Chapter 43 Bai Lu, do you remember a Li Ronghao?!

After Bai Lu exited, the game of tossing grapefruit continued.

Looking at Sha Yi with a confused face, as if he didn't know what year it was, Ye Xuan quickly threw the grapefruit out.

Sure enough, when the grapefruit landed, Sha Yi was stunned and did not react.

It wasn't until he heard the laughter of the other guests that Sha Yi looked confused.

"I didn't feel this grapefruit coming, I really didn't see it!"

Looking at Brother Sha's stunned appearance as if he didn't react, Ye Xuan was already laughing and ridiculing.

"When others play games, their eyes are fast, and Sha Ge plays games, this is an eye disease!"

I didn't see the main one!

As soon as the words came out, everyone burst into laughter again.

Director Yao in the background announced the result while holding back a smile.

"Sha Ge eliminated, the game continued."

At this time, Ye Xuan, who successfully killed one guest twice in a row, obviously became a grapefruit killer, and seeing the rest of the guests looking like a great enemy, he joked even more.

"As for being so guarded against me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the guests called one in unison.

"As for!"

Ye Xuan: ???

Is the only tacit understanding of the running boy band used here?!

Shaking his head, he threw the grapefruit to Zheng Kai, who had been strictly guarding and riding early, and Zheng Kai firmly grasped it.

Just as Zheng Kai was fainting, Ye Xuan heard the interference sound from Bai Lu on the side.

"Ye Xuan, your shoelaces are loose!"

"Ye Xuan, the buttons of your clothes are open!"


Okay, Bai Mengyan!

This is a repetition of his own scheme.

There was a touch of playfulness in his eyes, thinking that it was interesting to be on the same team with Bai Lu, Ye Xuan deliberately let go, and he was sentenced to elimination in the next second.

In this way, Ye Xuan, Sha Yi, and Bai Lu were automatically grouped into a new group.

Seeing Ye Xuan exit, Bai Lu almost carved the big words "You also have today" on her face, and the whole process was called a radiant look.

Sha Yi, who was also eliminated miserably, was now happily wringing his fingers and taking stock of the responsibilities of the three-person small army.

"The three of us are alive together, Ye Xuan, you are the IQ responsible, and I am the experience responsible..."

Before the words were finished, Bai Lu on the side specially held up the crown on the hair of the support plate, made an extremely elegant look, and was ready to take the stubble.

"Then I am—"

Before Yan Xuan could say the four words, he saw that Ye Xuan had already given the answer with a determined look.

"Funny responsible!"

"You're funny!" Bai Lu's teeth clenched again.

She is a good and beautiful woman, why do you want to set up a funny woman's character?!

Hearing Bai Lu's counterattack, Ye Xuan's expression remained unchanged and he chuckled.

"Is it possible that my funny is simply clever? And your funny - "

That could be really funny?!

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Bai Lu only felt that her eyebrows suddenly rose again.

"Are you a bit poisonous?"

"Probably not a little? Is it very? "Ye Xuan, who is quite self-aware, has slipped away.


Looking at the appearance of these two people chasing each other, Sha Yi, who remained in place, couldn't help but sigh now.

This is the vitality of young people.

In between the two laughing and playing, the game of tossing grapefruit has ended.

All the grouping results also came out quickly.

Group 1: Bai Lu, Sha Yi, Ye Xuan.

Group 2: Li Chen, Guan Xiaotong, Yang Ying.

Group 3: Zheng Kai, Zhou Sheng, Song Yuqi, Zhang Yishan.

Director Yao had already picked up the big speaker and introduced the rules of this game.

"The next task is to test everyone's brain power, and different topics will appear on the TV, and three groups will do it in turn.

"Referring to one of the members, the member must answer the answer within three seconds."

"One point is awarded for a correct answer, one point is deducted for repeated answers, and three points are deducted for an incorrect answer or no answer. So which group starts first? "

As soon as the voice fell, Song Yuqi, who was sitting in the middle, was the first to raise her hand and pointed to the group next door.

"Come from left to right."

Bai Lu's head also nodded one after another like a chicken pecking rice, and Meizhi said.

"yes, starting with them, then we're the last group. You can also learn from experience, not bad. "

Just as Bai Lu's voice fell, he saw Director Yao's gaze look over.

