Chapter 58 What is the Hugo Award? (Seeking flowers evaluation ticket)

Since it is a family member, Su Xinghe certainly will not let Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He become targets for others to attack.

He has already planned to expose several of his identities so that he can suppress the heat before.

In the live broadcast room, because of what Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He said,

The audience has divided.

“It’s really interesting, the longing program group is for Su Xinghe station!”

“I think the experts are right. Internet novels are really not literary.”

“Fart! Are the novels that moan all day long without illness, is literature?”

“The key is Su Xinghe, what he wrote has all themes.”

“Hehe, he is also worthy to write web articles.”

“Maybe how many guns were handwritten.”


In the barrage of the live broadcast, Su Xinghe’s supporters and those who opposed it quickly started a debate.

In fact, some of the traditional writers watched this live broadcast again.


That Liu Xinda posted another Weibo on the Internet.

“I have never opposed Yangchun Baixue and the people of Xia Liba, but the words written by Su Xinghe prove that he can only write the so-called online novels on the Internet, and he is not worthy of being called a writer at all!”

This Weibo quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Directly into the top ten of the hot search!

Even the program group received the news.

A large number of netizens poured into the live broadcast room.

Su Xinghe, and also from the director, got the news on the Internet.

He simply took the phone and looked at the barrage.

Then his face was hard to look.

He really didn’t expect that there would be such a shameless person.

“Brother Su, don’t be angry.”

At this time, Peng Peng actually spoke up.

“I think you only need to write what you want to write. Time will tell!”

Peng Peng said seriously.

Su Xinghe smiled, and when he was about to speak, the phone rang.

I took a look at the caller ID,

Su Xinghe stood up, walked aside and started answering the phone.

After a while, his expression became extremely exciting.

“What’s wrong, Xinghe?”

Seeing Su Xinghe’s face after answering the phone, Huang Xiaochu asked strangely.

Su Xinghe smiled: “It’s nothing, it’s just a novel I wrote before and I won the prize.”


Huang Xiaochu was startled, and then laughed: “Is that so, congratulations.”

Anyway, this is a good thing.

Su Xinghe nodded himself: “Thank you, Teacher Huang.”

Others naturally congratulated Su Xinghe.

The viewers in the live broadcast room did not know what was going on, but the fans naturally congratulated Su Xinghe.

And those keyboard guys began to mock.

“Hehe, which broken novel is this again? Which website is it for?”

“A waste of talent!”

“Talk about waste, is Su Xinghe talented?”

Soon, a big wave of rhythm appeared on the barrage again.

Although Su Xinghe fans and longing fans want to refute each other, there is a saying that is correct. The online novels written by Su Xinghe are indeed not officially recognized.

Therefore, their rebuttal looked pale and weak.

The director looked at the barrage data in the live broadcast room, and his face became more gloomy. If according to the plan Su Xinghe said before, he exposed a few identities to cover up the heat.

It seems that it is already difficult to suppress this matter.

Nowadays, there are more than 30 million viewers in the live broadcast room, and the rhythm is so big, which is not a good thing!

At this moment,

A staff member suddenly stumbled and ran over.

“Director, director!”

“What is it?”

“No, look at this, look at this!”

The staff handed the phone to the director.

The director was a little surprised. He picked it up and took a look, and he was dumbfounded.

“Well, isn’t this a joke?”

After a while, the director said bitterly.

“I just saw it too.”

The man looked surprised: “I usually like to read science fiction, but I didn’t expect it. I just took a look and saw this!”

“Hurry up, contact Teacher Huang!”

Without saying anything, the director directly talked to Huang Xiaochu with his mobile phone in the earphones.

This side of the mushroom house.

Huang Xiaochu was dumbfounded when he heard the director’s words.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing.

“Um, Xinghe, let me ask you, what is the name of the prize you just won?”

Huang Xiaochu looked at Su Xinghe and asked cautiously.

Su Xinghe smiled upon hearing the words: “It’s called the Hugo Award. It’s to commemorate a writer. What’s wrong?”

Huang Xiaochu let out a sigh of relief.


He took out his mobile phone, searched it, and held it to the camera.

“Audience friends, please take a look at this.”

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little strange, but they could wait for them to read the content on Huang Xiaochu’s phone clearly.

Everyone is stupid.


There is only one line on it.

“Recently, the World Science Fiction Convention decided to award the best feature story of the 73rd Hugo Awards to Chinese writer Xinghe Su!”

that moment,

The live broadcast room exploded! *

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