, but this kid couldn’t help it.” Qin Zhong pointed to Norton.

Norton looked a little embarrassed and said to Stan Lee: “Hello, this is Norton.”

“Oh, of course I remember you, this kid. Did you play a supporting role in “Spider-Man” or “Iron Man”, right? If you play the Hulk again, it looks like a problem.” Stan Lee said.

In fact, Norton is not acting as a supporting role, just running a trick.

But for Stan Lee, this is the Marvel universe, not other movies.

Since Norton has appeared in other movies, it would be easy to cause misunderstandings if he were to be the protagonist of the Hulk, Dr. Banner.

So Stan Lee does not recommend Norton to play the Hulk.

“Don’t say it so absolute, this kid’s acting skills are pretty good.” Qin Zhong said.

Even if Qin Zhong can directly let Norton serve as Dr. Banner, he still has to listen to Stan Lee’s opinion.

Seeing this situation, Stan Lee does not plan to let Norton participate in this movie.

Norton stood there and didn’t know how to speak. Stan Lee was telling the truth, and Norton also knew something about the Marvel universe.

Encountered such a situation, it is indeed a bit difficult to handle.

“Perhaps just a little movement on the script. For example, the dragon set played by Norton just happened to pass by? There will always be a way, right?” Qin Zhong said. Ding.

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