Chapter 87 Slapped in the face (3/10 seeking subscription)

Partners of justice are everywhere.

In the end, Huang Xiaochu stood up and saved the lantern.

no way.

Su Xinghe is too cruel, and the sense of justice in Teacher Huang’s heart makes him unable to sit idly by.

“Enough of you, look at the lanterns, they won’t move anymore.”

Huang Xiaochu stretched out his hand and hugged the lantern.

Then, everyone was shocked.

You know, in the mushroom house on weekdays, the person who most dislikes the lantern is…Huang Xiaochu, sometimes Huang Xiaochu is close to it, and he even dismisses it.

But today, it was incredibly docile.

Holding the lantern in his arms, Huang Xiaochu was surprised by himself.

“Oh my God!!, Xinghe, you said you scared the lanterns so that what you usually hate the most is me, and now you actually let me hold it.”

Huang Xiaochu looked surprised.

Su Xinghe is a little strange: “What’s wrong with you, it bothers you”

He smiled, Huang Xiaochu said: “Actually, it’s nothing. I told it before that I was going to stew the duck. I don’t know if I understand it. Anyway, I won’t kiss me…”

Su Xinghe blinked and suddenly felt that this guy seemed to be no different from himself.

And when I heard Huang Xiaochu’s words, those in the live broadcast room…unknown, therefore, the audience who hadn’t watched previous programs were even more uncomfortable with a smile.

“Poor Lantern, why is it so hard to meet these two guys?”

Lantern: I am the one flustered in my heart where I am!”

“Seriously, I feel that the animals in the Mushroom House are quite interesting. They seem to have spirituality, especially the Dawei Tianlong. They are just like monkeys and monkeys.”

“Upstairs, Dawei and Tianlong are smarter than monkeys.”

“Haha, I was laughing this morning, my boyfriend asked me what I was laughing at when I went to the bathroom.”

“But to be honest, Su Xinghe’s sense of variety shows is absolutely incredible. The invitation of “Longing for Life” to invite him in is simply a stroke of magic!”

…….. “Uncle Huang, brother, quickly let go of the lights! Don’t bully the little animals!”

At this time, Xiao Qingqing washed her face, followed Zifeng and Xie Nan, and saw Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu bullying the lantern, and said quickly.


Su Xinghe was speechless.

You didn’t see it just now, did you come out to be a good person?

“Qingqing, are you really good like this?”

Looking at his baby sister, Su Xinghe said: “You forgot how you used to treat Dawei and Tianlong when you were a kid, and let Tianlong go swimming in the river to show you, and let Dawei climb a tree to show you, you forget. Yet”

Puff! The audience and the group of people in the mushroom house laughed.

Let the cat climb the tree! Let the dog swim! This Qingqing is also a bear kid! Su Xinghe looked at the little girl.

Humph! After Qingqing was exposed by her brother, she blinked and raised her head to look at the sky.

Brother smelly! For the sake of so many people in the family, she doesn’t know her like her brother.

Otherwise, she has to let her brother, what is the iron fist of love! The audience is laughing crazy at this time.

At the beginning of Qingqing’s performance, they thought it was quite serious.

The result was debunked in the next moment.

Everyone is speechless.

“Haha, this kid is so funny.”

“Brothers and sisters, this is.”

“I feel that the Star God is right, do you remember that when Qing Qing appeared on the scene for the first time, she almost fell, how accurate is Dawei, obviously she does it often.”

“Don’t say it, it seems it really is”

“But to be honest, this kid Qingqing, this abdomen is so dark!”

…I have to say that they are making such a fuss, in the early morning, the audience in the live broadcast room, and the show, they are all very happy.

“Brother Su, can you teach me to write a script”

At this time, Zifeng walked to Su Xinghe and whispered.


Su Xinghe was startled.

Then he laughed: “Well, when you finish the college entrance examination, I will teach you personally, hands-on.”

“Go ahead, hold your head and stay away from our Zifeng.”

Huang Xiaochu’s eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Su Xinghe and said angrily.

To be honest, today’s Zifeng has already become a big girl, standing there, it feels like she is pure and lovely.

As an audience who watched her grow up, whether it was the elders around her, they all really liked her.

Ringing! Just as everyone was talking, the phone rang.

“I go.”

Sister Zifeng just happened to be a little shy, and at this time she ran into the house quickly.

Su Xinghe smiled and followed in.

As he walked, he smiled and said, “I’ll go too, I will try to recognize which one it is.”

“Don’t make trouble.”

Huang Xiaochu said: “Don’t be ashamed, you don’t recognize people.”

“How could it be possible that they are all entertainers, can’t you hear the sound?”

Su Xinghe didn’t care.

He didn’t notice, Huang Xiaochu, who was following him, looked at him with pity.

Poor boy! He didn’t know how shameless the program group he yearned for was now.

When Su Xinghe walked over, Zifeng had already answered the phone.

“Hey, thunder roar!”

When he opened his mouth, it turned out to be Hong Kong Island accent.

Fuck, Su Xinghe suddenly became calm.

Just when everyone thought he was going to answer the phone, this guy naturally stepped past sister Zifeng, preparing to walk upstairs.

“Hey, hey, that friend, that friend who is going to go upstairs, don’t go.”

At this time, the voice on the phone changed again.

Moreover, the other party is obviously watching the live broadcast, otherwise it is impossible to know Su Xinghe’s movements.

Su Xinghe was dumbfounded.

At the mushroom house, everyone smiled and looked at Su Xinghe.

Let’s see what you do this time! “Well, ah, I said that friends who watched the live broadcast, since you know me, you should know what kind of person I am.”

Su Xinghe was slightly embarrassed, turned his head, and came to the phone.

After thinking about it, he said: “I think so, everyone guesses, especially the audience friends in the live broadcast room, if you can guess who this person is, I will give away a signed photo!”

Fuck! The fans in the live broadcast room were immediately excited, and they all guessed on the barrage.

Of course, most people are thinking about joining in the fun, and many people are just… guessing.

Su Xinghe held the phone and looked at the barrage above, guessing wildly in his heart.

At this time, Zifeng’s heart moved, thinking of the previous guest list.

After thinking about it, she said, “Is it sister Yang Mi?”


The person on the phone quickly denied.

Su Xinghe’s expression changed when she heard the name Yang Mi.

It’s just that the camera didn’t notice it.

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