Chapter 39 Ye Xuan: Bai Lu's brain can be sold for 20 million, but my brain can only be sold for two pieces, she is new and has not been used

At this moment, Director Yao's voice suddenly appeared.

"In the opera troupe, there has always been a strange talk of mirrors. There are two worlds on either side of the mirror, and the mirror is the boundary between the two worlds. "

"As an actor in an opera company, you have to deal with mirrors for a long time, so you are also the person closest to this border, and if you are not careful, you will exchange worlds and mess up order."

At this time, the guests had already looked at each other with suspicious eyes.

Apparently observing who is most likely to be undercover.

At this moment, I listened to Director Yao pause for a moment, and immediately gave the most critical information.

"At this moment, the person in the mirror does not know his identity."

As soon as the last sentence came out, the hearts of all the guests were relaxed.

That is, the undercover does not even know that he is undercover ?!

Then there is no need to suspect each other for the time being.

However, just when everyone breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed.

The remaining frescoes on the walls of the room fell violently.

Caught off guard, a banging sound suddenly sounded.

Startled by this sudden scene, the guests who had just taken their seats were like frightened birds, and they were so frightened that they catapulted from their chairs again.

Screams came and went, and the room was filled with "ahs".

"What's going on?" Zhou Sheng was so frightened that his voice was frightened.

"My ears are going deaf." Zheng Kai was simply shocked by everyone's screams and looked out-of-body.

Flying guest Zhang Yishan had already covered his heart, only feeling that his soul was about to be scared to ascend to heaven.

Taking in everyone's frightened looks, Ye Xuan, the only calm one, picked up the falling pieces of paper again.

"Strange Talk in the Mirror Four: Once the Weird Talk in the Mirror is triggered, everyone present will fall into the spell, and only when the bell rings in the middle of the night, the person who broke the magic mirror can really lift the spell."

Ye Xuan's voice fell, and Director Yao's explanation sounded again.

"Because the mirror can only be broken once, only one member can win today, which means that today is an individual battle."

"In today's mission, only the winner will have the opportunity to check the identity of others, and will tell everyone their identity later. Then please rush to the next venue, the Orthogonal Art Center. "

Following Director Yao's instructions, all the guests got into the special car together and rushed to the next venue.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at the Orthofire Art Center, which is very modern art.

Influenced by Fang Cai, when the guests walked into the art museum, they were cautious throughout the process, obviously afraid that something would fall again.

Fortunately, this trip was still safe.

When the guests shouted that the director team had finally become a person, only Ye Xuan paused for a moment in front of one painting after another.

Not long after, a huge white slope appeared in front of everyone, and the foam of sponges was placed underneath.

Sixteen wooden pillars are stretching freely on the slope, as if waving their hands to a group of guests.

Seeing the guests coming, Director Yao quickly took the speaker and introduced.

"Everyone has already received strange talk, only one person can win today, so in the next task, the winning member can get the opportunity to verify the identity of others."

At the moment when the command fell, the lights in the field suddenly turned on and off.

The guests immediately looked surprised.

"What's the situation?!"

"What is the program group doing again?!"

Just as many guests were shouting, the lights in the venue went out, and eerie music sounded.

In the midst of a scream, Ye Xuan, who had always remained awake, saw the screen in the room light up.

His gaze fell on the screen, and Ye Xuan quickly read out the content on the screen.

"Strange Talk in the Mirror Five: In a room full of humanoid masks, the person in the mirror has no face when he looks in the mirror."

As soon as the three words of no face came out, the audience screamed again and again.

At this point, the lights turn back on.

The guests saw Guan Xiaotong, the least daring, planted his butt directly to the ground again, and wailed with a wailing face.

"Let me go?! Why should I come to this issue of Running Man? "

Zheng Kai followed and teased. "As soon as we turn off the lights at each level, Xiao Tong has to sit down."

Ye Xuan's face was also full of smiles.

"Then let's directly prepare a wheelchair for Xiao Tong, and push her for a day today."

As soon as the voice came out, the guests laughed in unison.

Even Director Yao laughed out loud, rubbing his cheeks while continuing to make a sound.

"In the art gallery, there is a room full of humanoid masks to verify who is in the mirror. A code is required to enter the room, and the winning member can enter the room..."

At this time, listening to this string of rules, Bai Lu couldn't help but shake her head.

"These are all five strange talks, and my brain is going to explode."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xuan glanced at Bai Lu, automatically took over the topic, and said amusedly.

"Bai Lu, can we not brag? When did our brains move?! "

Bai Lu, who was shot in the heart, widened her eyes fiercely, and now she put her hands in her waist, puffed out her cheeks and hummed.

"You you you you... How dare you doubt my intelligence?! "

Right now, Bai Lu has already taken on an imposing posture.

If you don't give me an explanation, I will never spare your posture!

As if forced by Bai Lu's threat, Ye Xuan showed a serious thinking look, and then nodded.

"No, Bai Lu's brain can be sold for 20 million, and my brain can only be sold for two pieces."

As soon as Ye Xuan's words came out, Bai Lu's eyes lit up.

Oh hey!

This is the sun hitting the west coming out?!

How did Ye Xuan, who had always had a poisonous tongue, seem to have changed his personality?!

Unexpectedly said good things about himself?!

The curve of the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, and Bai Lu's eyes were even bent into a crescent shape, and the good mood could not be hidden.

If he knew that threatening Ye Xuan was so useful, he should have started earlier.

Just when Bai Lu was immersed in silly music, Song Yuqi on the side asked curiously.

"Why is her brain so expensive?"

I saw that the expression on Ye Xuan's face was serious, and his attitude was even more sincere.

"Her brain is new and unused, of course the price is different."

As soon as the leisurely voice came out, the audience was startled at first.

The new one has not been used?!

In the next moment, Song Yuqi, who asked the question, burst out laughing.

Yang Ying and Guan Xiaotong were already laughing so hard that they couldn't stand upright, and the other guests also laughed one by one.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of laughter at this moment.

"Emotional Bailu's brain hasn't been opened yet, has it?"

"Bai Lu: So my brain hasn't been developed yet, has it?"

"I feel that this valuation is underestimated, at least 100 million!"

"How many bamboo shoots you have upstairs! You are trying to inherit my flowers. Huh?! "


At this moment, Fang Cai was still smiling with a white dew, and the corners of his mouth twitched now, and a series of resentments rushed towards Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, I fought with you!"


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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