Chapter 256

“Stan Lee, I think your person who knows me best, why can’t we film “Iron Man”?” Qin Zhong shrugged.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I think if “Iron Man” were filmed, the results might not be as good as other superheroes. If we remake the Hulk, the effect will be better.” Stan Lee said.

Even Stan Lee is not so optimistic about Iron Man.

If Qin Zhong insists on filming, you can wait for the free time in the future ~ filming.

At this time, Marvel is about to start working in the film industry, there is no need to come up with a third-line hero who is not to be seen.

“I bet ten dollars. If “Iron Man” is released, it will definitely become the most popular Marvel hero. You have to believe in my ability.” Qin Zhong- said.

In the previous life, when Marvel was about to go bankrupt, “Iron Man” pulled Marvel back from the brink of bankruptcy.

Of course, it has a close relationship with the quality of the movie “Iron Man”.

But in this world, Marvel has been developing very well, and there is no bankruptcy crisis.

So Iron Man, the Marvel hero, still belongs to the bottom of the Marvel hero. No Marvel executive would think about shooting this third-line hero.

But Qin Zhong is going to shoot “Iron Man” after the filming of “Spider-Man”. Qin Zhong believes that his instincts can’t be wrong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, do you really have to shoot “Iron Man”?” Stan Lee asked.

For Qin Zhong’s bet, Stan Lee doesn’t care about the ten dollars.

But Stan Lee feels that Qin Zhong dares to be so confident, maybe it can really pull Iron Man from Marvel’s third line to the first line.

“Yes, and I will prepare the script by myself. You just need to promote it.” Qin Zhong said.

The executives of Marvel had a five-minute discussion and finally decided that this matter could be done by Qin Zhong.

However, because they are not very optimistic about the movie “Iron Man”, there may be less investment.

“In terms of investment, I can solve it myself. I don’t participate in how much you want to invest,” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong is only a major shareholder of Marvel. In terms of investment, Qin Zhong has the power to speak, but it does not have the power to make a final decision.

Marvel’s employees are not optimistic about Iron Man, so they just need to invest a little less and behave.

But after Iron Man was released, when taking the box office share, they just don’t cry.

“Okay, then I will shoot “Iron Man”.”

In the end, according to Qin Zhong, Marvel started filming “Iron Man” after “Spider-Man”.

“I will be responsible for both the script and the casting, and I will give you an answer within half a month.”

After Qin Zhong finished speaking, he left Marvel.

The script was purchased directly from the system, and Qin Zhong explained the recruitment of actors for “Iron Man”.

For a week, people kept coming to Qin Zhong’s company for interviews, but in the end no one could pass the protagonist level.

Qin Zhong is not so much recruiting the protagonist as it is waiting for someone.

That is Robert Downey Jr., an indispensable actor for Marvel.

At this time, Robert Downey Jr. had just come out of prison because of the du product.

His career as an actor may be completely ruined because of his experience in prison.

Qin Zhong believes that he will definitely come for an interview this time when he recruits the starring role of Iron Man.

It’s almost half a month since the appointment with Marvel, but Robert Downey Jr. has not come for an interview, and Qin Zhong seems a little anxious.

Do you really have to contact this kid yourself?

But on the second day, among a group of actors who were interviewing, Qin Zhong saw Robert Downey Jr.

Qin Zhong remained silent and has been interviewing according to the normal process.

Until Downey came to Qin Zhong’s office, Qin Zhong pointed to the bench and said, “Please sit down. If I guessed correctly, you are Mr. Robert Downey Jr.?”

“Oh, it’s me.” Downey raised his eyebrows and said.

Before going to jail, Downey was a slightly famous actor.

But after that, he was in jail for five years. After five years, he was already completely different. Qin Zhong was able to recognize him, which surprised Downey.

“Don’t be nervous, I just interviewed the protagonist for Iron Man, but I didn’t want to inquire about your previous life.” Qin Zhong said.

“I’m not nervous, sir, even I want to drink a cup of coffee.”

Downey leaned on the bench and said with a serious face.

Downey spoke in an “Iron Man” tone, and Qin Zhong asked Bai Lili to pour Downey a cup of coffee.

0 ········Find flowers···

Downey took the coffee, took a sip, and said to Qin Zhong, “Let’s start looking in the mirror, and thank you for the coffee.”

Qin Zhong handed the script to Downey and said to him: “You can audition as written above. This is the first scene of the movie. We are sitting in an armored vehicle and I am a soldier in the armored vehicle.”

“no problem.”

After looking at the script, Downey began to enter the state.

Then Downey spoke frivolously: “You seem to be taking me to a military court, hell, what did I do?”

“It feels like you would stop at any time and then kill me.”

“Who doesn’t allow you to speak?”

“Hey, talk.”

“Say what, sir.” Qin Zhong is playing his role, a soldier.

… 0 …

“Why are you always staring at me?” Downey asked.

“No, they are just afraid of you.” Qin Zhong said.

“Oh my God, you are a woman, I really didn’t see it, I’m sorry. The army pays attention to equality between men and women, right?”


Downey himself has his unique talent. Even in prison, Downey did not forget his identity as an actor and often practiced against the wall.

The content of the dialogue for a few minutes gave Qin Zhong some understanding of Downey’s talent.

Whether in a previous life or in the present, Downey is the best candidate for Iron Man.

“It’s okay.” Qin Zhong clapped his hands and said: “I like your style very much, it’s not a problem at all.”

“Then you mean I passed the audition?”

“Of course, congratulations on being the lead actor in “Iron Man”.” Qin Zhong said.

“My God, it’s so smooth!”

Tang Nilu gave an expression of stunned error, and then quickly stood up and shook hands with Qin Zhong.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Qin Zhong.”

Five years in prison has made Downey even more yearning for his career as an actor after his release.

Unexpectedly, in the first audition, he could become the star of Iron Man.

“Don’t thank me, you proved your talent to me.” Qin Zhong said.

“Hey, what do I need to do next?”

“Sign the contract, and then shoot the movie.”

Qin Zhong had already drawn up a contract for Downey and took it out directly from the drawer. Ding.

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