Chapter 42 Bai Lu: Isn't this the real-life version of the wolf?!

"Congratulations to Ye Xuan and Yuqi for winning and getting the opportunity to verify the people in the mirror in this round."

"Verify that everyone's masks are placed in the house, and if you suspect someone, hold up the masks of the other person."

"If the other person's face appears in the mirror, it means that the other person is a person; Conversely, if a white mask appears in the mirror, it is the person in the mirror..."

Director Yao's voice fell, and Ye Xuan and Song Yuqi had already obtained the password of the verification house from the staff.

Not long after, Ye Xuan successfully entered the verification room through the password.

Glancing at the masks of all the guests, Ye Xuan pondered for a moment, and finally chose the object of this inspection——

Chapter Yishan.

Not long after, the white mask suddenly appeared in the mirror.

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed.

The white mask, that refers to the person in the mirror.

It seems that there is indeed a problem with the identity of this flying guest!

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, as soon as Ye Xuan pushed open the door, he heard a voice of pretending to be calm in his ears.

"Brother Ye, how about we exchange information?"

Following the prestige, it turned out that Song Yuqi, who had also obtained the inspection qualification, did not leave first, but waited near the verification house.

Lifting his eyelids lightly, thinking of a little more information and more certainty, Ye Xuan asked.

"Did you test it?"

Seeing that Ye Xuan revealed his intention to exchange, Song Yuqi did not hide it, and shared his information for the first time.

"I checked Xiao Tong, she is the person in the mirror, did you test?"

"Zhang Yishan is also a person in the mirror."


After exchanging information, the two returned to Fangcai's playing venue together.

As the two appeared, the guests suddenly showed curiosity.

"What happened?!" Bai Lu was the first to rush to Ye Xuan's side.

"Do you know who is in the mirror?!" Yang Ying also asked curiously.

Under a series of questions, Ye Xuan and Song Yuqi were tight-lipped, and their faces were even more like they knew the big secret.

The rest of the guests felt more and more itchy, but they couldn't take the two of them.

Soon, Director Yao's instructions sounded again.

"Next, all members are invited to go to the Château Louis and compete there for the opportunity to verify their identity."

As soon as the new instructions came out, everyone changed back to their initial attire and took a special car towards the location of the next mission.

When they arrived at Castle Louis, the words of praise suddenly sounded one after another.

"We're a good fit here!"

"It's a good match for our clothes!"

The art-filled Château Louis is the palace of Fontainebleau in the exclusive capital of the city, and every corner flows with an elegant and beautiful romantic atmosphere.

All the way to the hall of Louis Castle, as soon as the guests sat down, they listened to Director Yao promulgating a new task.

"In the next mission, the two winning members can get the code to enter the room to verify the other members."

"Before that, we want to group everyone through a little game of grapefruit tossing."

As soon as the three words of the mini game came out, the eyes of all the guests probed over.

"The member who gets the grapefruit can throw it at any member, and the other members are tricked into faking and making a physical reaction is eliminated."

After understanding the rules, three guests were left to fill their seats, and the seven guests took the lead in standing in a circle.

Ye Xuan took the lead in taking the grapefruit from the director group and became the first thrower.

"Bai Lu, your skirt is quite retro."

Feeling the weight of a handful of grapefruit, Ye Xuan distracted everyone with the words in his mouth, and quickly made a false feint, pretending to throw it to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu, who was named by Ye Xuan, was reluctant to blink at this moment, and his gaze was firmly fixed on the grapefruit in his hand.

At the moment when Ye Xuan made a fake move, Bai Lu abruptly resisted the idea that he was about to stretch out his hand.

Only when she saw the grapefruit return to Ye Xuan's hands did she breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, as she expected, Ye Xuan's action was clearly a fake action!

Clearly pit her too!

Remembering Fang Cai Ye Xuan's interference with himself, Bai Lu did not forget to shoot back.

"I know my dress looks good, you don't need to tell me!"

Seeing that Bai Lu was not fooled, Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows, still with a light smile on his face.

"Also, after all, I used to see this style a lot in my grandma."


After passing Ye Xuan's words in his mind, Bai Lu only felt that his low blood sugar was suddenly cured!

Even high blood pressure came out.


This guy is clearly on purpose!

Ye Xuan was simply shaking her military heart!

Just when Bai Lu was about to vomit blood in frustration, he saw Ye Xuan make another throwing motion.

And the direction is again towards itself!

When her brain was blank, Bai Lu's hands had involuntarily stretched out.

However, Yuzu returned to Ye Xuan's hands!

In other words, she was deceived!

At this time, Director Yao's voice just sounded.

"Like Bai Lu, you lose, do you understand the rules? Then we'll start right away. "

Still unpretentious, Bai Lu only felt that her nerves were provoked.


She became the negative case of the whole audience at this moment?!

It's all to blame Ye Xuan!

The little face crumpled, and Bai Luqi glanced at Ye Xuan with a snort, and cheered himself up again.

It's okay!

Anyway, just trying my hand just now!

Now is the official beginning!

She won't be deceived by Ye Xuan anymore.

Ye Xuan's actions thrown at him were all fake moves!

As soon as Ye Xuan's fake action came out, she wouldn't accept anything!

Secretly making a decision in her heart, Bai Lu regained her position.

In the next instant, she saw Ye Xuan raise his arm again and throw the grapefruit, and the throwing action was obviously coming towards her.

With a snort, Bai Lu had already recited the Clear Heart Mantra in her heart.

I just don't pick up, don't pick up, don't pick up....

Anyway, Ye Xuan won't throw it to himself!

However, the next moment when this thought came out, Bai Lu heard a snap coming from in front of her.

The beautiful eyes widened sharply, and Bai Lu looked down.

I saw that Huang Cancan's round grapefruit was like a leather ball, plopping down in front of him.

Raising his head, Bai Lu saw Ye Xuan spread his hands, and his tone was extremely beaten.

"Bai Lu, why don't you take it?!"

As soon as these words came out, the laughter of the rest of the guests followed.

"Bai Lu, Ye Xuan was a fake move before, but this time it's a real move!"

"Yuzu has already arrived at you!"

Only Bai Lu suddenly petrified in place, stunned.

"You you you... Did you really throw it at me?! "

At this moment, the last three words remained in Bai Lu's mind.

Isn't this the wolf in reality?!


For the first time, Ye Xuan made a fake action of throwing.

The second time, Ye Xuan still made a fake action of throwing.

Who knew that Ye Xuan would make a real move the third time?

Bai Lu, who clenched her teeth, withdrew from the queue with a depressed expression, and now she even pouted and glared at Ye Xuan.

At this time, her expression had engraved the words "blame you" on her brain, and the rest of the guests laughed one after another.

Even the live broadcast room was full of joy.

"Bai Lu: I thought it wouldn't be thrown at me."

"The real-life version of the story of the wolf coming."

"A second of silence for Bailu."

"Ye Xuan: Let me think about how to deceive Bai Lu..."


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