Chapter 62 A family (seeking a flower evaluation ticket)

I have to say that Peng ** is a pistachio.

Everyone changed their equipment, left the bamboo building together, and headed for the orchard that the program group had looked for before.

Of course, compared with Su Xinghe’s orchard, it must be a lot worse.

The crowd was mighty, plus the little Qingqing who was jumping around, it was so lively.

“Longing for Life” is now four seasons.

Although there used to be a group of guests working in Shimoda, it was the first time for a group of beautiful women like today.

Seeing the goddess in my heart turn into clothes for farm work, picking pineapples and bananas, this feeling is really interesting.

The fans in the live broadcast room were very excited.

Soon, everyone came to the pineapple field.

“Let’s start, a group of two.”

Teacher He assigns work to everyone.

Peng Peng and Zifeng are in a group. Teacher Huang takes Li Yan, and Teacher He takes Song Qian.

When he arrived at Su Xinghe, he originally planned to go with Liu Tao and ask Zhao Liying to help coax the children and take Qingqing to play.

But Liu Tao actually proposed that she wanted to play with Qingqing for a while.

Naturally, everyone has no opinion.


Su Xinghe took Zhao Liying to pick pineapples, while Liu Tao led Qingqing around to help everyone.

The pineapples here have already matured, and the big golden pineapple in the sunshine makes people happy.

“Pick a pineapple, pick a big pineapple…”

While picking pineapples, Zhao Liying was humming a song happily there.

Teacher He, who was next to him, simply sang a folk song again: “Hey the sun comes out, hey, hey, hey……”

A few girls even picked it up while chatting.

Not to mention,

This atmosphere made the audience in the live broadcast room happily watching.

Soon, they picked four big baskets of pineapples.

“Send these back first.”

Su Xinghe said to Teacher He.

“Okay, I’ll come, I’ll come.”

Teacher He volunteered.

Su Xinghe glanced at him and smiled.

“You fellow, don’t underestimate me.”

Teacher He snorted and quickly walked to the basket of pineapples and carried the basket with a pole.


He was embarrassed.

Because he is too thin, even though he was carrying it.

But after a few steps, Teacher He couldn’t carry it anymore!

He quickly put down the pole, Teacher He turned his head and looked at her partner Song Qian: “Qianqian, don’t pick it, come and help me carry the pineapple!”

Song Qian looked dazed and walked over with the pineapple in her hand.

“Teacher He, this, I can’t handle it either.”

Although she made her debut abroad, Song Qian is just a girl, and she definitely can’t carry the two baskets that Teacher He can’t carry.

“It’s fine if you two carry it together.”

Su Xinghe smiled and gave an idea from the side.


Teacher He nodded quickly.

Then he put the two baskets of pineapples between the poles and carried them back together with Song Qian.

These two people, one thin and one female, carrying two large baskets, walked and swayed, really making everyone laugh bad.

“Hahahaha, it looks like a penguin!”

Peng Peng pointed to Teacher He and said to Song Qian.

“Don’t say it, it looks like it.”

Su Xinghe also laughed, and simply imitated Mr. He.

Teacher He was anxious, so he simply put down the pole and was about to fight Su Xinghe!

“Don’t don’t don’t, Teacher He, can I help you carry it?”

Su Xinghe said decisively.

Teacher He is so old, respect the old and love the young.

After speaking, he looked at someone who was watching the excitement there.

“Peng Peng, young man, exercise more!”


Peng Peng looked dumbfounded.

why me?

“Oh, you are a young man, so those who can do more work.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Peng Peng: “You said Teacher He is so old, if you flash your waist, how can you bear it?”


Teacher He was very injured.

As for the others, they all laughed.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help laughing.

In their view, this is the longing life.

A group of confidants and friends, get together, have the joy of labor and delicious food.

Soon, they picked five baskets of pineapples.

“In this way, Peng Peng and I carry two baskets, and the remaining two of you carry one basket.”

Su Xinghe said to everyone: “Let’s get these first, and let’s go back to eat, how about it?”

After all, they are all celebrities, and it is impossible to do heavy work. Everyone is tired after picking so many pineapples.

“Well, let’s call it a day.”

Teacher He discussed with Huang Xiaochu and finally nodded.

After all, today is not specifically for recording or live broadcasting, but just to give you a taste of rural life.

In the warm sunshine, everyone wearing straw hats and carrying baskets of pineapples walked on the country roads.

Until a long time later, all the audience felt that this scene was the most welcoming scene of the whole yearning for the fourth season. *

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