"Then let's start with Bailu's group, let's go from right to left."

As soon as the voice came out, the guests of the other two groups immediately applauded and smiled brightly.

The corners of Bai Lu's mouth stiffened sharply.

"You shouldn't have said more." Ye Xuan on the side immediately ridiculed.

"The program group is a little rebellious!" Sha Yi, who was with his teammates, also shook his head.

After a burst of laughter, Director Yao shouted again with a big speaker.

"Each group has a total of fifteen questions, the game will start immediately, please look at the first group."

As soon as the sound fell, the TV immediately appeared the topic of the first question of this round.

[Please name the singer surnamed Lee].

As soon as the question came out, the guests of the other two groups immediately wow and wow.

"So hard?!" Li Chen blurted out.

"When I think about it like this, I feel that there are few of them!" Yang Ying muttered the same.

At this moment, the eyes of the rest of the guests all fell on the three members of the first group.

Bai Lu, who was sitting in the center, had already stretched out a finger and said in a trance.

"What if I have a singer in my head?"

"Three two one, Ye Xuan starts first." Director Yao's command had already sounded, and he looked at Ye Xuan on the far left.

"Li Yonghao." Ye Xuan said the first answer without thinking.

Bai Lu suddenly showed a stunned look.

No way!

She only has Li Ronghao in her head!

Why was he preempted by Ye Xuan?!

Ye Xuan and himself just can't get by, right?!

Just when Bai Lu was dumbfounded, he saw Director Yao looking at him.

"Three two one."

Bai Lu, who was empty in his mind, had to copy Ye Xuan's answer, and reproduced Li Ronghao with a wrinkled little face.

"Li Yonghao."

At this moment, Bai Lu's mind was already wailing.

It's over!

This is only the first round, what can I do later?!

And as soon as her "Li Ronghao" came out, the other two groups of guests had already laughed.

"Bai Lu, don't you have any other answer?!" Zhou Sheng couldn't stand up straight with a smile.

"This is just the beginning!" Guan Xiaotong also laughed hilariously.

It was only the first round that Bai Lu began to repeat Ye Xuan's answer.

So next, does Bai Lu have any other answer?!

Just when everyone was laughing, Sha Yi, who was sitting on Bai Lu's right side, steadily reported a "Li Guyi" with his age advantage.

In this way, it is the turn of Bai Lu in the middle.

At this moment, Bai Lu's mind was full of great regret.

Why would she want to sit in this C position?!

There is no reaction time at all when sitting in the middle!

Seeing Director Yao pointing to himself again, Bai Lu's brain had already started an overwhelming search.

However, the more urgent she was, the more her brain became a mess.

In line with the principle that only one point will be deducted for repetition, and three points will be deducted if you do not agree, Bai Lu, who has fallen into downtime mode in her brain, can only cry and repeat with a sad face.

"Li Yonghao."

As soon as the words came out, the guests of the other two groups laughed even more.

This is the result of Bai Lu thinking for half a day?!

In addition to Li Yonghao or Li Ronghao?!

"Bai Lu, how long are you going to soak wool on Teacher Li Ronghao?" Zhou Sheng complained accurately.

"Bai Lu, we all know that you are a big fan of Li Ronghao!" Zheng Kai and Li Chen only felt that their tears were about to burst out laughing.

Just when the guests were overjoyed, Director Yao once again circled back to Ye Xuan on the left.

Compared with Bai Lu, who continued to deduct points for the squad, Ye Xuan was continuing to escort the squad's scores.

"Li Wan."

After saying his answer, Ye Xuan immediately looked at Bai Lu.

As if to say, teammates, you give some strength!

However, Bai Lu did not receive Ye Xuan's signal in the slightest.

At this moment, Director Yao had already pointed to Bai Lu in the middle.

"Three two one!"

Bai Lu, who had her turn again, only felt that her mind was blank, and fine sweat broke out on her forehead.

Who else?!

And that singer surnamed Li?!

However, after racking his brains for most of the day, Bai Lu's little face finally collapsed.

She still only remembered one Li Ronghao.

No matter!

One point deduction is better than three points, right?!

Thinking so, Bai Lu held back a smile all the way, and continued to shout her answer with a helpless face.

"Lee... Yung Hao. "

As soon as the words came out, the audience burst into laughter again.


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