Chapter 175

When Wang Jie came to him, Qin Zhong stood up and closed the door.

“Let’s talk about it! How did that Li Xiaodong join the crew of “Bright Sword” last time?”

Wang Jie took out a document.

“We did a very detailed investigation, and we also checked the internal staff of [Wushuang] Film and Television Company!”

“In the end we found out that a woman named Li Na was very suspicious!”

During this period of time, Wang Jie has been conducting investigations in secret.


Qin Zhong frowned.

He called someone to investigate, just in case.

Unexpectedly, the inner ghost was really caught.

“She is one of the assistant directors in this movie. Some of the main personnel are determined by the director, but the assistant director still has some authority!”

“At the beginning, the Li Xiaodong who brought the funds into the group was signed from her. If Li Xiaodong meets our requirements, it is fine, but I found that this Li Xiaodong basically has no works, and he is not a specialist. Obviously Such a person does not meet our criteria for selecting actors!”

To put it simply, Li Xiaodong’s business ability is so bad that everyone wonders whether he will perform at all.

This obviously cannot be explained by oversight.

“What’s the origin of this Li Na?” Qin Zhong asked again.

He has never been blindly confident.

I think I can lie down and make money by creating a company!

You slept peacefully, maybe your opponent is sharpening the knife.

“Her resume is very beautiful. She graduated from the best film school director department, and she has a strong business ability. So we signed her at that time!”

“But we have discovered in the past few days that she sent emails overseas before the shooting of “Bright Sword”!”

“Do you want to fire her?”

Wang Jie asked tentatively.

“No!” Qin Zhong said, “You don’t need to be fired, let Li Na stay first!”

“Didn’t she want information? Just give her some false information!”

Sometimes, spies can also be two-sided.

Sometimes, when facing these inner ghosts, they can also turn the other side’s countermeasures.

But Qin Zhong does not plan to do so for the time being.

He wants to observe for a while.

See if the other party has such conditions, it’s worth it!

The production of “Bright Sword” takes the form of filming and production.

And [Wushuang] The film and television company is very proud.

You can use all kinds of equipment.

There is no shortage of funds, and many things are very easy.

So the crew’s progress is very fast.

It was finished in less than two months.

This is not surprising.

The series of Young and Dangerous Boys, which were popular on both sides of the Xiangjiang River, were often shot in one week.

The TV series produced are rough cut versions.

The lite version will be made in seven days!

“What? Qin Zhong’s TV series is an anti-Japanese war movie?”

At this time, Yu Zhen almost laughed.

“How hard is Qin Zhong that he would actually go to make a film with such a subject!”

“The best ratings for the anti-Japanese war movies over the years are only 5 or 6 years ago! You don’t shoot so many genres, but instead make anti-Japanese war movies! It’s so stupid!”

There was a gleam in Yu Zeng’s small eyes.

“Director, did they shoot it specifically to please the top?” asked a beautiful woman next to her.

“What you said is possible, but now I am completely relieved.”

As soon as the shooting of “Bright Sword” was completed, many reporters came to interview Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, what are your expectations for the ratings of “Bright Sword”?”

“Can your [Wushuang] film and television company continue the luck of the last TV series?”

“Mr. Qin Zhong, you don’t have a traffic star in this TV series. Are you confident?”

After the reporters saw Qin Zhong coming out of the set, they swarmed.

Enclose Qin Zhong directly.

Those fans of Qin Zhong have already known that Qin Zhong will come today.

Qin Zhong is not in a hurry.

Answer their questions one by one.

Qin Zhong pointed at a young girl.

The girl was a little excited, she was very young, she seemed to be a student just out of school.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, I would like to ask, why do you want to make anti-Japanese war films? You know, anti-Japanese war films are not very popular with the public! Do you have confidence in your TV series?”

This girl is called Zhao Ruoxue, who just graduated from Sohu Entertainment this year.

Her grandfather is a soldier.

Once upon a time, when the elderly watched anti-Japanese war movies, tears were often in their eyes.

Zhao Ruoxue would ask: “Grandpa, did you cry because the filming was so true?”

Father Zhao shook his head.

“I, I really think of those comrades in arms of my youth!”

“They are more bitter than those shown on TV!”

Zhao Ruoxue was stunned.

She originally thought that the little soldiers in these anti-Japanese war films, eating pickles, wrestling, and drinking only cold water in winter, were already very bitter.

But I didn’t expect my grandfather to say that it was worse than what was shown on TV.


“It’s true! At that time, our soldiers ate snow and fried noodles, not fried noodles as you understand, but directly fried flour with them, and sometimes they even eat leaves and roots!”

“I was the youngest at the time, so the platoon leader let me eat all his rations. If I didn’t eat, he said, this is an order!”

As the old man Zhao said, his eyes were moist.

However, in recent years, the old man has slowly become silent.

I don’t like to watch TV series anymore.

When something happened, Zhao Ruoxue thought that grandpa was too lonely, so she took the initiative to accompany grandpa to watch TV. Who knows, the old man just said coldly: “Those shots by those people simply don’t deserve to be put on TV!”

“It’s all fake, made up!” Old man Zhao whispered with tears: “This kind of TV series is not worthy of being broadcast at all!”

Zhao Ruoxue doesn’t understand that society is progressing. Why, the anti-Japanese war movies have been regressing instead?

Because it was influenced by her grandfather, Zhao Ruoxue didn’t think that Qin Zhong could produce a good TV series.

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