Chapter 255

Although Nolan was the director of the film in name, they all knew that Qin Zhong also played a lot in it.

And they very much hope that this “Spider-Man” can also achieve good results, and the box office has a good reputation.

Faced with the problem of shooting this movie, Marvel is more anxious than Qin Zhong.

On this day, Qin Zhong came to Marvel, and he wanted to see Spider-Man’s script for himself.

Qin Zhong has watched the entire Spider-Man series of movies in his previous life, but the script has never been touched.

After Qin Zhong came to Marvel, he received a script from Stan Lee.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, can you see if this script is satisfactory.”

Qin Zhong took the script he gave and read the script carefully.

The content in this script is similar to the content of Spider-Man I’ve seen in the previous life, but there is nothing worth changing.

“I don’t think there is a problem with this script, just follow the above written filming.” Qin Zhong said.

Stan Lee is the man who created the Marvel universe after all, and Qin Zhong is very relieved of his script.

“That’s good, about the shooting time?”

“I am free every day now.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Inception” is still in theaters, and the movie “Brooklyn Orphans” does not need Qin Zhong to worry about, so now Qin Zhong is a big idler.

“That’s great. Now Marvel’s employees are basically free. Why don’t we discuss the shooting of Spider-Man.” Stan Lee expects.

Qin Zhong then discussed the shooting of “Spider-Man” at Marvel. Stan Lee has his own unique views on this movie.

So Qin Zhong basically left this matter to Stan Lee to deal with, and didn’t want to ask too many questions in it, so as not to affect Stan Lee’s thoughts.

After a morning of discussion, Qin Zhong and Marvel have already decided on the shooting.

Tomorrow, I will start preparing for the shooting.

The special effects are still handed over to Weita. The screenwriter and director are naturally Stan Lee, Qin Zhong plays the protagonist Peter Parker, and other roles are selected by Marvel.

After two weeks of preparation, “Spider-Man” began intense filming.

During this period of time, the movie “Inception” has been released worldwide, and the response has been enthusiastic.

However, Qin Zhong is only busy shooting “Spider-Man” and doesn’t pay much attention to the “Inception”.

He just releases the movie “Inception”, what kind of results it can produce, let the market have the final say.

The reputation of Wushuang Company has become more and more popular. Because of the response of the movie “Inception”, Wushuang Company is also regarded as a well-known company in Hollywood.

Qin Zhong’s shooting of “Spider-Man” was also known to the media. Marvel did a good job in comics before, but it was a bit unsatisfactory in terms of movies.

That is to say, the “X-Men” released some time ago is not bad, other movies can only barely save money.

Qin Zhong spent a lot of money to acquire shares of Marvel just to become the protagonist of “Spider-Man”? This is really confusing.

Qin Zhong was not bothered by outside sounds, and focused on shooting the movie “Spider-Man”.

In the process of shooting “Spider-Man”, Norton’s “Brooklyn Orphan” was also completed, and some special effects were needed in the later stage.

Basically, Norton doesn’t need to worry too much about this kind of thing. You only need to go to the Weita Company for guidance occasionally and make it according to his ideas.

Qin Zhong feels that Norton should have nothing to do during this time, so he forced Norton to play a role in “Spider-Man”.

In “Brooklyn Orphans,” Norton was just a director, not an actor.

Just in “Spider-Man”, Qin Zhong can observe how Norton’s acting is.

In the first part of “Spider-Man”, it is about Peter Parker who was bitten by a radiated mutant spider while visiting the laboratory with his classmates. Since then, he has acquired super powers similar to spiders.

However, because he let off a little thief, and the uncle who later raised him was killed by the little thief, he realized that “the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility”.

The phrase “the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility” is also the theme of the entire film.

After two months, the content of Spider-Man has been filmed.

During the production of special effects, Qin Zhong began to let the company promote “Spider-Man”.

At the same time, Marvel also began to produce peripheral products for Spider-Man.

After all, Marvel is relatively successful in comics. If “Spider-Man” is released, I believe many people will look at it for the sake of feelings and sell this movie to save face.

“Brooklyn Orphans” was released after the production was completed.

The box office was pretty good, and I barely satisfied Qin Zhong. After all, it was Norton’s first film directed by himself. It’s not bad to have this result.

When “Spiderman” was producing special effects, Qin Zhong discussed the future development with Marvel.

According to Qin Zhong’s idea, after the movie is released, other superhero movies will be shot.

Thor, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Wasp, and Daredevil, these superheroes have not yet started making movies.

Although Captain M and the Hulk were screened a long time ago, according to the special effects at the time, they were just kidding things.

Of course, these two parts have to be remade.

In the Marvel conference room, Qin Zhong is having a meeting with Marvel executives.

“The special effects of “Spider-Man” are still in production. At the speed of Weita, it will take at least three months or more.”

“During this time, I plan to shoot “Iron Man”. Do you have any suggestions?” Qin Zhong asked.

There was a lot of discussion in the conference room. To be honest, they were not optimistic about the superhero Iron Man.

Among Marvel’s many superheroes, Iron Man can only be regarded as a third-line hero.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I suggest not to shoot “Iron Man”, even if I continue to film the second part of “Spider-Man”,” said a Marvel executive.

“Although we have not decided which movie to shoot next, “Thor”, “Deadpool”, and “Ant-Man” are all good IPs. After “Spider-Man” is released, it is entirely possible to create another A superhero, even Iron Man, is a third-line hero after all, and the development potential is too low.” Another Marvel executive said.

Qin Zhong was noncommittal and asked Stan Lee next to him: “What do you think of the suggestion for shooting “Iron Man”?”

Stan Lee pushed his glasses and said to Qin Zhong: “I would even recommend filming the second part of “X-Men” or remaking “Hulk”.”.

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