Chapter 40 Ye Xuan: Don't spit on Zhou Sheng's height, be careful when he jumps up and hits your knees

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not move his hands.

But Bailu is a girl, so gorgeous is not among them.

At this moment, Bai Lu, who was so angry that she stomped her foot, decisively chose the hands-on mode.

"You give me a stop!"

"What do you want to do?"

"I promise not to hit you!"

"Can you pull it down? Dare you not plan to hit me with your hands and kick me directly, right?! Ye Xuan had already seen Bai Lu's trick and said what she really thought.

"You..." was poked in the heart, Bai Lu became more and more like a cat whose tail had been trampled, and she raised her finger with a sad and indignant face.

Ye Xuan continued to add fuel to the fire.

"You don't want to think that only people with an IQ of less than a hundred will be stumped by the rules?"

Bai Lu was depressed and almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood in her face.

"You also said that I have a low IQ, and I am not finished with you!"

The two of you pounced on me for most of the day, but Bai Lu still didn't catch a trace of Ye Xuan's clothes.

Until Song Yuqi's voice full of laughter sounded.

"Do you two want to be on tomorrow's hot search?"

Hearing this, the flame above Bai Lu's head was violently extinguished.

Only then did she react.

It's live streaming right now!

There are tens of millions of pairs of eyes watching.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu only felt that her eyes were black.


She worked so hard to maintain her lady image for so long!

Now the ironclad is gone!

Seeing this scene, the guests were full of laughter.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room is also cheerful.

When the laughter subsided, Director Yao rubbed his laughing stomach, held back his laughter, and introduced the rules of the first round of the game.

"There are sixteen wooden pillars on the slope stage, please use the wooden pillars to stay on the stage."

"But the wooden pillar will disappear randomly, and the member who falls off the stage is considered eliminated, and the last member who remains on the stage wins..."

As Director Yao's rules were introduced, the guests quickly went to the dressing room and changed into sportswear that was easy to move.

After changing into sportswear, the guests quickly warmed up, and heard the results of the first group of the director group.

"This time, we will first divide into five groups, and the first game will be played by Sha Yi and Zhou Sheng."

Hearing Director Yao's voice, Sha Yi and Zhou Sheng, who fought in the first game, quickly walked up the slope.

"The body sizes of Brother Sha and Zhou Sheng are simply in stark contrast." Seeing the physiques of the two, Zheng Kai laughed out loud.

Just as Zheng Kai's words fell, Sha Yi slowly slid down the slope and grabbed the first wooden pillar in the first column on the left with both hands.

Just as his legs tried to reach the second wooden pillar in the first column, his left foot suddenly slipped, and his round body trembled.

"Brother Sha, you take it easy, don't step on the wooden pillar." Ye Xuan happened to make up for it.

As soon as the voice came out, the audience burst into laughter.

Even Sha Yi himself on the slope laughed, and even he thought this scene was a little funny.

Soon, the whistle sounded, and both Sha Yi and Zhou Sheng were ready.

At this moment, the two are on the left and right sides of the slope, and the movements are exactly the same.

All of them are dragging the wooden pillars of the first row with both hands and stepping on the wooden pillars of the second row with both feet.

"Zhou Sheng, come here!" Sha Yi tried to reach the wooden pillar of the second column, but finally found that the distance in the middle exceeded the length of his legs, and immediately switched strategies.

Hearing Sha Yi's words, Zhou Sheng also hooked his hand.

"Brother Sha, come here!"

"Or are you coming?" Sha Yi said the real reason with a sincere face. "If I can pass, I'll turn on attack mode!"

Seeing Sha Yi motionless in his original position, Zhou Sheng also laughed at himself unceremoniously.

"Then my legs are shorter than yours, I can't get by."

Seeing that neither of them took the initiative at all, focusing on a light mouth without moving hands, Li Chen on the side had already instigated.

"Brother Sha, you are so big, hurry up!"

Bai Lu also shouted for Zhou Sheng on the other side.

"Don't be afraid of life, hurry up and rush, you are not short-sighted!"

"A man's greatness is in temperament, not height, you can be born!" Song Yuqi also cheered for Zhou Sheng.

Seeing that one or two also teased their height, Zhou Sheng, who was accustomed to ridicule, was naturally not angry.

Right now, he was stretching his legs to reach for the wooden pillars next door.

When his feet reached the wooden pillar, Zhou Sheng, who has always created variety show effects, said that it was called a serious book.

"Actually, I'm not that short."

As soon as the words came out, the guests below burst into laughter.

Ye Xuan, who had been watching the competition between the two, nodded his head and made a variety show effect.

"Yes, don't keep complaining about Zhou Sheng's height."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Zhou Sheng, who was on the slope, immediately raised his head and looked at Ye Xuan's eyes, which was called a relief.

Ye Xuan was so right!

Isn't he a little shorter!

Although the height is not enough, you can make up for the heels!

Right now, Zhou Sheng was grasping the wooden pillar on the slope with one hand, and the other hand had already reached out to Ye Xuan, and if Ye Xuan was in front of him, he had to hug each other on the spot.

"Good brother!"

However, in the next instant, Zhou Sheng heard Ye Xuan's mouth spit out words that broke his heart.

"Watch out for him jumping up and hitting your knees!"

As soon as the words came out, the guests did not have time to react, and their minds seemed to be stunned for a moment at this moment.

Jump up and hit your knees?!

When he realized Ye Xuan's meaning, Yang Ying was the first to bend down with laughter.

Bai Lu showed her signature smile again, and the demonic hahaha suddenly resounded.

The rest of the guests also laughed crookedly.

At this moment, the live broadcast room is laughing crazy.

"Zhou Sheng: Be careful if I jump up and hit your knee??"

"Zhou Sheng: Are you polite?"

Zhou Sheng scolded and exited the group chat.

"Zhou Sheng: I'm not tall, my vocal range is high!"


In the midst of laughter, Shayi on the slope was also laughing wildly.

At this time, he covered his stomach with one hand and grabbed the wooden pillar of the slope with the other.

Just at this moment, the wooden pillar of the slope shrank back sharply, and Sha Yi's eyes suddenly widened, and his hands were unsteady.

"Oh ma!"

And in such a shaky moment, the rest of the guests outside the venue saw the next scene of the extremely hilarious picture.

After seeing that Sha Yi on the slope had no gripper on his hand, his feet on the wooden pillar immediately turned on the chaotic pedaling mode.

In this chaotic manner, Sha Yi stepped on the wooden pillar, and the center of gravity of his whole body was unstable, and he instantly slipped down ninety degrees.

Coincidentally, the wooden pillar below just retracted.

As a result, Sha Yi gradually tilted from the original ninety degrees to one hundred and eighty degrees in a graceful and graceful posture.

In the end, he even used the method of shooting his head and planted headlong into the sponge pile.

As soon as this scene came out, Zhou Sheng, who was still looking at Ye Xuan with a resentful expression, was suddenly dumbfounded.

I'll go!

Myself this is lying down to win!

Flew away by Ye Xuan's words?!


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