Chapter 86 The Great Devil Su Xinghe (2/10 ask for automatic subscription!)

Hu Ge was sent away, and Su Xinghe returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the lantern squatting in the pavilion.

In the past few days, these…Pets, he is…I have become familiar with him, and I am not so afraid of people.

“Lamp, do you want to eat roast duck”

Su Xinghe crouched in front of the lantern, and said solemnly to the lantern: “What do you think of me making you an authentic Yanjing roast duck at night?”

!!! The lens faithfully recorded what Su Xinghe did just now.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

“Star God, I advise you to be kind!”

“Point to the monk to scold the bald donkey, point to the lantern to eat roast duck”

“Dogdan! What the hell are you,! You are actually like this Su Xinghe!”

“Why, I suddenly have a snack, this product has no lower limit, no wonder I would write novels in several vests, and I still like to break the news so much.”

“Lantern: My name is Lantern. It’s a duck. Someone wants me to eat roast duck. How can I wait online? I’m very anxious!”

no way.

Su Xinghe’s performance just now was really unexpected.

Think about it, a goddess suddenly fart in the public, that kind of feeling, tut.

It’s so confusing! What’s even more frightening is that the lantern seems to realize what the human being is making a crooked idea in front of him. He glanced at Su Xinghe, took a horoscope, and walked away…”Hey, lantern. Are you dissatisfied with me?”

Su Xinghe asked naively.

With that said, this guy actually chased behind the lantern.

The poor colored lantern turned around and took a look, and found that Su Xinghe was getting closer and closer… “Quack!”

With two crisp sounds, the colorful lights fluttered.

Damn it! Su Xinghe’s whole body is not good.

What the hell! I was actually rejected by a duck.

He can obviously feel that the look in his eyes just now with the lantern is really wrong! “Rainbow, you stop for me.


Su Xinghe didn’t say a word, and hurried to chase after him.

He must let the lanterns know who is the real owner of this house today! Watching Su Xinghe happily chasing the lanterns, the audience all smiled, this guy, how come there is no such thing as a star’s shelf and burden Woolen cloth.

Could it be that he doesn’t care about the evaluation of the outside world and think about it carefully, it is really the case.

When a person stays away from the media and information, unconsciously, an unmanned vacuum zone will be created.

As if isolated from the world, it was completely quiet.

This is the current state of Su Xinghe.

For Su Xinghe, participating in “The Longing for Life” is…part of him, he did not treat this show as a show, but as a life.

Therefore, he will do what he wants to do so casually.

Huang Xiaochu, who ran back in the morning, looked at the ass running after the lantern, with a dazed expression.

“Xinghe, what are you doing?”

Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe.

“It’s okay, Teacher Huang, I will play with the lantern for a while!”

Su Xinghe didn’t reply when he heard the words.

Huang Xiaochu was even more confused.What was the situation? Then, Teacher He walked out of the room.

“What is Xinghe doing?”

Huang Xiaochu asked.

“Hey, I just watched the live broadcast. This guy came back after sending Hu Ge and said he would make a roast duck for the lantern. The lantern collapsed and he was running for his life!”

Teacher He smiled.

“…He is so boring.”

Huang Xiaochu was surprised at first, and then he was full of contempt.

A dignified star and great writer actually competed with a duck. You said that this is not boring, but I have to say that Su Xinghe’s deterrent against lanterns is too great, no matter what he says, lanterns are. … avoid him.

And the level of vigorous footwork is almost comparable to that of an athlete! Well, this is a sports duck.

“Xinghe, stop making trouble, you can’t catch him.”

Seeing Su Xinghe still competing with the lanterns, Huang Xiaochu couldn’t stand it anymore, holding his teacup, walked to the yard and said with a smile.

Su Xinghe smiled upon hearing this, “Mr. Huang, don’t underestimate me!”


Huang Xiaochu was startled.

Just watch Su Xinghe blow a whistle suddenly.

“Dawei Tianlong! Come out!”

next moment.

Two figures of a cat and a dog appeared in the yard.

The orange cat Dawei and the Husky Dragon, like two soldiers undergoing inspection, walked to Su Xinghe.

“Dawei is on the left, Tianlong is on the right, go up!”

Su Xinghe gestured and ordered Dawei and Tianlongdao.

“no kidding.”

When Huang Xiaochu saw this scene, he was speechless and said with a smile.

“Yes, let’s clean up, and there will be new guests today.”

Teacher He also nodded.

In the eyes of both of them, Su Xinghe is pure…noise, even if Dawei and Tianlong are usually very human, but how do they execute such complicated commands? In fact, it is not only Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He, but the entire live broadcast. In the audience, no one is optimistic about Su Xinghe’s next plan.

In their opinion, Su Xinghe is just…thinking about it.

However, what they never expected was that what happened next shocked everyone.

Just after Su Xinghe’s order was issued, Dawei and Tianlong, who were originally like two soldiers guarding Su Xinghe’s side at a glance, actually acted! Orange cat Dawei stepped in four directions, slowly approaching the lantern, mouth It also issued a message, “Don’t move the lantern, otherwise be careful. I’m not polite to you.”

However, the Husky Tianlong had a serious expression, and his throat made bursts of roars from time to time, obviously because of luck.

The poor lantern was still there just now: fortunate to have avoided that… terrible human being.

But I didn’t expect it.

I was actually surrounded by a cat and a dog! Looking at the surroundings in despair, Lan Lan Nuoji felt that his duckling seemed to have lost its luster.

And that… the man who is walking is simply… the legendary big devil! It’s terrible! And in the live broadcast room, the audience has collapsed.

“Oh my God, is this helping the gang to abuse?”

“I think, Su Xinghe is a pet, obviously…two monsters.”

“Yes, Dawei and Tianlong are so smart!”

“Haha, I found the lantern trembling!”

“Star God, isn’t it good to be a person? I advise you to be kind.”

“Don’t let go of even a duck, Star God, you are too vicious!”

“Distressed for my colorful lanterns, how come I met such a strange flower? What kind of scares did it look like, it was trembling just now, right?”

There is everything, at this moment, the lantern has become a poor baby that everyone sympathizes with.

Of course, the big devil is naturally Su Xinghe.

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