Chapter 174

December 30.

“Mermaid” was released for five days, and the cumulative box office has reached 900 million.

The reputation is also very good.

Although the navy and the so-called experts have been blowing up “Fight of Macau 3”

However, “Mermaid” has been suppressing “Macau 3” all the time!

Not convinced!

Their box office is so awesome!

Wang Jing smokes in the room very irritably!

Although he did not lose money in this movie, it is still a small profit.

But compared with “Mermaid”, it is much worse.

He didn’t expect that although his movie was a bit foolish on the plot, it was considered top notch in terms of the starring or supporting cast.

These people all have their own huge fan base, and they are basically guaranteed at the box office when they come out alone.

Pity. Such a large lineup actually lost to “Mermaid”!

He also specifically looked for someone to investigate, because about 20% of Zhou Xunxuan went to the movies, and 80% of them all went to Qin Zhong.

The results of this survey surprised Wang Jing. He did not expect Qin Zhong to have such a big influence in China.

“Could it be that the film industry nowadays is different from before?”

Wang Jing made it down.

After searching the information of Qin Zhong on the Internet, Wang Jing’s eyes are somewhat complicated.

He had some cooperation with Zhou Xunxuan.

Two people cooperated in the gambling holy class.

In those few years, Wang Jing reached its peak regardless of his fame or money.

But later, because Zhou Xunxuan was not so smooth, and there were some things about his interests, Wang Jing chose to tear down the house with Zhou Xunxuan,

Zhou Xunxuan later mixed alone for a few years.

After filming “Return to Soul Night” and the like, the response was mediocre. Later, he began to try to shoot movies inland.

Wang Jing sneered at this.

But what he didn’t expect was that Zhou Xunxuan would choose to cooperate with someone like Qin Zhong.

Then, from “A Westward Journey” to “Mermaid”

It all burst.

Qin Zhong is now a hot star in China!

Wang Jing’s eyes became a little complicated.

He rubbed his hair.

“Director, the big boss is calling you over. ¨!”


Wang Jing immediately withdrew from the decadence just now!

By the end of the stage, the total box office of “Mermaid” reached 3.7 billion. This figure seems to be about 4 billion soon, but the daily increase in the box office has dropped very seriously!

The box office of “Fight of Macau 3” reached 1.1 billion.

Although it looks good, compared with the mermaid’s more than 3 billion box office, it would be a scum.

At the same time, the score on the office is less than 4 points.

It can be said that Zhou Runfa’s film has the lowest score.

Although these two films fought to the death on stage and off stage, the box office performances were all winners.

The competition between the two companies has also entered the settlement of rest and reorganization.

But in fact, “Fighting Macau 3” is actually far less profitable than “Mermaid”

Even Liu Dehua and Zha Zhahui can’t save the low score of “Macao Fengyun 3”.

“If there is no Qin Zhong, then Zhou Xunzhao’s movie box office should be about the same as my movie!”

Xinghui Films saw the box office rising all the way, and even on New Year’s Day, it sent red envelopes to every chief creative officer.

Qin Zhong got two million red envelopes.

And this time’s success gave Xinghui a taste of the sweetness.

Xinghui Film Company began preparations for the next film.

And also held a special celebration party in Xiangjiang.

Qin Zhong drank a lot of wine at the celebration party.

Everyone is very excited.

Not only Qin Zhong, but several leading actors in this performance have all received great attention.

Lin Yun suddenly changed from an ordinary female student to a highly anticipated stubborn girl.

Film appointments, variety show invitations, many!

She is not the little transparent that was ignored by the media before!

Qin Zhong is happy for her.

And Zhang Yuqi, through this interpretation, successfully set up a coquettish big woman’s character!

Including Xiaozhu Luo Zhixiang, etc., have increased a large number of fans!

After Qin Zhong came back from the Hong Kong celebration party, he once again entered the system and entered into more difficult acting training.

There is also an increase in their own fighting training.

During the day, he will also deal with some company (Li Hao) matters, and his life is quite practical.

Qin Zhong’s [Wushuang] film company also ushered in the annual meeting.

Thanks to the success of “Zhen Huan Biography”, there are follow-up benefits.

In the past and one year. [Wushuang] The film and television company has made great progress.

There are more than ten projects under investment negotiation.

[Wushuang] The film company gave each company’s employees a full ten months’ salary as a bonus.

The company’s behavior seems very rich and headstrong. But in fact, most employees in the company have a more sense of belonging.

[Wushuang] The film and television companies do not have many strong contacts on the top, all relying on their own step by step footsteps to get to the present. .

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