Chapter 59 “Three Body” (seeking flowers evaluation votes)

“What is the Hugo Award?”

“Hehe, one of the highest awards in the world’s science fiction literature!”

“My god, I just checked, the Hugo Award is hailed as the Nobel Prize for Science Fiction Literature!”

“What do you mean, Su Xinghe wrote a science fiction novel?”

“Yes, I just found the report, Best Novelist, Su Xinghe.”

“According to foreigners, they like to put the first name on the front and the last name on the back.”

“Haha, this time Liu Xinda is dumbfounded!”

“With the ability, you say that science fiction is not literature!”

“Great! Su Xinghe! Great!”

In fact, it’s not just a live broadcast room.

Even the scene of the mushroom house,

All the artists and staff were also stunned.

This year, the information is very developed. What is the Hugo Award? You can find out by searching the Internet.

And the more so, the more shocked these people.

Su Xinghe is so amazing!

Someone on the Internet just said that he would only write sensational online novels.

Can be in a blink of an eye.

They won the Science Fiction World Award!

This face slapped!


“Xinghe, congratulations!”

Huang Xiaochu pulled Su Xinghe.

“Yeah, Xinghe, you really won honor to our Hua Department Asia!” Teacher He was also very happy.

“It’s amazing.”

“Yeah, awesome!”

Not to mention Li Yan and Song Qian, their eyes lit up when they looked at Su Xinghe.

It was the first time they saw such a talented man.

Not to mention Zhao Liying, the whole person was very happy, holding the phone directly, found the Weibo that announced Su Xinghe’s award, and forwarded it.

“Repost this Weibo, and draw 666 lucky fans tomorrow night, each of whom will receive 1,000 yuan in cash!”

When this Weibo was posted, it caused a sensation.

But she did not criticize her for doing so.

After all, Baozi had already said in the show before that she was discovered by Su Xinghe.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Su Xinghe is her Bole of Zhao Liying.

Now that Su Xinghe has such a happy event, it is reasonable for her to stand up and help out.

On the side of the program group, there are staff members who like science fiction literature, who are already waiting there with a small book.

Their purpose is very clear,

I hope Su Xinghe will sign them.

“Teacher Su, you are amazing!”

“Yes, the pride of our Chinese sub-science fiction literature!”

“Thank you for writing such a good work!”

“Come on! Teacher Su!”

Everyone who asks Su Xinghe to sign will cheer for him.

It’s really because of the development of science fiction literature in Hua Xia, which is really too difficult.

For so many years, there have not been a few good works that are truly world-renowned, let alone film and television.

The previous “Magic Fortress” claimed to have a production cost of 500 million,

It turned out…

All right.

Except for a fan of a certain idol, no one who has watched that movie seemed to say it was good.


Huaxiya also has high-quality science fiction films. The previous “Wandering Blue”, which has a box office of nearly six billion, can be called a classic.

But from a literary point of view, the science fiction literature of Huaxiya has always been a desert.

And now,

The appearance of Su Xinghe made up for this gap.

The entire Chinese sub-science fiction circle is boiling!

[Su Xinghe wins the Hugo Award]

This news quickly made it to the top of the hot search on Weibo.


After the excitement, everyone sat in the pavilion.

“Xinghe, you are amazing!”

As a representative, Mr. He said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe laughed: “Teacher He, you have passed the award.”

“Can you talk about the specific content of this work?”

Teacher He asked Su Xinghe.

Everyone just knows that he won the prize. The specifics are still unclear.

“This novel is called “Three-Body”.”

Su Xinghe started to introduce it to everyone.

This is a story about an alien civilization. Human astronomers, because of their disappointment in human nature, sent a signal to the universe and attracted an alien civilization, but unfortunately, these Trisolarans were not meant to save mankind. But for destruction and occupation…

I have to say that Su Xinghe’s story is fascinating. Although he only told part of it, everyone was still attracted.

“Brother Su, your setting is great!”

Peng Peng admired.

“But why, I think it might be a tragedy in the end?” Huang Xiaochu frowned.

Su Xinghe shrugged: “I have only written the first and second parts now, and I haven’t written them yet.”

Of course he wouldn’t tell Huang Xiaochu, the following was indeed a tragedy as he guessed.

In other words, a tragedy ruined by the Virgin Mary.

After all, in Su Xinghe’s memory, although the first two parts of “Three Body” are full of hope, the ending of the third part is indeed a dark novel.

But sometimes, the reason why a novel becomes a classic is precisely because of the true cruelty that the novel shows. *

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