Chapter 63 Real love is Hu Ge? (Seeking evaluation votes)

Back to the mushroom house.

Several people put the pineapples in the yard, and the staff will take them away when they come back.

“I’m exhausted.”

Peng Peng sat in the pavilion, breathing heavily.

“Take a rest, you guys first take a shower or something.”

Teacher He said to a few girls.

After all, it is a female artist who cares about the image.

When I went out in the morning, they all put on makeup.

As a result, now, because of sweat, the makeup has been destroyed, and it looks a little embarrassing.

Naturally, the girls had no opinion, and they went into the house and lined up to take a bath.

“When they are done, let’s wash it again.”

Huang Xiaochu said with a smile.

After all, a few men are better.

Women bathing is naturally super slow, even if it’s just a shower, they successfully used it for more than an hour.

When it was the turn of a few men, everyone was dry.

But taking a shower is still very comfortable.

Sitting contentedly in the pavilion, watching Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu cook lunch for everyone, it feels really pleasant.

“You said, what should Xinghe look for to find a girlfriend?”

Teacher He looked at Su Xinghe’s busy back and asked several girls.


The girls looked at each other.

After a while, Li Yan said: “Seriously, I feel that Teacher Su is too perfect, really.”


Song Qian also nodded: “Teacher He, do you know that, I think he seems to be so far away from us.”

The two of them are unfamiliar with Su Xinghe, so they look at Su Xinghe from different angles.

Teacher He was a little surprised: “As for?”

“Of course as for.”

Song Qian and Li Yan almost nodded together.

“Teacher He, think about it, Mr. Su became famous so early, so naturally, there is no need to mention his talents. He can write novels, write, and cook. He is handsome. Do you think he has any shortcomings?”

Li Yan looked at He Jiong and asked.


He Jiong was startled, what Li Yi said was true.

Su Xinghe is perfect!

This guy is like a male god with no shortcomings.

It makes people feel a little bit ashamed.

“He has a poisonous tongue!”

At this moment, Zhao Liying said suddenly.

? ? ?

Everyone was stunned and looked at her in surprise.

Student Baozi had a calm face, and didn’t feel the consciousness of becoming the focus of everyone at all.

“Liying, what did you just say?” Teacher He asked somewhat surprised.

Zhao Liying, who has already begun to be called Baozi on the Internet, shrugged: “I would never find a boyfriend like Brother Su anyway. You don’t know how terrible he was when he was filming! Hu Ge originally filmed “The Pretender” “At the time, he was scolded by him and cried, do you dare to believe it?”

Damn it!

Everyone was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also dumbfounded.

Hu Ge?

Was he crying by Su Xinghe?

! ! !

This news is simply amazing!

“Liying, are you kidding me?”

Teacher He asked Zhao Liying in surprise.

“of course not.”

Zhao Liying also knew that the camera was on and she couldn’t talk nonsense, but she had a good relationship with Hu Ge, and she also knew that Lao Hu was obsessed with this matter, so she explained.

“At that time, Hu Ge was just transitioning. When he was acting, he always felt like he couldn’t find his position. The script was written for him specially by Big Brother Su, and his investment was saved bit by bit. At that time, everyone was in good shape. Unable to find the state, he almost exploded Big Brother Su with anger.”

“Later he simply forced Hu Ge to shoot. When the scene was the most, it took half a month and repeated dozens of times. Hu Ge really cried!”

With Zhao Liying’s narrative, everyone knew that the “Pretender” that turned Hu Ge back then had so many inside stories.

But I have to say that the friendship between Su Xinghe and Hu Ge is really good.

“I heard that Brother Su had mortgaged all the house at the time, and only then collected the money to shoot that movie.”

Zhao Liying’s last words immediately caused a big wave of rendering in the live broadcast room!

“Really, the relationship between two people is so good?”

“If what Xiao Gu said is true, wouldn’t it mean that without Su Xinghe, there would be no Lao Hu today?”

“Oh my God! I’m a little drunk.”

“These two are true love, right?”

“Specially write scripts and mortgage the house to make a movie. I think this is a TV series.”

The audience in the live broadcast room soon went to Weibo to circle Hu Ge.

Moreover, the news of [Su Xinghe cursing and crying Hu Ge] quickly entered the real-time hot search on Weibo.

Even more surprising is that

After half an hour, Hu Ge, who had never posted much on Weibo, actually sent a message.

@赵丽影: Dare to explode my information, don’t forget, the video of you eating six buns is still with me! Also, tell Su Xinghe, let him wait for me, this time I don’t drink him under the table, I will give him his surname!

As soon as the news came out, Weibo was instantly detonated!

PS: Seeking evaluation votes! Seeking flowers for support! *

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